

using System;
using System.Linq;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){var donation = (arr.Length + 1) * navg - arr.Sum();if (donation <= 0){throw new ArgumentException();}return (long)Math.Ceiling(donation);}


using System;
using System.Linq;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){double nextDonation = Math.Ceiling(navg * (arr.Length + 1) - arr.Sum());if(nextDonation <= 0) throw new ArgumentException();return Convert.ToInt32(nextDonation);}


using System;
using System.Linq;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){double add = (arr.Length + 1) * navg - arr.Sum();if (add <= 0)throw new ArgumentException("Expected New Average is too low", ""); return (long)Math.Ceiling(add);}


using System;
using System.Linq;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){long result = (long)Math.Ceiling(navg * (arr.Length + 1) - arr.Sum());if(result > 0) return result;throw new ArgumentException();}


    using System;using System.Linq;public class NewAverage{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){if (arr.Sum() / (arr.Count() + 1) < navg)return (long) Math.Ceiling((navg - arr.Sum()/(arr.Count()+1))*(arr.Count() + 1));throw new ArgumentException();}}​


using System;
using System.Linq;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){if (arr.Length < 1){return (long)navg;}long result =  (long)(Math.Ceiling((navg * (arr.Length + 1)) - arr.Sum()));return result > 0 ? result : throw new ArgumentException();}


using System;
using System.Linq;
public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){return (long)(navg * (arr.Count() + 1) - arr.Sum()) > 0 ? (long)Math.Ceiling(((navg * (arr.Count() + 1)) - arr.Sum())) :throw new ArgumentException();}


using System.Linq;
using System;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){var donation = (arr.Length + 1) * navg - arr.Sum();if (donation <= 0){throw new ArgumentException();}return (long)Math.Ceiling(donation);}


using System.Linq;
using System;
public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){var result = Math.Ceiling((arr.Count() + 1) * navg - arr.Sum(x => x));if (result < 0 || navg < 0) throw new ArgumentException();return (long)result;}


using System;
using System.Linq;public class NewAverage
{public static long NewAvg(double[] arr, double navg){var len = arr.Length + 1;var tot = arr.Sum();var ret = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Ceiling((navg * len) - tot));if (ret < 0) throw new ArgumentException();return ret;}

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