hank you! We’re working on your order now. Please don’t head to the store yet — we’ll let you know when it’s ready. You can track status in your account. We estimate your items will be ready Jul 6 after 6 p.m. Add your mobile number for text alerts.

-Your Walmart Customer Care Team

Order #: 4541950-350976

Thank you for registering to attend the Human Rights Intensive Studies Speaker event. Indicated below are the event details, as well as a QR code to check into the event upon your arrival.

Title: Advocating for Human Rights: From Law School to NGO
Speaker: Ashely Kinseth
When: July 9, 2019 - 7pm
Where: Hewlett Teaching Center, Hewlett 201

Check-In Process

Below is the QR code you can present to a Summer Session staff member to check in. You can present this code on your mobile device or printed on a piece of paper.





Ø Joint Degree:为两个不同学院联合给予一个学位,也就是同时修读两个专业课程
Ø 附件是斯坦福提供JOINT学位的program
Ø https://registrar.stanford.edu/students/graduate-degree-progress/joint-degree-programs-and-tuition-schedules,这个链接可以打开看下,有具体的项目搭配,基本上是法学、MBA、公共政策为主学位,同时带一个minor学位,申请难度不亚于申请单独program的难度,且受影响于申请的专业及申请人数

Watch webinar: Qt UI Design Tools - the Designer Tool Developers Love


Your teeth are shiny today. Does that mean you had the chance to sink them into the Qt UI Design Tools? Or maybe that’s just your thorough brushing.

Speaking about thorough: Would you like a thorough overview to kick you off and explain the magic behind Qt UI Design Tools in detail? Here’s our free Qt UI Design Tools–The Designer Tool Developers Love Webinar on-demand!

Our experts will tell you everything you need to know and how to get those UI prototypes up and running. Hot tip: Code along with our presenters or just play around with our tech preview right now! Try Qt UI Design Tools to get started today if you haven’t yet.

We know time is precious, so if you want a quick overview, visit our website and watch the video to see what’s in the box.

This email is a courtesy reminder of the upcoming Final Study List deadline for Summer Quarter, for those students who are currently enrolled, or plan to enroll in summer courses. If you do not plan on enrolling in Summer Quarter, please disregard this email.

Monday, July 08, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline to add classes, drop classes, or adjust units on variable unit courses for Summer Quarter. Failure to enroll by the Final Study List deadline will cause your student status to be canceled and all student privileges to be revoked. The Final Study List deadline is also the last day for tuition reassessment for dropped courses or units.

You can make changes to your classes via Axess at http://axess.stanford.edu. Students must not register for courses with conflicting examinations. Verify your Final Exam schedule here: https://registrar.stanford.edu/summer-quarter-exams. Check your examination schedule again before exam week in case the room assignment has changed.

Your Summer Study List as of: 7/3/2019 9:59 AM
Catalog #
Grading Basis
Units Taken
Enrollment Status
Letter (ABCD/NP)
Letter (ABCD/NP)

End-quarter period and exams information may be found at: https://registrar.stanford.edu/students/final-exams/end-quarter-period-and-examination-policy

All deadlines for the academic year may be found at:


Student Services Center

Here is some material you may find helpful:


Dynamic programming:
Section 1 (video should be on Canvas) – I presented examples and a live coding demo
https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/algorithms/dynamic-programming/introduction-to-dynamic-programming-1/tutorial/ (just the first few paragraphs)

https://www.quora.com/How-does-dynamic-programming-differ-from-back-tracking (the first answer is good)

Why backtracking won’t work on cycles: http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs221/lectures/search1.pdf (slides 44-45)

Why UCS works on cycles: http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs221/lectures/search2.pdf (Just Ctrl+F or Cmd+F for “cycl”)
Essentially, exploring a graph based on the structure of the graph, i.e. topological (DFS always explores children Left to Right, recursively), doesn’t work if there are cycles. So we want a different way to explore the graphs, NOT depending only on their edges to each other. Hence, UCS – which explores in order of COST, rather than graph structure. That is, I explore in order of the frontier (increasing FutureCost), not in order of topology. That’s why it’s fine if the topology has cycles, because we’re not looking at the topology when deciding what to explore next, and we won’t end up in an infinite loop.

Let me know if that makes sense.

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