
One of my favorite movies as a kid was WarGames with Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy. The 1983 film focuses on Broderick’s character, David Lightman, who is a young hacker who thinks he’s hacking into a software developer but somehow manages to access a United States military supercomputer. After gaining access, Lightman locates what he believes to be a list of computer games and runs a program titled Global Thermonuclear War. The AI David is interacting with is tied into the U.S nuclear weapons control system and attempts to start World War III. The AI system is unable to tell the difference between simulation and reality.

我最喜欢的电影作为一个孩子ØNE与马修·布罗德里克和阿利·希迪战争游戏 。 1983年的电影着重介绍了布罗德里克的角色大卫·莱特曼(David Lightman),他是一名年轻的黑客,认为他正在入侵软件开发人员,但以某种方式设法访问了美国军事超级计算机。 获得访问权限后,莱特曼找到了他认为是电脑游戏的列表,并运行名为“全球热核战争”的程序。 戴维正在与之互动的AI被绑在美国的核武器控制系统上,并试图发动第三次世界大战。 AI系统无法分辨模拟与现实之间的区别。

A more modern showdown between man and machine, with much less dire consequences, has been recently announced. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)has announced that the third round of its AlphaDogfight Trials will include an aerial combat simulation between a human F-16 fighter pilot and an artificial intelligence algorithm. According to Andrew Eversden,

最近宣布了人与机器之间更现代的对决,其可怕后果要少得多。 美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA) 宣布 ,第三轮AlphaDogfight试验将包括在F-16战斗机飞行员与人工智能算法之间进行的空战模拟。 根据安德鲁·埃弗斯登 ( Andrew Eversden)的说法 ,

“The competition is also part of DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution, or ACE, program, which was started in 2019, and seeks to automate air-to-air combat as well as improve human trust in AI systems to bolster human-machine testing.”


什么是AlphaDogfight试用? (What are the AlphaDogfight Trials?)


The mission of the AlphaDogFight trials is “essentially pushing the potential for automated aerial conflicts and boosting the trust military personnel need to have in AI systems.” Gene Kossowan describes the event,

AlphaDogFight试验的任务是“实质上推动自动发生空中冲突的可能性,并增强军事人员对AI系统的信任。” 吉恩·科索旺( Gene Kossowan) 描述了这次活动,

It’s a three-day showdown that starts Aug. 18 between tech teams picked from around the country, each vying for bragging rights when it comes to the ultimate dogfighting algorithm. However, those teams — Aurora Flight Sciences, EpiSys Science, Georgia Tech Research Institute, Heron Systems, Lockheed Martin, Perspecta Labs, PhysicsAI and SoarTech — first need to test their wizardry against five artificial intelligence platforms created by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.

这是一场为期三天的摊牌,从8月18日开始,在全国各地挑选出来的技术团队之间进行争夺,每个团队都在争夺最终的缠斗算法的吹牛权利。 但是,这些团队-Aurora Flight Sciences,EpiSys Science,乔治亚理工学院,Heron Systems,Lockheed Martin,Perspecta Labs,PhysicsAI和SoarTech-首先需要针对由约翰·霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室创建的五个人工智能平台测试其巫术。

The second day involves round-robin competitions to determine the final four. Those winners square off against each other until a winner is determined. At that point, the victorious team will try to outwit and outmaneuver a more organic opponent behind the stick of a virtual F-16 to finish the event.

第二天将进行循环赛比赛,以确定最后四场比赛。 那些获胜者彼此对立,直到确定了获胜者。 届时,胜利的团队将试图在虚拟F-16的控制下击败并操纵一个更加有机的对手,以完成比赛。

The three-day event starts on August 18th and concludes on August 20th with the virtual showdown between the F-16 pilot and the winning algorithm. There is no prize given out for the event other than bragging rights. The event will be streamed live in a webinar on ZoomGov, the U.S. government video conferencing site. Darpa hopes that fighter pilots from across the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, as well “as military leaders and members of the AI tech community, will register and watch online.” The primary goal of the event is to raise awareness of the capabilities of AI and, as Ed Adamczyk writes,

为期三天的活动将于8月18日开始,并于8月20日结束,在F-16飞行员和获胜算法之间进行虚拟对决。 除了吹牛的权利外,没有其他任何奖励。 该活动将在美国政府视频会议网站ZoomGov的网络研讨会上进行现场直播。 Darpa 希望来自空军,海军和海军陆战队的战斗机飞行员以及“军事领导人和AI技术社区的成员,将在网上注册并观看”。 该活动的主要目标是提高人们对AI功能的认识,正如Ed Adamczyk 所写的那样 ,

“ [to] energize and expand a base of AI developers for DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution, or ACE, program, which attempts to automate air-to-air combat and encourage human trust in AI, in an element of improved human-machine teaming.”

“(旨在)为DARPA的空战进化计划(ACE)计划激发并扩大AI开发人员的基础,该计划试图通过改进人机团队,实现空战自动化并鼓励人类对AI的信任。 ”

Col. Dan “Animal” Javorsek, program manager in DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office, will provide remarks during the event. While there is no physical prize to win, Javorsek states,

DARPA战略技术办公室项目经理Dan“ Animal” Javorsek上校将在活动期间致辞。 Javorsek指出,虽然没有任何实物奖励可以赢得,

“Regardless of whether the human or machine wins the final dogfight, the AlphaDogfight Trials is all about increasing trust in AI,” Javorsek said. “If the champion AI earns the respect of an F-16 pilot, we’ll have come one step closer to achieving effective human-machine teaming in air combat, which is the goal of the ACE program.”

Javorsek说:“无论是人类还是机器赢得了最后的角逐,AlphaDogfight试用都是关于增加对AI的信任。” “如果冠军AI赢得了F-16飞行员的尊敬,那么我们将在实现有效的空战人机协作方面迈出一步,这是ACE计划的目标。”

It will be interesting to see how the winning algorithm performs against the human-pilot. Either way, this event should serve as a leap forward in advancing the use of artificial intelligence in military applications. This advancement could prove essential as we see rising tensions with countries like China, who are already employing AI in their navy. For example,

看看获胜算法如何对付人类飞行员将会很有趣。 无论哪种方式,此事件都应成为在军事应用中促进使用人工智能的一次飞跃。 当我们看到与中国这样已经在海军中使用AI的国家之间日益紧张的关系时,这种进步可能至关重要。 例如 ,

“in 2018, the Chinese navy developed autonomous robotic submarines. The submarines assist in accomplishing critical missions without human intervention by making use of AI technology.”

“ 2018年,中国海军研发了自主机器人潜艇。 潜艇通过使用AI技术来协助完成关键任务而无需人工干预。”

It will become increasingly necessary for the U.S. military to further develop AI technologies for military use as a means of maintaining pace with other defense systems across the globe. While the development of these technologies may be necessary, we can only hope that these types of “games” don’t cross over into real-world conflict.

美军越来越需要进一步开发用于军事用途的AI技术,以与全球其他防御系统保持同步。 尽管可能有必要开发这些技术,但我们只能希望这些类型的“游戏”不会跨入现实世界的冲突。

youtube.youtube提供 。

翻译自: https://medium.com/taking-stock/shall-we-play-a-game-8c402e207965




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