
在linux设计当中秉承着“一切都是文件”的设计思维,在与各种设备打交道同样如此,内核通过将设备抽象成device file设备文件,device file是一种特殊的文件类型,用户层程序通过设备文件与具体的设备文件进行打交道,内核通过设备文件提供open, read ,ioctl等通用接口操作具体的设备。

Device files usually provide simple interfaces to standard devices (such as printers and serial ports), but can also be used to access specific unique resources on those devices, such as disk partitions. Additionally, device files are useful for accessing system resources that have no connection with any actual device, such as data sinks and random number generators.

Device file通常将各种各样的设备划分成两个文件类型:字符(character)和块(block)两种特殊的文件类型,两者的区别主要在读取数据和写数据的方式。

There are two general kinds of device files in Unix-like operating systems, known as character special files and block special files. The difference between them lies in how much data is read and written by the operating system and hardware. These together can be called device special files in contrast to named pipes, which are not connected to a device but are not ordinary files either.

在类unix系统中(linux 同样如此),device file通长作为 虚拟文件系统(virtual file system)管理的一部分被挂载到/dev目录中,通常在都有一个控制守护进程用来管理设备的添加和删除,以防止/dev目录过大。通常deve file的虚拟文件管理部分称之为devfs,而守护控制进程则为devd.

In some Unix-like systems, most device files are managed as part of a virtual file system traditionally mounted at /dev, possibly associated with a controlling daemon, which monitors hardware addition and removal at run time, making corresponding changes to the device file system if that's not automatically done by the kernel, and possibly invoking scripts in system or user space to handle special device needs. The FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD implementations have named the virtual device file system devfs and the associated daemon devd. Linux primarily uses a user space implementation known as udev, but there are many variants. Darwin, and operating systems such as macOS based on it, have a purely kernel-based device file system.

因此,linux系统在启动过程中通过mount 将所有的设备驱动挂载到dev目录中,用户空间通过/dev目录下的设备文件来访问具体的设备。

devfs 与sysfs区别?

sysfs 模型主要是在2.6之后才开始引入的,而devfs是在之前就已经存在,由于历史原因内核中有两套驱动模型, sysfs目前主要负责的是组织整个设备拓扑,驱动使用哪个总线等,而dev主要负责直接与设备驱动打交道,负责直接访问该设备,下面一句话更能说明两者区别:

  • The /sys filesystem (sysfs) contains files that provide information about devices: whether it's powered on, the vendor name and model, what bus the device is plugged into, etc. It's of interest to applications that manage devices.
  • The /dev filesystem contains files that allow programs to access the devices themselves: write data to a serial port, read a hard disk, etc. It's of interest to applications that access devices.
  • A metaphor is that /sys provides access to the packaging, while /dev provides access to the content of the box.
  • The files in /sys are not device nodes, but symbolic links and regular files. Those regular files are special in that reading or writing to them invokes file-specific functions in the kernel, like device nodes. The difference is that files in /sys work this way because of the filesystem they are on, whereas device nodes work this way due to their device node characteristics (the file type indicating a (block or character) device, and the device major and minor number indicating which device it is).


所有device files文件都通过devfs挂载到/dev目录中,可以通过ls /dev来查看/dev下的目录说明:


  • 注意到在每行的开始第一个字母:c或者b 分别代表字符设备或者是块设备,d代表目录,l代表为一个链接,

  • 然后是前三个表示文件拥有者的权限,中间三个表示文件所属组拥有的权限,最后三个表示其他用户拥有的权限.,r、w、x分别代表读、写、执行权限








Device numbers

按照unix 系统传统 linux同样将每个设备按照 device number进行划分,每个driver和相应硬件都有相对应的实例,该实例会拥有一个唯一的device number。在kernel中,device number被用来作为硬件和驱动实例化的唯一根据,并且被作为key插入到合适的device 节点,该节点被存储在相应的文件系统中。

Conventional Unix systems have the concept of a device number". Each instance of a driver and hardware component is assigned a unique device number. Within the kernel, this device number is used to refer to the hardware and driver instance.The device number is encoded in the appropriate device node, and the device nodes are stored on normal disc-based file-systems.

为了进一步管理device number,该number又被划分为两个部分:major 和 minor number。每个驱动都会被指定一个major number, minor number被驱动用来决定使用哪个硬件实例化。

To aid management of device numbers, they are split into two components. These are called \major" and \minor" numbers. Each driver is assigned a major number. The minor number is used by the driver to determine which particular hardware instance is being accessed

在早期的linux 版本中,device number总共为16个bit,major number占8位, minor number占8为。这样最多支持256个主设备。

To aid management of device numbers, they are split into two components. These are called \major" and \minor" numbers. Each driver is assigned a major number. The minor number is used by the driver to determine which particular hardware instance is being accessed

在最新版本中,device number占用32位,其中major占20~31位,minor占0~19位:

虽然major可以使用达到了12位, minor可以使用20位, 但是为了兼容之前的历史版本,在字符和块驱动中仍然按照8位 255使用。

可以使用cat /proc/devices命令来查看当前系统中已经使用的设备号,该命令会首先将使用的字符设备号打印处理,然后会将块设备打印出来:

major 和 minor number

在内核源码文档Documentation\admin-guide\device.txt中记录了已经使用和分配的设备号状况, 其中字符设备和块设备的设备号两个分别管理不相干,即字符设可以使用1主设备号 也可以使用块设备的设备号:

Major Number

All devices controlled by the same device driver have a common major device number. The major number is actually the offset into the kernel’s device driver table, which tells the kernel what kind of device it is. Each character and Block driver that registered with kernel has associated MAJOR number. There are total 256 [0-255] major number for character and block driver respectively

Minor Number:

The minor number tells the kernel special characteristics of the device to be accessed. The minor number of the device node that represents the whole disk is 0. Minor Number is device “instance”. The minor number is not used by kernel they are used by the driver only.

同一个major number 意味着使用的是同一个驱动,而minor number是该驱动的一个实例化。



/dev/null :“空”设备就像一个黑洞一样可以吞噬一切,通常将丢弃不需要的数据输出, 或者用于输入流的空文件,永远不会返回数据。当不想让你的command有输出可以使用>/dev/null,当不想command有任何输入则可以使用</dev/null

you want to ignore the output from a command (>/dev/null) or run a command with no input (</dev/null).

/dev/zero:“零”设备,可以无限的提供空字符(0x00,ASCII代码NUL),常用来生成一个特定大小的文件。当我们使用或者读取他的时候,她是会提供无限连续不断的空的数据流 .



/dev/stdout: 标准输出




在/dev下面同样可以发现有很多软链接,这些链接的产生主要是一些历史原因,刚开始设计时放到当前目录 ,后来由于设计的变化将其转移到另外一个目录下,但是为了兼容之前旧的位置,只能通过软链接进行兼容:

You'll find a number of symbolic links under /dev. This can occur for historical reasons: a device file was moved from one name to another, but some applications still use the old name. For example, /dev/scd0 is a symbolic link to /dev/sr0 under Linux; both designate the first CD device


整个linux dev驱动模型如下。user space空间通过使用/dev目录下的设备文件与驱动打交道,而在内核层则是使用major和minor进行管理具体设备:

这样就需要一种机制 将/dev目录下的设备文件与 内核中的major和minor建立联系。

而mknod命令就是为了解决次问题而诞生的。mknod 命令建立一个目录项和一个特殊文件的对应索引节点,命令格式如下:

mknod 的标准形式为:       mknod DEVNAME {b | c}  MAJOR  MINOR








-m | --mode=MODE


-Z |  --context=CTX






b和c 分别表示块设备和字符设备:




[root@localhost ~]# mknod /dev/sdb4 b 1 1      //创建一个设备

[root@localhost weijie]# ls -l /dev/sdb4 

brw-r--r-- 1 root root 1, 1 9   7 08:21 /dev/sdb4


[root@localhost ~]# mknod /dev/ttywj c 2 1      //创建一个设备

[root@localhost weijie]# ls -l /dev/ttywj 

crw-r--r-- 1 root root 2, 1 9   7 09:42 /dev/ttywj


linux内核中关于设备号是使用 dev_t结构来表示,该结构定义在linux/types.h文件中,定义如下:

typedef u32 __kernel_dev_t;typedef __kernel_fd_set        fd_set;
typedef __kernel_dev_t        dev_t;
typedef __kernel_ino_t        ino_t;

其实是一个u32类型, linux内核还有几个关于major和minor的几个重要的宏主要定义在linux\kdev_t.h头文件中:

#define MINORBITS    20
#define MINORMASK   ((1U << MINORBITS) - 1)#define MAJOR(dev) ((unsigned int) ((dev) >> MINORBITS))
#define MINOR(dev)  ((unsigned int) ((dev) & MINORMASK))

主要是定义了目前major和minor划分状况,还有另外一个重要的宏MKDEV用于将major和minor转换成 dev_t

#define MKDEV(ma,mi) (((ma) << MINORBITS) | (mi))


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