
const formatData = () => {let time, YYYYMMDDnorm, YYYYMMDD, YYYY, MM, MMChinese, DD, HHMMSS;let now = new Date();let year = now.getFullYear();       //年let month = now.getMonth() + 1;     //月let day = now.getDate();            //日let hh = now.getHours();            //时let mm = now.getMinutes();          //分let ss = now.getSeconds();           //秒time = year + "-";YYYYMMDDnorm = year + "-";HHMMSS = "";MMChinese = ""YYYY = year;if (month < 10) {time += "0";time += month + "-";YYYYMMDDnorm += "0";YYYYMMDDnorm += month + "-";MM = "0" + month;} else {time += month + "-";YYYYMMDDnorm += month + "-";MM = month;}if (day < 10) {time += "0";time += day + " ";YYYYMMDDnorm += "0";YYYYMMDDnorm += day;DD = "0" + day;} else {time += day + " ";YYYYMMDDnorm += day;DD = day;}if (hh < 10) {time += "0";time += hh + ":";HHMMSS += "0";HHMMSS += hh + ":";} else {time += hh + ":";HHMMSS += hh + ":";}if (mm < 10) {time += '0';time += mm + ":";HHMMSS += "0";HHMMSS += mm + ":";} else {time += mm + ":";HHMMSS += mm + ":";}if (ss < 10) {time += '0';time += ss;HHMMSS += "0";HHMMSS += ss;} else {time += ss;HHMMSS += ss;}switch (MM) {case "01":MMChinese = "一月"breakcase "02":MMChinese = "二月"breakcase "03":MMChinese = "三月"breakcase "04":MMChinese = "四月"breakcase "05":MMChinese = "五月"breakcase "06":MMChinese = "六月"breakcase "07":MMChinese = "七月"breakcase "08":MMChinese = "八月"breakcase "09":MMChinese = "九月"breakcase "10":MMChinese = "十月"breakcase "11":MMChinese = "十一"breakcase "12":MMChinese = "十二"breakdefault:DDChinese = ""}YYYYMMDD = YYYYMMDDnorm.split('-').join('')return { time, YYYYMMDDnorm, YYYYMMDD, YYYY, MM, MMChinese, DD, HHMMSS }
}const formatDataTime = (time) => {var timeF = (new Date(time.replace(/-/g, '/').valueOf()));let now = new Date(timeF);// console.log(new Date(strtime).getFullYear())// console.log(new Date(strtime).getMonth() + 1)// console.log(new Date(strtime).getDate())let year = now.getFullYear();       // 年let month = now.getMonth() + 1;     // 月let day = now.getDate();            // 日let hh = now.getHours();            // 时let mm = now.getMinutes();          // 分let ss = now.getSeconds();           // 秒if (month < 10) {month = "0" + month;} else {month = month;}if (day < 10) {day = "0" + day;} else {day = day;}if (hh < 10) {hh += "0";} else {hh = hh;}if (mm < 10) {mm += "0";} else {mm = mm;}if (ss < 10) {ss += "0";} else {ss = ss;}switch (month) {case "01":month = "一月"breakcase "02":month = "二月"breakcase "03":month = "三月"breakcase "04":month = "四月"breakcase "05":month = "五月"breakcase "06":month = "六月"breakcase "07":month = "七月"breakcase "08":month = "八月"breakcase "09":month = "九月"breakcase "10":month = "十月"breakcase "11":month = "十一"breakcase "12":month = "十二"breakdefault:month = ""}return { year, month, day, hh, mm, ss}
}export {formatData,formatDataTime


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