garmin 945

Scoble (BTW, thanks for the mention) asks Do GPS's work for you? Heck ya.

Scoble (顺便说一句,感谢您的提及)问GPS是否为您工作? 哎呀。

I love me some GPS. We did an article on hooking up to the Streets and Trips (Pharos) GPS with .NET based on EdJez and Kzu's original code.

我爱我一些GPS。 我们根据EdJez和Kzu的原始代码撰写了一篇有关.NET与Streets and Trips(Pharos)GPS的连接的文章。

I talked about GPS's and Geotagging in a podcast earlier this year after Patrick Cauldwell, a geocaching phenom, got me thinking about getting involved in geocaching as a hobby. Portland, where I am, is near where the very first geocache was placed - it's huge here in Oregon.

我在今年早些时候的播客中谈到了GPS和地理标记,这是因为寻地现象Patrick Cauldwell让我考虑作为一种业余爱好来参与寻地。 我所在的波特兰(Portland)就在第一个地理缓存所在的位置附近-俄勒冈州的地理位置非常庞大。

Once you're GPS-enabled, everything gets more interesting. Photos gain a new dimension if you GPS-tag them.

启用GPS后,一切都会变得更加有趣。 如果对GPS进行标记,则照片将获得新的尺寸。

I researched the crap out of GPSs. The TomTom GO 910 is well thought of, particularly in Europe. It's got a 20gig hard drive with the USA, Canada and Europe installed. It's meant to be installed in your car(s) - not carried around. It's rather thick, bigger that I wanted. I also couldn't find it for less than about $790.

我研究了GPS的废话。 TomTom GO 910经过深思熟虑,尤其是在欧洲。 它安装了20gig硬盘,并安装了美国,加拿大和欧洲。 它应安装在您的汽车中-不得随身携带。 我想要的它相当厚,更大。 我也找不到不到790美元的价格。

The Garmin Nuvi is similar to the Tom Tom. However, it's thin. It's about the size and thickness of a deck of cards, except about an extra .5" tall. it's quite thin, and the antenna (the foldy thing in the picture) folds flush. No attachments, no wires except power. It has an internal lithium battery. It pops right off the suction mount using the button at the bottom.

Garmin Nuvi与Tom Tom类似。 但是,它很薄。 它的大小与一副纸牌的大小和厚度有关,除了额外的0.5英寸高。它非常薄,天线(图片中的褶皱物)折叠齐平。没有附件,没有电线,除了电源。它有一个内置锂电池,使用底部的按钮将其从吸盘上弹出。

Like the Tom Tom it also plays MP3s, shows JPEGs, and hooks up directly to Audible. The Audible feature is nicely integrated - it will pause the book for a moment, speak the directions, then start up again having backed up a few seconds so you don't lose your place.

与Tom Tom一样,它也可以播放MP3,显示JPEG并直接连接到Audible 。 Audible功能已经很好地集成了-它将暂停一会儿,说出方向,然后在备份了几秒钟后再次启动,这样您就不会失去位置。

It also supports waypoints and POIs (Points of Interest) from 3rd party providers. Great for preparing a geocaching trip. (There's also lists of Red-Light Cameras you can load in) You tell it if you're in a car or walking (or in a cab, etc) and it gives directions based on that info. The Windows software is pretty sweet too. The Nuvi has an SD Card slot (same as my camera, yay!) and also shows up as a disk drive when plugged in using a standard USB cable. The software automatically updates the firmware and maps over the net when it's connected.

它还支持来自第三方提供商的航路点和POI(兴趣点) 。 非常适合准备寻宝之旅。 (还有一些可以加载的红灯摄像机列表)。如果您是在汽车或步行中(或在出租车等中)告诉您,它会根据该信息给出指示。 Windows软件也很不错。 Nuvi有一个SD卡插槽(与我的相机一样,是的!),并且在使用标准USB电缆插入时也显示为磁盘驱动器。 连接后,软件会自动更新固件并通过网络进行映射。

It also has a nice two-way language translator available and comes with sample data. You select/build sentences by filling in nouns and verbs on the touch screen for common questions: Where is the _____? and it translates and speaks the translation. Slick.

它还有一个不错的双向语言翻译器,并附带示例数据。 您可以通过在触摸屏上填写名词和动词来选择/构建句子,以回答以下常见问题:_____在哪里? 然后翻译说出翻译内容。 光滑

Let me say the TTS (Text to Speech) voices are great. There's many to choose from. I use the Australian chick, she sounds the most natural. The Nuvi speaks the street names, you'll hear "Turn left on Murray Road..." and let me tell you, it makes a difference versus "TURN! Now!"

让我说TTS(文本到语音)的声音很棒。 有很多选择。 我用的是澳大利亚小鸡,她听起来很自然。 努维(Nuvi)会说出街道名称,您会听到“在墨累路(Murray Road)左转...”,然后让我告诉您,这与“转弯!现在!”有所不同。

Here's some reviews of the Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS.

这是Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS的一些评论。

  • CNET User Reviews - "The Garmin Nuvi 350 is a Work of Art!"

    CNET用户评论-“ Garmin Nuvi 350是一件艺术品!”

  • RPV Blogster - "I would rank it at the top 1% of the most useful gadget I ever used.(sic)"

    RPV Blogster- “我会将其排在我用过的最有用的小工具的前1%。(原文如此)”

  • CNET Editors - "The high-performance Garmin Nüvi 350 should be at the top of your list."


  • Joe Mehaffy - "NuVi's GPS receiver sensitivity was the best we have reviewed."

    乔·梅哈菲( Joe Mehaffy) -“ NuVi的GPS接收器灵敏度是我们评测过的最好的。”

  • 37Signals - "Insanely recommended."

    37Signals- “疯狂推荐。”

  • PCMag - "The nüvi 350 from Garmin may well have you prying the plastic out of your wallet."

    PCMag- “ Garmin的nüvi350可能会让您从钱包中撬出塑料。”

This thing retails for $900+ at Best Buy and other places, but you can get it for as low as $600 if you look closely.  It's $620 at Amazon right now. I expect the price on this to drop at least another $200 as Garmin starts to upsell the Garmin Nuvi 360 GPS. The only difference is that the 360 has Bluetooth Phone Support.

该产品在百思买和其他地方的零售价为900美元以上,但如果您仔细观察,则价格低至600美元。 现在在亚马逊上要620美元。 我希望随着Garmin开始加售Garmin Nuvi 360 GPS的价格,价格至少会再下降200美元。 唯一的区别是360具有蓝牙电话支持。

As much as I'd like Bluetooth, I really need to stop talking on the phone. I picked my Nuvi 350 up at the local Best Buy using a combination approach of a "12% of any single item" along with a price-match I forced on them from the Froogle. It CAN be found for around (or under?) $600.

尽我所愿,我真的需要停止在电话上通话。 我使用“任何一件商品的12%”和我从Froogle强迫他们进行的价格匹配的组合方法在当地的百思买挑选了Nuvi 350。 它的价格大约为600美元(或以下)。

The WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) on this is huge. Mo isn't much for directions, counting mostly on monuments. There's been a few times where she got lost, drove home to get me, and had me drive her somewhere. Not being able to get somewhere is very helpless, and while Mo's not big on gadgets, she loves this GPS. The directions are clear, the touch screen is easy to use. Our favorite feature is the "Food near here." We recently had breakfast at the wonderful Sanborn's and never would have found it if we hadn't "asked."

WAF(妻子接受因素)是巨大的。 Mo不需要太多指示,主要依靠纪念碑。 曾经有几次她迷路,开车回家带我,让我把她带到某个地方。 无法到达某个地方非常无助,虽然Mo的小工具并不多,但她喜欢这款GPS。 方向清晰,触摸屏易于使用。 我们最喜欢的功能是“附近的食物”。 我们最近在奇妙的Sanborn家吃早餐,如果我们不“要求”,就永远找不到。

Seriously, Robert, I've done the Streets and Trips "have the wife hold the laptop" thing. It really doesn't work unless you want to mount your TabletPC to your dashboard vents. Mappoint 2006 tried to get turn-by-turn directions right, but barely achieved a late-90s level of mediocrity. Bless them for trying, but Mappoint is a kick-ass geodatamining tool. However, it's directions are poo.

认真的,罗伯特,我已经完成了《街上旅行》中“让妻子拿着笔记本电脑”的事情。 除非您想将TabletPC安装到仪表板通风口,否则它实际上是行不通的。 Mappoint 2006试图找到正确的转弯指示,但几乎没有达到90年代后期的平庸水平。 祝福他们尝试一下,但是Mappoint是一个辅助工具地理数据挖掘工具。 但是,方向是便便。

A dedicated, installed GPS is such a joy. They change one's life in a small, but measurable way like only two other devices have thus far - the iPod and the DVR.

专用的,已安装的GPS真是令人高兴。 它们以微小但可衡量的方式改变了人们的生活,就像到目前为止只有另外两种设备iPod和DVR一样。

Now, the real question, how will Scott Bellware afford a Nuvi?

现在,真正的问题是, Scott Bellware将如何负担Nuvi?


garmin 945

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