P4merge是业界用于git merge和compare的图形化工具,本文简单介绍如何在windowns和linux下面配置和使用。1. P4merge的下载https://www.perforce.com/downloads/visual-merge-tool2. Linux下的安装

3. Windows下的安装

4. .gitconfig的配置
[difftool "p4merge"]
cmd = p4merge.exe "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
prompt = false
tool = p4merge
[mergetool "p4merge"]
cmd = p4merge.exe "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"
trustExitCode = false
keepTemporaries = false
keepBackup = false
prompt = false
[guitool "Pull with Rebase"]
cmd = git pull --rebase
[guitool "Rebase/Rebsae onto revision..."]
cmd = git rebase $REVISION
revprompt = yes
[guitool "Rebase/Continue"]
cmd = git rebase --continue
[guitool "Rebase/Skip"]
cmd = git rebase --skip
[guitool "Rebase/Abort"]
cmd = git rebase --abort
[guitool "Stash/Save"]
cmd = git stash save
[guitool "Stash/Show"]
cmd = git stash show -p
[guitool "Stash/List"]
cmd = git stash list
[guitool "Stash/Pop"]
cmd = git stash pop
[guitool "Stash/Drop"]
cmd = git stash drop
confirm = yes
[guitool "Visual Diff/All"]
cmd = git difftool
[guitool "Visual Diff/Current File"]
cmd = git difftool $FILENAME
noconsole = yes
[guitool "Visual Merge"]
cmd = git mergetool 5. 使用git gui进行GUI的diff和merge

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