C++ Primer Plus(第6版)Chapter 4 编程题答案


//  task 1
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <array>int main()
{using namespace std;cout << "What is your first name? ";   char fname[20];cin.getline(fname, 20);       //getline(), 因为Betty Sue之间有空格cout << "What is your last name? ";char lname[20];cin.getline(lname, 20);   //Yewecout << "What letter grade do you deserve? "; char score;cin >> score;   //Bcout << "What is your age? ";int age;cin >> age;  //22cout << "Name: " << lname << ", " << fname << endl;cout << "Grade: " << char(score + 1) << endl;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 2
int main()
{using namespace std;string name, dessert;cout << "Enter your name:\n";getline(cin, name);cout << "Enter your favorite dessert:\n";getline(cin, dessert);cout << "T have some delicious " << dessert;cout << " for you, " << name << ".\n";cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 3
int main()
{using namespace std;cout << "Enter your first name: ";char fname[20];cin.getline(fname, 20);cout << "Enter your last name: ";char lname[20];cin.getline(lname, 20);char name[40];strcpy_s(name, lname);    //加上  _s  for safestrcat_s(name, ", ");strcat_s(name, fname);cout << "Here's the information in a single string: " << name;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 4
int main()
{using namespace std;string fname, lname, name;cout << "Enter your first name: ";getline(cin, fname);cout << "Enter your last name: ";getline(cin, lname);name = lname + ", " + fname;cout << "Here's the information in a single string: " << name;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 5
int main()
{using namespace std;struct CandyBar{   char band[20];float weight;int colory;};CandyBar snack = { "Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350 };cout << "The band is " << snack.band << endl;cout << "The weight is " << snack.weight << endl;cout << "The kaluli is " << snack.colory << endl;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 6
int main()
{using namespace std;struct CandyBar{char band[20];float weight;int colr;};// 创建一个结构数组并初始化CandyBar snacks[3] = { { "Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350 }, { "star bucks", 1.8, 200 }, { "hagendasi", 4.9, 638 } };cout << "The 1st band is " << snacks->band << endl;cout << "The 1st weight is " << snacks->weight << endl;cout << "The 1st kaluli is " << snacks->colr << endl;cout << "The 2st band is " << (snacks + 1)->band << endl;cout << "The 2st weight is " << (snacks + 1)->weight << endl;cout << "The 2st kaluli is " << (snacks + 1)->colr << endl;cout << "The 3st band is " << (snacks + 2)->band << endl;cout << "The 3st weight is " << (snacks + 2)->weight << endl;cout << "The 3st kaluli is " << (snacks + 2)->colr << endl;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 7
int main()
{using namespace std;struct pizza{string name;float d;float weight;};pizza bishengke;cout << "Enter the name: ";getline(cin, bishengke.name);cout << "Enter the zhijing: ";cin >> bishengke.d;cout << "Enter the weight: ";cin >> bishengke.weight;cout << "The band is: " << bishengke.name << endl;cout << "The zhijing is: " << bishengke.d << endl;cout << "The weight is: " << bishengke.weight << endl;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 8
int main()
{using namespace std;struct pizza{string name;float d;float weight;};pizza* pt = new pizza;cout << "Enter the zhijing: ";cin >> pt->d;cout << "Enter the name: ";cin.get();   //用来吃掉回车,不能少getline(cin, pt->name);cout << "Enter the weight: ";cin >> pt->weight;cout << "The band is: " << pt->name << endl;cout << "The zhijing is: " << pt->d << endl;cout << "The weight is: " << pt->weight << endl;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 9
int main()
{using namespace std;struct CandyBar{char band[20];float weight;int colr;};// 动态创建一个结构数组CandyBar* snacks = new CandyBar[3];snacks[0] = { "Mocha Munch", 2.3, 350 };snacks[1] = { "Star Bucks", 1.8, 200 };snacks[2] = { "HaGenDaSi", 4.9, 645 };cout << "The 1st band is " << snacks->band << endl;cout << "The 1st weight is " << snacks->weight << endl;cout << "The 1st kaluli is " << snacks->colr << endl;cout << "The 2st band is " << (snacks + 1)->band << endl;cout << "The 2st weight is " << (snacks + 1)->weight << endl;cout << "The 2st kaluli is " << (snacks + 1)->colr << endl;cout << "The 3st band is " << (snacks + 2)->band << endl;cout << "The 3st weight is " << (snacks + 2)->weight << endl;cout << "The 3st kaluli is " << (snacks + 2)->colr << endl;delete[] snacks;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;


//  task 10
int main()
{using namespace std;cout << "Enter the three score: ";array<double, 3> scores;cin >> scores[0];cin >> scores[1];cin >> scores[2];double av = (scores[0] + scores[1] + scores[2]) / 3;cout << "The average score of 3 is: " << av << endl;cin.get();cin.get();return 0;

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