[NTU-Machine-learning-note]1 Introduction(3)相关推荐

  1. An Introduction to Hashing in the Era of Machine Learning

    In December 2017, researchers at Google and MIT published a provocative research paper about their e ...

  2. Introduction to Machine Learning

    Introduction to Machine Learning 引言 本系列文章是本人对Andrew NG的机器学习课程的一些笔记,如有错误,请读者以课程为准. 在现实生活中,我们每天都可能在不知不 ...

  3. 台大李宏毅Machine Learning 2017Fall学习笔记 (7)Introduction of Deep Learning

    台大李宏毅Machine Learning 2017Fall学习笔记 (7)Introduction of Deep Learning 最近几年,deep learning发展的越来越快,其应用也越来 ...

  4. 台大李宏毅Machine Learning 2017Fall学习笔记 (1)Introduction of machine Learning

    台大李宏毅Machine Learning 2017Fall学习笔记 (1)Introduction of machine Learning 台大李宏毅讲的这门课应该不错,课程链接: http://b ...

  5. Machine Learning Review Note

    目录 Covariance and correlation How can you select k for k means? Naive Bayes Why is Naive Bayes " ...

  6. (To Learn More) ML Lecture 0-1: Introduction of Machine Learning

    ML Lecture 0-1: Introduction of Machine Learning 视频链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXgbekl66jc \q ...

  7. [Quant][Note] Empirical Asset Pricing via Machine Learning

    题目 Empirical Asset Pricing via Machine Learning 论文链接 论文pdf链接 发表时间 2018.09.04 论文作者 Shihao Gu, Bryan K ...

  8. Machine Learning-Introduction

    What is Machine Learning? Supervised learning Unsupervised Learning 1. What is Machine Learning? Art ...

  9. Machine Learning introduction

    Contents Mathematics 最大似然(Maximum Likelihood)&最小二乘(Least Square Method) basic knowledge subcateg ...

  10. [Python Machine Learning] 学习笔记之scikit-learn机器学习库

    1. scikit-learn介绍 scikit-learn是Python的一个开源机器学习模块,它建立在NumPy,SciPy和matplotlib模块之上.值得一提的是,scikit-learn最 ...


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