


Compiling & Installing HTK under Windows
    * HTK has been verified to compile using Microsoft Visual Studio.                          //  
    * For testing, you will require a Perl interpreter such as                                       //需要安装ActicePerl解释器
    * You will need a tool such as 7-zip or winzip (commercial) for unpacking
      the HTK source code archive.
    * It is helpful if you have some familiarity with using the DOS
      command line interface, as you will need to interact with it in
      order to compile, install and run HTK.
    * Ensure that your PATH contains                                                                     //路径里面要包含如下的路径
      C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin
      Or if you are using older versions:
      C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin

Compilation:                                                                                                     //安装过程
   1. Unpack the HTK sources using 7-zip.
   2. Open a DOS command window: Click Start, select Run type cmd at
      the prompt and click OK.
   3. cd into the directory in which you unpacked the sources.
   4. cd into the htk directory. Type:

cd htk

5. Create a directory for the library and tools. Type:

mkdir bin.win32

6. Run VCVARS32 (it should be in your path, see prerequisites above)
   7. Build the HTK Library, which provides the common functionality
      used by the HTK Tools. Enter the following commands:

cd HTKLib
   nmake /f htk_htklib_nt.mkf all
   cd ..

8. Build the HTK Tools

cd HTKTools
   nmake /f htk_htktools_nt.mkf all
   cd ..
   cd HLMLib
   nmake /f htk_hlmlib_nt.mkf all
   cd ..
   cd HLMTools
   nmake /f htk_hlmtools_nt.mkf all
   cd ..

The HTK tools have now been built and are in the bin.win32
directory. You should add this directory to your PATH, so that you can
run them easily from the command line in future.

Testing the Installation                                                                                          //测试

Among the samples on the HTK website you'll find the HTKDemo package
that can be used to test your installation. See
http://htk.eng.cam.ac.uk/download.shtml for download instructions.

As an initial test of the installation please run the HTK
demonstration using the configuration file
HTKDemo/configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf. There is a README file in the                 //在readme文件中会讲到该测试例子的详细细节
HTKDemo directory explaining the operation of the demonstration in
detail but, in short, you need to run the demonstration script passing
it the configuration file configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf as input.
To test the language modelling tools you should follow the tutorial
in the HTK book, using the files in the LMTutorial/ directory.

Before running the demo make sure you have compiled all the HTK tools
and the executables are in your PATH, i.e. just typing 'HInit' at the
commandline prints a short usage summary. To run the demonstration

$ cd HTKDemo
$ ./runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf



1.must be in derectory HTKDemo to run this script  这个问题纠结了我半天。后来在网上找了一些前人的经验,具体可以看测试中的用到的pl文件,用ultraedit打开,在里面会有这一行语句

($get_dir =~ "HTKDEMO") || die "Must be in directory HTKDemo to run this script\n";


2.不能打开文件的错误。cannot open ??? file

需要在HTKDemo文件夹下建立test, proto,hmms 三个文件夹,并在hmms文件夹中建立三个子文件夹hmm.0,hmm.1,hmm.2






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