I don’t know about you, but I really preferred having the My Computer icon right on the desktop. Seems like modern versions of windows don’t have it by default anymore. There are two different ways you can add the icon back.

我不认识你,但我确实更喜欢在桌面上使用“我的电脑”图标。 似乎现代版本的Windows不再默认具有该功能。 您可以使用两种不同的方法将图标重新添加回去。

In Windows 10 the My Computer icon is called “This PC” and it’s pretty easy to add back. Keep reading for Windows 7, 8, and Vista instructions below.

在Windows 10中,“我的电脑”图标称为“此PC”,添加起来很容易。 请继续阅读以下有关Windows 7、8和Vista的说明。

将我的电脑图标添加到Windows 10桌面 (Add the My Computer Icon to the Windows 10 Desktop)

If you want to add Computer, Recycle Bin, Control Panel, or your User folder icon to the desktop in Windows 10, there’s an extra step you’ll need to know how to do. First, right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize.

如果要在Windows 10中将计算机,回收站,控制面板或用户文件夹图标添加到桌面,则需要执行额外的步骤来知道该怎么做。 首先,右键单击桌面,然后选择个性化。

Now select Themes on the left-hand menu, and then once you are there, you can select Desktop icon settings under the “Related Settings” section.


And now you can click the checkboxes for the icons that you want back.


You should see the icons show up as soon as you click Apply.


Note: you can rename This PC to My Computer by simply right-clicking and choosing Rename.


在Windows 7、8或Vista中将“我的电脑”图标添加到桌面 (Add the My Computer Icon to the Desktop in Windows 7, 8, or Vista)

Right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize, then click on “Change Desktop Icons” on the left-hand side of the screen.


In the Desktop Icons panel you can choose which of the built-in icons to show on the desktop:


One of the most common requests is how to add the Recycle bin back… which you can also do from the above panel.


Windows 7或Vista中的另一个技巧 (Another Trick in Windows 7 or Vista)

To put the Computer icon on the desktop, click the Start button, and then right-click on “Computer”.


Click the “Show on Desktop” item in the menu, and your Computer icon will show up on the desktop.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/display-my-computer-icon-on-the-desktop-in-windows-vista/

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