
The Fortified Forest

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 30000K
Total Submissions: 7818   Accepted: 2149


Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a king. This king owned a small collection of rare and valuable trees, which had been gathered by his ancestors on their travels. To protect his trees from thieves, the king ordered that a high fence be built around them. His wizard was put in charge of the operation. 
Alas, the wizard quickly noticed that the only suitable material available to build the fence was the wood from the trees themselves. In other words, it was necessary to cut down some trees in order to build a fence around the remaining trees. Of course, to prevent his head from being chopped off, the wizard wanted to minimize the value of the trees that had to be cut. The wizard went to his tower and stayed there until he had found the best possible solution to the problem. The fence was then built and everyone lived happily ever after.

You are to write a program that solves the problem the wizard faced.


60  0  8  31  4  3  22  1  7  14  1  2  33  5  4  62  3  9  8
33  0 10  25  5 20 257 -3 30 32


Forest 1
Cut these trees: 2 4 5
Extra wood: 3.16Forest 2
Cut these trees: 2
Extra wood: 15.00


因为n<=15,所以范围不大。两种方法:1.搜索+凸包 2.状态压缩+凸包  事实上,因为加上各种剪枝后时间效率会大大增加,所以搜索可能反而会更快一些。但是由于我一向不喜欢暴力,所以我强迫自己用第二种方法做。








using namespace std;
struct node
{double x,y,v,l;
double multi(node n1,node n2,node no){return (n1.x-no.x)*(n2.y-no.y)-(n2.x-no.x)*(n1.y-no.y);}
double dis(node n1,node n2){return sqrt((n1.x-n2.x)*(n1.x-n2.x)+(n1.y-n2.y)*(n1.y-n2.y));}
int n,dd=0,top=0,nn=0,k=99999999,kk=0;
double ans=0,aans=0;
double sum=0,len=0,s=0;
int maxx;
bool bo[20];
int aa[20];
bool cmp(node n1,node n2)
{double t=multi(n1,n2,p[1]);if(t==0 && dis(n1,p[1])<dis(n2,p[1]))return true;return t>0;
void graghm()
{top=0;sort(p+2,p+nn+1,cmp);for(int i=1;i<=2;i++)sta[++top]=p[i];for(int i=3;i<=nn;i++){while(top>2 && multi(sta[top],p[i],sta[top-1])<=0)top--;sta[++top]=p[i];}
void make(int d)
{memset(bo,true,sizeof(bo));aans=0,s=0;len=0;kk=n;int i=1;while(d!=0){if(d%2==1)bo[i]=false,s+=a[i].l,kk--;d/=2;i++;}for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)if(bo[i]==true)aans+=a[i].v;nn=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){if(bo[i]==true){p[++nn]=a[i];if(p[nn].y<p[1].y || (p[nn].y==p[1].y && p[nn].x<p[1].x))swap(p[1],p[nn]);}}if(kk==1)len=0;if(kk>1){graghm();for(int i=2;i<=top;i++)len+=dis(sta[i],sta[i-1]);len+=dis(sta[1],sta[top]);}
int main()
{int t=0;while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF){if(n==0)break;t++;ans=0;k=999999999;dd=0;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf",&a[i].x,&a[i].y,&a[i].v,&a[i].l);}maxx=(1<<n)-1;for(int i=0;i<maxx;i++){make(i);if((ans<aans && s-len>=0) || (ans==aans && kk<k)){ans=aans;sum=s-len;dd=0;k=kk;for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)if(!bo[j])aa[++dd]=j;}}printf("Forest %d\n",t);printf("Cut these trees: ");for(int i=1;i<=dd;i++)printf("%d ",aa[i]);printf("\nExtra wood: %.2f\n\n",sum);}return 0;


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