There are two common kinds of image pyramids:
– Gaussian pyramid: Used to downsample images
– Laplacian pyramid: Used to reconstruct an upsampled image from an image lower in the pyramid (with
less resolution)

• In this tutorial we’ll use the Gaussian pyramid

Imagine the pyramid as a set of layers in which the higher the layer, the smaller the size.

Notice that it is important that the input image can be divided by a factor of two (in both dimensions).
Otherwise, an error will be shown.
– Finally, we update the input image tmp with the current image displayed, so the subsequent operations

are performed on it.

#include <opencv.hpp>using namespace cv;
/// Global variables
Mat src, dst, tmp;
char* window_name = "Pyramids Demo";
* @function main
int main(int argc, char** argv)
{/// General instructionsprintf("\n Zoom In-Out demo \n ");printf("------------------ \n");printf(" * [u] -> Zoom in \n");printf(" * [d] -> Zoom out \n");printf(" * [ESC] -> Close program \n \n");/// Test image - Make sure it s divisible by 2^{n}src = imread("beauty.jpg");if (!{printf(" No data! -- Exiting the program \n");return -1;}tmp = src;dst = tmp;/// Create windownamedWindow(window_name, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);imshow(window_name, dst);/// Loopwhile (true){int c;c = waitKey(10);if ((char)c == 27){break;}if ((char)c == 'u'){pyrUp(tmp, dst, Size(tmp.cols * 2, tmp.rows * 2));printf("** Zoom In: Image x 2 \n");}else if ((char)c == 'd'){pyrDown(tmp, dst, Size(tmp.cols / 2, tmp.rows / 2));printf("** Zoom Out: Image / 2 \n");}imshow(window_name, dst);tmp = dst;}return 0;


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