
For whatever reason, Windows 10 has made finding screen saver settings unnecessarily complicated. Fret not, though. We’re here to help.

无论出于何种原因,Windows 10都使查找屏幕保护程序设置变得不必要地复杂。 不用担心。 我们在这里为您提供帮助。

  1. Press Windows+I to open the Settings app.按Windows + I打开“设置”应用程序。
  2. Click “Personlization.”点击“个性化”。
  3. Switch to the “Lock Screen” tab.切换到“锁定屏幕”选项卡。
  4. Click the “Screen saver settings” link.单击“屏幕保护程序设置”链接。

Though not strictly necessary on modern LCD displays, screen savers still can be fun. For many of us, they provide something nice to look at—or provide useful information—when our computers go idle after a few minutes. In Windows 10’s continued—and messy—push to move settings from the Control Panel to the new Settings app, the screen saver settings have been relegated to an unexpected slot within the Personalization settings. Worse still, you can’t even get to the setting by searching the Start menu. Here’s how to find it.

尽管在现代LCD显示器上并非绝对必要 ,但屏幕保护程序仍然很有趣。 对于我们中的许多人来说,当计算机在几分钟后进入空闲状态时,它们提供了很好看的东西或提供了有用的信息。 在Windows 10的连续( 且混乱)推动将设置从“控制面板”移动到新的“设置”应用程序的过程中,屏幕保护程序设置已降级到“个性化”设置中的意外插槽。 更糟糕的是,您甚至无法通过搜索“开始”菜单进入设置。 这是找到它的方法。

In previous versions of Windows, you could set screen savers via the Personalization control panel.


You could also perform a quick search for “screen saver” on the Start menu and find the settings that way.


In Windows 10, neither of those methods work. Instead, press Windows+I to open the Settings app, and then click “Personalization.”

在Windows 10中,这些方法都不起作用。 而是,按Windows + I打开“设置”应用,然后单击“个性化”。

On the “Personalization” page, switch to the “Lock screen” tab.


And then click the “Screen saver settings” link.


In the end, you’ll come to the “Screen Saver Settings” dialog box, which should look pretty familiar to you. Nothing about it has changed in the last several versions of Windows.

最后,您将进入“屏幕保护程序设置”对话框,对您来说应该看起来很熟悉。 在Windows的最后几个版本中,它的任何内容都没有改变。

Choose a screen saver from the dropdown, adjust any options via the “Settings” button, set how long Windows should wait before engaging the screen saver, and decide whether it should display the logon screen—and ask for a password—when resuming.


Like we said, screen savers are mostly for fun these days, but hiding the setting is still pretty irritating. Do you still use screen savers on Windows? Have a question or comment you would like to contribute? Please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

就像我们说的那样,这些天屏幕保护程序大部分都是娱乐的,但是隐藏设置仍然很烦人。 您还在Windows上使用屏幕保护程序吗? 有任何问题或意见要发表吗? 请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。



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