

namespace Family {using System;public class Son : Mom{public new string TakeTheGarbageOut(){return new Uncle().TakeTheGarbageOut();}}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son: Mom{public new string TakeTheGarbageOut(){return (new Uncle()).TakeTheGarbageOut();}}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son : GrandpaPaper{private Mom mom = new Mom();private Uncle uncle = new Uncle();public string TakeTheGarbageOut() {return uncle.TakeTheGarbageOut();}public string LikeFood() {return mom.LikeFood();}public string LikeFruit() {return mom.LikeFruit();}}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son : Mom, IUncle{public new string TakeTheGarbageOut(){return "Takes The Garbage Out By Stairs.";}}interface IUncle{string TakeTheGarbageOut();}}​


namespace Family {using System; public class Son : Mom{public string TakeTheGarbageOut(){Uncle lolo = new Uncle();return lolo.TakeTheGarbageOut();}}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son : Mom{GrandpaPaper uncle = new Uncle();public string TakeTheGarbageOut(){return uncle.TakeTheGarbageOut();}}


namespace Family
{public class Son : Mom{private Uncle uncle = new Uncle();public string TakeTheGarbageOut() => uncle.TakeTheGarbageOut();}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son : Mom{private Uncle unc = new Uncle();public new string TakeTheGarbageOut()=> unc.TakeTheGarbageOut();}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son{private Mom mom = new Mom();private Uncle uncle = new Uncle();public string LikeFood() { return mom.LikeFood(); }public string LikeFruit() { return mom.LikeFruit(); }public string TakeTheGarbageOut() { return uncle.TakeTheGarbageOut(); }}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son : Mom{private Uncle uncle;public Son() : base() {uncle = new Uncle();}public new string TakeTheGarbageOut() => uncle.TakeTheGarbageOut();}


namespace Family {using System;public class Son : Mom, GrandpaPaper{private Twin twin;public Son() : base() {twin = new Twin();}public new string TakeTheGarbageOut(){return twin.TakeTheGarbageOut();}}class Twin : Uncle, GrandpaPaper{public Twin() : base() {}}

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