
Name: fresh graduate employment nets


Self assessment

I have strong ability of self-study, get to work the ability and the computer skills, and a strong ability to adapt to the environment and team cooperation ability. Works is responsible earnestly, bears hardships and stands hard work, innovative consciousness. As a test personnel, for software testing to have the strong interest. With me to the cause of the love and I existing ability, I believe that as long as give me a play in the chance, I will make you satisfied, I wish to join consistent vitality and perseverance, as your company developed give my all talent and sweat.

2008.3-2009.2: XX Co., LTD, as a software testing.

According to the test cases to perform tests, discovered BUG, submit test results. The main test drive of the basic function, the user interface, the interface and help language testing and installation quality unload and upgrade test.

Participate in the specific project are:

ME30, ME300, ME, ME, ME office70 office80w office700FW, ME office600F, LQ-680 K, LQ-690 K

Epson Stylus PRO 7910, Epson Stylus PRO 9910, Epson Stylus PRO 11880 C and other driving test.

POS machine of the test.

Education experience

2006.9-2008.3: XXX college computer network professional

Harvest: master the basic knowledge of the network, can the preliminary installation, configuration and operating Cisco routers, switches, and simple LAN and WAN.

Professional skills

Familiar with test process, the theory and method of software testing, test environment construction.

Familiar with test tools LoadRunner application.

Familiar with the basic operation of the WINDOWS system.

Familiar with computer network.

Familiar with office software, such as office, photoshop.



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