自然语言处理 入门

人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)

Hey Siri, set an alarm for 6 AM tomorrow.


Done — your alarm is set for 7 AM tomorrow.


Ever wondered how devices like Siri and Alexa understand and interpret your voice? Have you been slightly annoyed when they couldn’t pick up certain terms? The answer is Natural Language Processing (NLP).

有没有想过Siri和Alexa之类的设备如何理解和解释您的声音? 当他们无法接受某些条款时,您是否有些生气? 答案是自然语言处理(NLP)。

NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that uses both computer science and linguistics to aid computers in understanding “human language.” The purpose of NLP is to bridge the gap between the human language and the command line interface of a computer.

NLP是人工智能的一个分支,使用计算机科学和语言学来帮助计算机理解“人类语言”。 NLP的目的是弥合人类语言和计算机命令行界面之间的鸿沟。

Humans have hundreds of languages like English, Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, or French. Computers, on the other hand, have only one native language, which is called the machine language. All of the processes in your computers and smart devices communicate via millions of zeros and ones to perform a specific function. The machine code is unintelligible to humans, which makes NLP a critical part of human-computer interactions.

人类有数百种语言,例如英语,西班牙语,印地语,中文或法语。 另一方面,计算机只有一种本地语言,称为机器语言。 计算机和智能设备中的所有进程都通过数百万个零和一进行通信以执行特定功能。 机器代码是人类无法理解的,这使NLP成为人机交互的关键部分。

Let us look at some of the core use cases and a few real-world applications of NLP.




Nowadays, people express their feedback through surveys, customer feedback, and social media platforms. As a result, organizations have to rely on software that can understand human emotions expressed via text to understand their customer's feedback. These analyses are used to adapt products and services to meet customer expectations. Sentiment analysis is a crucial tool to help achieve this goal.

如今,人们通过调查,客户反馈和社交媒体平台表达他们的反馈。 结果,组织必须依靠能够理解通过文本表达的人类情感的软件来理解其客户的反馈。 这些分析用于调整产品和服务以满足客户的期望。 情感分析是帮助实现此目标的关键工具。

Sentiment Analysis is the process of identifying opinions expressed in text and understand whether the author’s attitude towards the discussed product or service is positive, neutral, or negative.


Real-Time Sentiment analysis helps in identifying critical issues in real-time. For example, whenever a crisis or a scandal is about to affect an organization due to escalating protests on social media, businesses can rely on sentiment analysis models to quickly recognize the issues and get in front of the customer and address it before it blows out of proportion.

实时情绪分析有助于实时识别关键问题。 例如,每当危机或丑闻将因社交媒体上的抗议活动升级而影响到组织时,企业可以依靠情绪分析模型来快速识别问题并在客户面前解决并解决问题比例。

Here is an article by MonkeyLearn that explains Sentiment Analysis in depth.



NLP is used extensively in spam filtering as well. The function of a spam filter is to spot unwanted e-mails and send them in a separate folder instead of your regular inbox.

NLP也广泛用于垃圾邮件过滤。 垃圾邮件过滤器的功能是发现不需要的电子邮件,并将其发送到单独的文件夹中,而不是常规的收件箱中。

Simple spam filtering can be achieved using classification models in machine learning. However, NLP provides better capabilities to distinguish between useful emails and real-spam. NLP techniques such as n-gram modelling are applied to emails to classify them as spam or ham with higher accuracy than traditional classification models.

使用机器学习中的分类模型可以实现简单的垃圾邮件过滤。 但是,NLP提供了更好的功能来区分有用的电子邮件和真实的垃圾邮件。 NLP技术(例如n-gram建模)被应用于电子邮件,以比传统分类模型更高的准确性将它们分类为垃圾邮件或火腿。

聊天机器人 (Chatbots)

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence (AI) software that can simulate a conversation with a user in natural language. A chatbot is an advanced implementation of natural language processing, taking us closer to communicating with computers in a way similar to human-to-human conversations.

聊天机器人是一种人工智能(AI)软件,可以用自然语言模拟与用户的对话。 聊天机器人是自然语言处理的高级实现,使我们更接近以类似于人与人的对话的方式与计算机进行通信。

Image Credits: google.com

Chatbots use a combination of Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, and Natural Language Generation in order to achieve Conversational User Interface.


Chatbots are a great use case for customer support, saving businesses time and money. Since the majority of questions raised by customers are asked frequently, they can be handled by chatbots. This helps customer service agents prioritize important customer queries, thereby ensuring overall customer satisfaction.

聊天机器人是客户支持的绝佳用例,可节省企业的时间和金钱。 由于客户经常提出大多数问题,因此聊天机器人可以解决这些问题。 这有助于客户服务代理优先考虑重要的客户查询,从而确保总体客户满意度。


There are numerous products that we use on a daily basis without realizing the fact that they are powered by NLP. Here are some of the most popular ones.

我们每天都有大量产品在使用,而没有意识到它们由NLP提供支持。 这是一些最受欢迎的。


Every leading tech giant has developed its own virtual assistant to provide a wholesome experience to the users. Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and Google Assistant are used extensively. These programs are not only able to control your smartphone, but also a vast number of compatible smart devices Air conditioners, Smart TVs, etc.

每个领先的技术巨头都开发了自己的虚拟助手,以为用户提供有益的体验。 Alexa,Cortana,Siri和Google Assistant被广泛使用。 这些程序不仅可以控制您的智能手机,而且还可以控制大量兼容的智能设备,空调,智能电视等。

NLP is an essential part of these virtual assistants. It is used to detect, interpret, and understand the text or voice commands to perform the requested function. All of these assistants are continually evolving through AI and machine learning to expand the accuracy of their responses.

NLP是这些虚拟助手的重要组成部分。 它用于检测,解释和理解执行所请求功能的文本或语音命令。 所有这些助手都通过AI和机器学习不断发展,以扩大其响应的准确性。


Grammarly has become one of, if not the most popular writing tool used by people all around the world. It is a fascinating tool that has the capability of suggesting different kinds of changes in your writing. Other than the spellings and grammar check, Grammarly can check the usage of Active and Passive voice, the tone of the document and suggest changes according to your writing goals.

语法已经成为全世界人民使用的,甚至不是最受欢迎的书写工具之一。 它是一种引人入胜的工具,能够建议您写作中的各种变化。 除了拼写和语法检查外,语法检查还可以检查主动和被动语态的用法,文档的语气并根据您的写作目标提出更改建议。

Image Credits: Grammarly.com

It is quite understandable if you have wondered about the working mechanism of Grammarly. Contrary to popular belief that some kinds of writing robots are checking your work, AI and NLP are the primary driving forces behind Grammarly’s functions. It offers different types of features and options for checking one’s writing. Hence, Grammarly’s AI system is composed of a wide range of NLP algorithms that can deal with different writing styles and tones.

如果您对语法的工作机制有所疑问,这是可以理解的。 与某些写作机器人正在检查您的工作的普遍看法相反,人工智能和自然语言处理是语法功能背后的主要驱动力。 它提供了不同类型的功能和选项来检查一个人的写作。 因此,文法的AI系统由各种NLP算法组成,可以处理不同的书写风格和音调。

The entire machine learning system of Grammarly is quite remarkable. It is continuously being updated to become the best writing assistant available on the internet. NLP allows Grammarly to process English writing and perform various tasks on them to produce a thorough report. These tasks include writing improvement, readability scoring, sentiment analysis, and suggestions to use alternate words, phrases, and sentence structure.

语法学习的整个机器学习系统非常出色。 它不断地被更新成为互联网上最好的写作助手。 NLP允许语法处理英语写作并对其执行各种任务以产生详尽的报告。 这些任务包括写作改进,可读性评分,情感分析以及使用替代单词,短语和句子结构的建议。


Language translation is an important application of Natural Language Processing. It has saved organizations billions of dollars in terms of the effort and man-power required in order to translate documents & audio from one language to the other.

语言翻译是自然语言处理的重要应用。 为了将文档和音频从一种语言转换为另一种语言,它为组织节省了数十亿美元的工作量和人力。

Google Translate is perhaps the most popular and efficient translator available. It is an incredibly efficient system that makes use of AI, machine learning, and NLP to translate text from one language to another. As of now, Google Translate supports 101 languages.

Google翻译可能是最流行,效率最高的翻译器。 这是一个效率极高的系统,它利用AI,机器学习和NLP将文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 到目前为止,Google翻译支持101种语言。

Image credits: google.com

It is important to note that translation is a very tricky process because the software has to understand each word, phrase, and sentence structure for accurate translation. Hence, Google Translate is continuously updated to improve the quality and accuracy of the language-translation.

需要特别注意的是,翻译是一个非常棘手的过程,因为该软件必须理解每个单词,短语和句子的结构才能进行准确的翻译。 因此,Google Translate会不断更新以提高语言翻译的质量和准确性。


Image credits: grammarly.com

Spell-check is an underrated tool that is invaluable in our everyday lives. Not everyone can produce a perfect sentence without any spellings or grammar errors. In such a case, spell checks play a huge role in improving writing. Moreover, the autocorrection feature is prevalent in smartphones because it allows you to write down your thoughts immediately without worrying about the spellings. It eradicates the spelling errors from your messages and improves communication.

拼写检查是一种被低估的工具,在我们的日常生活中非常宝贵。 并非每个人都能产生完美的句子而没有任何拼写或语法错误。 在这种情况下,拼写检查在改善写作中起着巨大的作用。 此外,自动更正功能在智能手机中很普遍,因为它使您可以立即写下自己的想法,而不必担心拼写错误。 它可以消除邮件中的拼写错误并改善沟通。


Autocomplete and Autocomplete is another useful application of NLP that is being used by almost every web / mobile application, including search engines like Google.

自动完成和自动完成是NLP的另一个有用的应用程序,几乎每个Web /移动应用程序都在使用它,包括Google之类的搜索引擎。

Image credits: google.com

Autocomplete helps us to quickly find what we are looking for, using previous searches performed by other customers. Ultimately, autocomplete searches leads to increased customer satisfaction as they will be able to find the required product, service, or any other information quickly and more accurately.

自动完成功能可帮助我们使用其他客户之前执行的搜索来快速找到所需的内容。 最终,自动完成搜索可提高客户满意度,因为他们将能够更快,更准确地找到所需的产品,服务或任何其他信息。

Similarly, Autosuggest helps in quick e-mailing and messaging. You can select the suitable word or even a phrase with just a single click, all thanks to the advancements in NLP. We use these features on a daily basis without realizing that they are the applications of Natural Language Processing.

同样,Autosuggest有助于快速发送电子邮件和消息。 只需单击一下,您就可以选择合适的词甚至词组,这一切都要归功于NLP的进步。 我们每天都使用这些功能,而没有意识到它们是自然语言处理的应用程序。

结论 (Conclusion)

There are hundreds of languages in the world that make communication a complex phenomenon. It varies from culture to culture. Moreover, there is a lot of diversity in the languages in terms of the writing style, syntax, and grammar rules. Similarly, varying accents and dialects also make a major difference in communication.

世界上有数百种语言使交流成为一种复杂现象。 它因文化而异。 此外,在写作风格,语法和语法规则方面,语言也有很多差异。 同样,口音和方言的变化也对交流产生重大影响。

Hence, NLP is a developing concept that still requires a lot of research and innovation to cater to all kinds of use cases. Along with deep learning, syntactic and semantic learning are also becoming essential parts of the NLP to remove language ambiguities and enhance the quality of NLP-based products and services.

因此,NLP是一个发展中的概念,仍然需要进行大量研究和创新才能满足各种用例。 随着深度学习的发展,句法和语义学习也已成为NLP的基本组成部分,以消除语言歧义并提高基于NLP的产品和服务的质量。

Hope you liked this article. I regularly write about Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, and Productivity. You can signup for my weekly newsletter here.

希望您喜欢这篇文章。 我定期撰写有关网络安全,机器学习和生产力的文章。 您可以 在这里 注册我的 每周新闻

翻译自: https://medium.com/manishmshiva/a-beginners-guide-to-natural-language-processing-a119e919dd59

自然语言处理 入门



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