This article will explain how to set up a connection from a Windows host OS using a PuTTY client to a remote MySQL server on Linux Ubuntu 18.04.

本文将介绍如何在Linux Ubuntu 18.04上建立从使用PuTTY客户端的Windows主机操作系统到远程MySQL服务器的连接。

Before we start, you must have already:


  • Installed Windows 10 OS on a local machine 在本地计算机上安装Windows 10 OS
  • Installed Linux Ubuntu 18.04 on a remote machine 安装Linux Ubuntu 18.04

在Linux Ubuntu 18.4上安装MySQL (MySQL installation on Linux Ubuntu 18.4)

First, you must install MySQL on the remote Linux machine.


On Linux Ubuntu 18.4, open the Terminal, type the sudo apt-get update command and press the Enter key:

在Linux Ubuntu 18.4上,打开Terminal ,输入sudo apt-get update命令,然后按Enter键:

Next, in the Terminal, type the sudo apt-get install mysql-server command to start installing MySQL:

接下来,在终端中,键入sudo apt-get install mysql-server命令以开始安装MySQL:

Type Y to proceed with the installation.


To see which version is installed on the machine, type and run the mysql –version command:

要查看计算机上安装了哪个版本,请键入并运行mysql –version命令:

For detailed information on how to install and configure MySQL, please visit the How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04 page.

有关如何安装和配置MySQL的详细信息,请访问“ 如何在Ubuntu 18.04上安装MySQL”页面。

After setting up MySQL, make sure it is active and running. To see the status of MySQL, type and run the service mysql status command:

设置MySQL之后,请确保它是活动的并且正在运行。 要查看MySQL的状态,请键入并运行service mysql status命令:

If MySQL is not running (inactive),


Execute the sudo service mysql start command:

执行sudo service mysql start命令:

在Linux Ubuntu 18.4上安装SSH服务器 (Install SSH server on Linux Ubuntu 18.4)

To install Secure Shell (SSH) on Linux Ubuntu 18.4, from the Terminal type the sudo apt install openssh-server command. Press the Enter key and type user password when prompted. Then press Y and Enter to continue with the installation:

要在Linux Ubuntu 18.4上安装Secure Shell(SSH) ,请从终端输入sudo apt install openssh-server命令。 按Enter键,并在出现提示时键入用户密码。 然后按Y Enter键继续安装:

To verify that the installation was successful and the SSH service is running, type and run the sudo systemctl status ssh command:

要验证安装是否成功并且SSH服务正在运行,请键入并运行sudo systemctl status ssh命令:

If the SSH server is not running, type and execute the sudo systemctl start ssh command.

如果SSH服务器未运行,请键入并执行sudo systemctl start ssh命令。

在Windows OS上安装SSH客户端 (Installing SSH client on Windows OS)

There are many SSH clients for Windows OS. For the purpose of this article, we’ll use the 64-bit PuTTY client to connect to the remote MySQL server.

Windows操作系统有很多SSH客户端 。 就本文而言,我们将使用64位PuTTY客户端连接到远程MySQL服务器。

Double click on the putty-64bit-<version>-installer.msi installer. The Welcome window will appear. Click the Next button to continue:

双击putty-64bit- <版本> -installer.msi安装程序。 将出现“ 欢迎”窗口。 单击下一步按钮继续:

During the Destination Folder step, choose where the PuTTY client will be installed:

在“ 目标文件夹”步骤中,选择PuTTY客户端的安装位置:

In the Product Features step, select the way you want the features installed. If you plan to use PuTTY frequently, add a PuTTY shortcut to the Desktop. Click the Install button:

在“ 产品功能”步骤中,选择所需功能的安装方式。 如果您打算经常使用PuTTY,请在桌面上添加PuTTY快捷方式。 单击安装按钮:

After the successful installation, click the Finish button to close the PuTTY installer:

成功安装后,单击“ 完成”按钮以关闭PuTTY安装程序:

连接到远程MySQL服务器 (Connect to a remote MySQL server)

To connect to a remote MySQL server, you’ll need its IP address. Go to Linux Ubuntu 18.04 and in the Terminal, type ifconfig or the IP address command and see information under inet:

要连接到远程MySQL服务器,您需要其IP地址。 转到Linux Ubuntu 18.04,然后在终端中键入ifconfig或IP地址命令,然后在inet下查看信息:

Now, go to the local Windows machine and launch PuTTY. In the Host Name (or IP address) box, under the Session tab, enter the IP address of the remote machine and click the Open button:

现在,转到本地Windows计算机并启动PuTTY。 在“ 主机名”(或“ IP地址”)框中,在“ 会话”选项卡下,输入远程计算机的IP地址,然后单击“ 打开”按钮:

The PuTTY Security Alert warning dialog appears the first time you connect. Click the Yes button to continue:

首次连接时,将显示“ PuTTY安全警报”警告对话框。 单击按钮继续:

In the login as, type the username that will be used to connect to the remote machine. Press Enter and type a password for that user:

登录身份中,键入将用于连接到远程计算机的用户名。 按Enter键并输入该用户的密码

When logged in, the terminal should look like this:


To check the connection, execute some commands, for example, ls -l:

要检查连接,请执行一些命令,例如ls -l

Now, type and run the mysql -u root -p command for a root user or for a user who has permission to connect to a remote MySQL server:

现在,为root用户或有权连接到远程MySQL服务器的用户键入并运行mysql -u root -p命令:

If the ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ appears when trying to connect to the remote MySQL server when using the root user, the authentication method from auth_socket to mysql_native_password needs to be changed. To change this, open the MySQL prompt from a terminal:

如果在使用root用户尝试连接到远程MySQL服务器时出现错误1698(28000):用户'root'@'localhost'的访问被拒绝 ,则需要更改从auth_socket到mysql_native_password的身份验证方法。 要更改此设置,请从终端打开MySQL提示符:

sudo mysql


Now, check the authentication methods of MySQL user accounts and type the following code:


SELECT user, authentication_string, plugin, host FROM mysql.user;

As shown in the example, the root user uses the auth_socket authentication method (plugin).


To configure the root user, use the mysql_native_password authentication method. Execute the following code:

要配置root用户,请使用mysql_native_password身份验证方法。 执行以下代码:

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';

Then, execute the FLUSH PRIVILEGES code which tells the server to reload the grant tables and put your new changes into effect:

然后,执行FLUSH PRIVILEGES代码,该代码告诉服务器重新加载授权表并使新的更改生效:


Now, when checking the authentication methods for the MySQL users, it can be seen that the authentication method for the root user is changed from auth_socket to mysql_native_password:


SELECT user, authentication_string, plugin, host FROM mysql.user;

Another common problem that can occur when trying to connect to a remote MySQL server is when Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) is active, and traffic on port 22 is not allowed. In a situation like this, the error Network error: Connection timed out may appear:

尝试连接到远程MySQL服务器时可能发生的另一个常见问题是未复杂防火墙(UFW)处于活动状态,并且不允许端口22上的通信。 在这种情况下,可能会出现错误网络错误:连接超时

To resolve this, make sure that the firewall is either down, or the rules are correct to allow you to connect to the remote MySQL server.


Check the status of the firewall by using the following command:


sudo ufw status

sudo ufw状态

As shown above, the firewall is active. To disable it, type and execute the following command:

如上所示,防火墙处于活动状态。 要禁用它,请键入并执行以下命令:

sudo ufw disable

sudo ufw禁用

To allow traffic over port 22 without disabling the firewall, type and run the following command:


sudo ufw allow 22

sudo ufw允许22

Now, when checking ufw status, it can be seen that port 22 is set/enabled in the firewall:


Also, in ufw, you can set a rule to allow ssh service traffic instead of a port, by typing the following command:


sudo ufw allow ssh


The same Network error: Connection timed out error message may appear if, in the Host Name box of the PuTTY Configuration dialog, you type a wrong IP address:

如果在“ PuTTY配置”对话框的“ 主机名”框中键入错误的IP地址,则可能会出现相同的网络错误:连接超时错误消息:

If you are using SQL Server Management Studio and want to connect to a MySQL server and query data, you can look at articles that show how to configure and use MySQL linked servers:

如果您使用的是SQL Server Management Studio,并且想连接到MySQL服务器并查询数据,则可以查看显示如何配置和使用MySQL链接服务器的文章:

  • How to create and configure a linked server to connect to MySQL in SQL Server Management Studio 如何在SQL Server Management Studio中创建和配置链接服务器以连接到MySQL
  • MySQL Query (T-SQL) Tutorial for SQL Server SQL ServerMySQL查询(T-SQL)教程



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