jquery 图像滑块

This tutorial will walk you through building an image slider using the jQuery library.


This tutorial will have four parts:


  • HTML


  • SCSS


  • JS


  • References



We will be using Bootstrap for this tutorial to keep things looking good, without spending a lot of time.


Our structure will be as follows:


<div class="container"><!-- The wrapper for our slider --><div class="slider"><ul class="slides"><!-- Each image will be inside this unordered list --></ul></div><div class="buttons"><!-- Pause and play buttons will go in here --></div></div>

Inside our ul with the class of slides we will have the following:


<li class="slide"><img src="#" /></li>
<li class="slide"><img src="#" /></li>
<li class="slide"><img src="#" /></li>
<li class="slide"><img src="#" /></li>
<li class="slide"><img src="#" /></li>

Inside our .buttons class you should have the following:


<button type="button" class="btn btn-default pause"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause"></span>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default play"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></span>

Here is an example of what your html should look like:


Note: You should replace the image src attribute with your own content.

注意:您应该用自己的内容替换image src属性。

<div class="container"><div class="slider"><ul class="slides"><li class="slide"><img src="https://unsplash.it/1280/720/?image=120" /></li><li class="slide"><img src="https://unsplash.it/1280/720/?image=70" /></li><li class="slide"><img src="https://unsplash.it/1280/720/?image=50" /></li><li class="slide"><img src="https://unsplash.it/1280/720/?image=170" /></li><li class="slide"><img src="https://unsplash.it/1280/720/?image=190" /></li></ul></div><div class="buttons"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default pause"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pause"></span></button><button type="button" class="btn btn-default play"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play"></span></button></div></div>


We are using Sass and the SCSS syntax so we can nest and use variables


We can use the following SCSS to define our styling:


// Variables
$width: 720px;.slider {width: $width;height: 400px;overflow: hidden;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;.slides {display: block;width: 6000px;height: 400px;margin: 0;padding: 0;}.slide {float: left;list-style-type: none;width: $width;height: 400px;img {width: 100%;height: 100%;}}
}.buttons {margin: 0;width: $width;position: relative;top: -40px;margin: 0 auto;.play {display: none;}.btn {display: flex;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;}


变数 (Variables)

In the following code snippet, we define variables used later in our code.


var animationSpeed = 1000; // How quickly the next slide animates.
var pause = 3000; // The pause between each slide.

We will use a blank variable where we will call the setInterval method:


var interval;

动画我们将滑块动画包装在一个函数中: (Animation We will wrap our slider animations inside a function:)

function startSlider() {}

We are using the setInterval() native JavaScript method to automate the contents of the function on a time based trigger.


interval = setInterval(function() {}, pause);

We use the pause variable to see how many milliseconds to wait before calling the function again. Read more on the native setInterval method here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers/setInterval. Inside our function we will use jQuery to fade between slides at the speed of the animationSpeed variable:

我们使用pause变量来查看要再次调用该函数之前要等待的毫秒数。 在此处阅读有关本机setInterval方法的更多信息: https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers/setInterval 。 在我们的函数内部,我们将使用jQuery以animationSpeed变量的速度在幻灯片之间淡入淡出:

$('.slides > li:first').fadeOut(animationSpeed).next().fadeIn(animationSpeed).end().appendTo('.slides');

We are targeting the first slide using $('.slides > li:first'). - .fadeOut(animationSpeed) will fade the first slide out and then using .next(), we move to the next slide. - Once we have moved to the next slide, we will fade it in: .fadeIn(animationSpeed). - This sequence will continue until the last slide (.end()), then we stop the animation. We will now call the startSlider function to start the animation:

我们使用$('.slides > li:first')定位第一$('.slides > li:first').fadeOut(animationSpeed)将淡出第一张幻灯片,然后使用.next()移至下一张幻灯片。 -移至下一张幻灯片后,我们将其淡入: .fadeIn(animationSpeed) 。 -此序列将持续到最后一张幻灯片( .end() ),然后停止动画。 现在,我们将调用startSlider函数来启动动画:



播放和暂停此功能是可选的,但相当容易实现。 我们将隐藏播放按钮,因此我们不会同时看到播放和暂停按钮: (Play and Pause This feature is optional, but quite easy to implement. We will hide the play button, so we don’t see both the play and pause buttons:)

$('.play').hide(); // Hiding the play button.

We will now create our pause button (automatically shown on page load):


$('.pause').click(function() {clearInterval(interval);$(this).hide();$('.play').show();

We will call our function every time the pause button is clicked using jQuery. - We will remove the interval using the clearInterval method and using our interval variable as the parameter, indicating which interval to stop. - Because our slider is paused, we will hide the pause button using $(this).hide();. Note: we are using this, which will refer to what our parent is calling i.e. .pause. - We will then show our play button so the user can resume the animation: $('.play').show();. The following code sets up our play button (automatically hidden on page load):

每次使用jQuery单击暂停按钮时,我们都会调用我们的函数。 -我们将使用clearInterval方法并使用我们的interval变量作为参数删除间隔,以指示要停止的间隔。 -因为滑块已暂停,所以我们将使用$(this).hide();隐藏暂停按钮$(this).hide(); 。 注意:我们正在使用this ,它将引用我们的父级调用的内容,即.pause 。 -然后我们将显示播放按钮,以便用户可以继续播放动画: $('.play').show(); 。 以下代码设置了我们的播放按钮(在页面加载时自动隐藏):

$(‘.play’).click(function() { startSlider(); $(this).hide(); $(‘.pause’).show(); });

$('。play')。click(function(){startSlider(); $(this).hide(); $('。pause')。show();});

We will call our function every time the play button is clicked using jQuery.


  • We will start or restart the interval using the startSlider function.


  • Because our slider is currently playing, we will hide the play button using $(this).hide();. Note: we are using this, which will refer to what our parent is calling i.e. .play.

    因为滑块当前正在播放,所以我们将使用$(this).hide();隐藏播放按钮$(this).hide(); 。 注意:我们正在使用this ,这将引用我们的父级调用的内容,即.play

  • We will then show our pause button so the user can stop the animation at will: $('.pause').show();.

    然后,我们将显示暂停按钮,以便用户可以随意停止动画: $('.pause').show();

参考文献 (References)

  • Checkout the source code and example on CodePen for this tutorial.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-an-image-slider-with-jquery/

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