开源点云数据处理 开源

An ideal working environment for the thin clients built around the cloud should ideally hold the below mentioned features :


  • Ease of customization
  • Either an affordable or free OS
  • Availability of every application that is required, at an affordable or free of charge
  • Networking built into the operating system core
  • Should hold the capability of fitting smaller devices as well
  • It should offer Flexibility and enough powerful for running full laptops
  • Enough greedy in conserving battery life to the most possible degree

Well, all these criterion’s can be fulfilled by Linux. Moreover, even the mobile devices, organizational space and the embedded spaces are making use of Linux. With its use and the combination of Virtual Private Server, even the applications that are primarily designed for Windows, Macs and rest of the OS’s, Linux has been proving itself to be a versatile OS.

好了,所有这些标准都可以由Linux满足。 而且,甚至移动设备,组织空间和嵌入式空间都在使用Linux。 结合使用和虚拟专用服务器 , 即使是主要为Windows,Mac和其他操作系统设计的应用程序,Linux也被证明是一种多功能的操作系统。

Linux:用于云托管的操作系统 (Linux: An OS for the cloud hosting)

Linux has gone through a number of advancements and improvements and as a result is a product that is being considered to be viable as an embedded OS. Its offering of flexibility with respect to cost and royalty-free licensing, has helped in revolutionizing an entire Industry which faced the monopoly due limited number of players who demanded stiff per-unit royalties. With the time that is passing-by, Linux now has support in real-time and a reliable driver support, which ultimately offers a level of flexibility that was hard to even dream about initially and the availability of required applications is exceptional. Majority of the latest gadgets and devices are making use of Linux as an OS. A perfect example would be its use in the Smartphones, Netbooks, Tablets etc. which is expected to grow even larger.

Linux经历了许多进步和改进,因此,该产品被认为可以作为嵌入式OS生存。 它在成本和免版税使用许可方面的灵活性提供了帮助,改变了整个行业,该行业面临垄断,原因是有限的参与者要求严格的单位使用费。 随着时间的流逝,Linux现在具有实时支持和可靠的驱动程序支持,最终提供了一定程度的灵活性,这甚至在最初就连梦都想不到,而且所需应用程序的可用性非常出色。 大多数最新的小工具和设备都在使用Linux作为操作系统。 一个完美的例子是它在智能手机,上网本,平板电脑等中的使用,并且有望进一步扩大。

Its qualities such the offering of flexibility, developer control, power-management facilities and overall stability, has help it in promoting itself to be well suited to older, recycled systems. Now, even your old computing hardware can be re-used with simply loading Linux on it.

它提供的灵活性,开发人员控制,电源管理设施和整体稳定性等品质帮助其提升了自己的能力,使其非常适合于较旧的可回收系统。 现在,只需在上面加载Linux,就可以重用旧的计算硬件。

应用程序和云 (Applications and the cloud)

Apart from the OS, applications play a necessary role in the architecture as well. It is something that helps users with gaining access to the Cloud. Doing so, it is also important to take the cost factor into consideration. It is just because of the cloud that the concept of thin clients have been possible, more importantly, keeping it a cost effective option is the challenge which can be overtaken by controlling the cost of the software running it.

除操作系统外,应用程序在体系结构中也起着必要的作用。 它可以帮助用户获得对云的访问权限。 这样做,考虑成本因素也很重要。 正是由于云的缘故,瘦客户机的概念才得以实现,更重要的是,使其成为一种具有成本效益的选择是一项挑战,可以通过控制运行它的软件的成本来克服这一挑战。

As most of us are aware, few of the highly powerful network-oriented applications currently present are freely available, for example the Internet browsers like Firefox, Opera, Chrome , e-mail clients like Thunderbird, Evolution, instant messaging applications like Pidgin, Konversation and the multi-platform application environments like the Java technology. So making use of a combination of any of these offerings can help in making an awesome thin client and that too without the need of paying anything for that.

正如我们大多数人所知道的那样,当前存在的一些功能强大的面向网络的应用程序几乎免费提供,例如Firefox,Opera,Chrome等Internet浏览器,Thunderbird,Evolution等电子邮件客户端,Pidgin,Konversation等即时消息应用程序以及Java技术等多平台应用程序环境。 因此,结合使用这些产品中的任何一种都可以帮助打造出色的瘦客户机,而且无需为此付出任何代价。

Ofcourse, this should not be misunderstood that there would not be any costs to pay despite the fact that these applications are free. Though the costs would be much lesser than that if all these applications would have asked for a licensing fees. The costs would be on the work done and the efforts taken on designing and implementation of the entire system.

当然,不应误解,尽管这些应用程序是免费的,但无需支付任何费用。 尽管与所有这些应用程序都要求许可费相比,成本要低得多。 成本将取决于完成的工作以及在设计和实施整个系统上付出的努力。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/open-source-cloud-a-promising-future/

开源点云数据处理 开源

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