Installing Flex Data Services on JBoss


Installing Flex Data Services on JBoss

The aim with this coffee break guide is to get you up and running with Flex Data Services and Flex Builder / Eclipse using JBoss as your app server.

You will need to download and install Flex Builder, FDS and JBoss with Tomcat embedded (I am currently using 4.0.3 SP1). I assume you can figure out these installs on your own. Once you have these installed, you need to copy the following files:

[fds install]/resources/security/tomcat/flex-tomcat-common.jar
[fds install]/resources/security/tomcat/flex-tomcat-server.jar


[jboss root]/server/default/lib

Download the correct Xalan jars as described in "XPath Issues with JBoss 4.0.3 SP1", here

copy [fds install]/flex.war to a temporary directory and rename it fdsweb.war

insert into the WAR at fdsweb.war/WEB-INF/lib the Xalan jars. I have:


expand the war under the [jboss root]/server/default/deploy directory, calling the directory fdsweb.war

Start JBoss and go to: http://localhost:8080/fdsweb/

you should now see "Welcome to Adobe Flex Data Services 2! This is an empty .... "

In my next Coffee Break Guide, I will show you how to set up a very simple 'RPC' call between flex and java. Go drink your cold coffee !

JBoss Installation
JBoss XPath Issues
JBoss Download
Flex Data Services Download

posted on 2007-03-10 08:30 waya 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏


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