↵本项目第一版本实现在arduino框架下通过MAX30102 对血氧和心率 进行实时监控,通过LM35 对温度进行监控 。所有数值在 ssd 1306 上进行显示。在血氧低过一定数值的时,设备会通过蜂鸣器发出警报。







LM 35 温度传感器

SSD 1306 OLED 显示器

MAX30102 心率传感器

杜邦线 公母 公公 母母

蜂鸣器 micro bit51

arduino uno 





arduino LM35
A1 S


arduino SSD1306
3V3 3V3


arduino 蜂鸣器
A1 S


arduino MAX30102
3V3 3V3


如 max30102,ssd1306 同时需要连接A4 时,可以先连接面包板再连接进Arduino A4。



Software | Arduino


搜索并安装以下库,点击install 安装


#include <MAX3010x.h>
#include "filters.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>        //OLED   libraries
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
//#include <MAX30105extra.h>
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels
#define OLED_RESET     -1 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
#define SCREEN_ADDRESS 0x3D ///< See datasheet for Address; 0x3D for 128x64, 0x3C for 128x32
// Sensor (adjust to your sensor type)
MAX30105 sensor;
//MAX30105extra particleSensor;
const auto kSamplingRate = sensor.SAMPLING_RATE_400SPS;
const float kSamplingFrequency = 400.0;// Finger Detection Threshold and Cooldown
const unsigned long kFingerThreshold = 10000;
const unsigned int kFingerCooldownMs = 500;// Edge Detection Threshold (decrease for MAX30100)
const float kEdgeThreshold = -2000.0;// Filters
const float kLowPassCutoff = 5.0;
const float kHighPassCutoff = 0.5;// Averaging
const bool kEnableAveraging = false;
const int kAveragingSamples = 5;
const int kSampleThreshold = 5;// limitation of sop2
const int spo2limit =95;
void setup() {Serial.begin(9600);display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC,   0x3C); //Start the OLED displaydelay(3000);tone(3,1000);                                        //And   tone the buzzer for a 100ms you can reduce it it will be betterdelay(1000);noTone(3); display.display();if(sensor.begin() && sensor.setSamplingRate(kSamplingRate)) { Serial.println("Sensor initialized");}else {Serial.println("Sensor not found");  while(1);}
}// Filter Instances
LowPassFilter low_pass_filter_red(kLowPassCutoff, kSamplingFrequency);
LowPassFilter low_pass_filter_ir(kLowPassCutoff, kSamplingFrequency);
HighPassFilter high_pass_filter(kHighPassCutoff, kSamplingFrequency);
Differentiator differentiator(kSamplingFrequency);
MovingAverageFilter<kAveragingSamples> averager_bpm;
MovingAverageFilter<kAveragingSamples> averager_r;
MovingAverageFilter<kAveragingSamples> averager_spo2;// Statistic for pulse oximetry
MinMaxAvgStatistic stat_red;
MinMaxAvgStatistic stat_ir;// R value to SpO2 calibration factors
// See https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/design/technical-documents/app-notes/6/6845.html
float kSpO2_A = 1.5958422;
float kSpO2_B = -34.6596622;
float kSpO2_C = 112.6898759;// Timestamp of the last heartbeat
long last_heartbeat = 0;// Timestamp for finger detection
long finger_timestamp = 0;
bool finger_detected = false;// Last diff to detect zero crossing
float last_diff = NAN;
bool crossed = false;
long crossed_time = 0;int lowsopcount =0;void loop() {unsigned int val; //定义变量valunsigned int dat;//定义变量datval=analogRead(1);//将val设置为读取到的A0的数值dat=(500 * val) /1024; //计算出当前温度数字datauto sample = sensor.readSample(1000);float current_value_red = sample.red;float current_value_ir = sample.ir;// Detect Finger using raw sensor valueif(sample.red > kFingerThreshold) {if(millis() - finger_timestamp > kFingerCooldownMs) {finger_detected = true;}}else {// Reset values if the finger is removeddifferentiator.reset();averager_bpm.reset();averager_r.reset();averager_spo2.reset();low_pass_filter_red.reset();low_pass_filter_ir.reset();high_pass_filter.reset();stat_red.reset();stat_ir.reset();finger_detected = false;finger_timestamp = millis();}if(finger_detected) {current_value_red = low_pass_filter_red.process(current_value_red);current_value_ir = low_pass_filter_ir.process(current_value_ir);// Statistics for pulse oximetrystat_red.process(current_value_red);stat_ir.process(current_value_ir);// Heart beat detection using value for red LEDfloat current_value = high_pass_filter.process(current_value_red);float current_diff = differentiator.process(current_value);// Valid values?if(!isnan(current_diff) && !isnan(last_diff)) {// Detect Heartbeat - Zero-Crossingif(last_diff > 0 && current_diff < 0) {crossed = true;crossed_time = millis();}if(current_diff > 0) {crossed = false;}// Detect Heartbeat - Falling Edge Thresholdif(crossed && current_diff < kEdgeThreshold) {if(last_heartbeat != 0 && crossed_time - last_heartbeat > 300) {// Show Resultsint bpm = 60000/(crossed_time - last_heartbeat);float rred = (stat_red.maximum()-stat_red.minimum())/stat_red.average();float rir = (stat_ir.maximum()-stat_ir.minimum())/stat_ir.average();float r = rred/rir;float spo2 = kSpO2_A * r * r + kSpO2_B * r + kSpO2_C;if(bpm > 50 && bpm < 250) {// Average?if(kEnableAveraging) {int average_bpm = averager_bpm.process(bpm);int average_r = averager_r.process(r);int average_spo2 = averager_spo2.process(spo2);// Show if enough samples have been collectedif(averager_bpm.count() >= kSampleThreshold) {Serial.print("Time (ms): ");Serial.println(millis()); Serial.print("Heart Rate (avg, bpm): ");Serial.println(average_bpm);Serial.print("R-Value (avg): ");Serial.println(average_r);  Serial.print("SpO2 (avg, %): ");Serial.println(average_spo2);if( average_spo2 >100) average_spo2 = 100;  display.clearDisplay();                                   //Clear the display       display.setTextSize(2);                                   //Near   it display the average BPM you can display the BPM if you wantdisplay.setTextColor(WHITE);   display.setCursor(15,0);                display.println("BPM");              display.setCursor(70,0);                display.println(bpm);display.setCursor(15,18);                display.println("SpO2");              display.setCursor(70,18);                display.println((int)average_spo2);  display.setCursor(15,36);                display.println("TMP");              display.setCursor(70,36);                display.println((int)dat);  display.display();if ((int)average_spo2 < spo2limit){lowsopcount++;if (lowsopcount >3) {tone(3,1000);                                        //And   tone the buzzer for a 100ms you can reduce it it will be betterdelay(1000);noTone(3);                    }}if((int)average_spo2 >spo2limit)    lowsopcount = 0;             }}else {Serial.print("Time (ms): ");Serial.println(millis()); Serial.print("Heart Rate (current, bpm): ");Serial.println(bpm);  Serial.print("R-Value (current): ");Serial.println(r);Serial.print("SpO2 (current, %): ");Serial.println(spo2);if( spo2 >100) spo2 = 100;   display.clearDisplay();                                   //Clear the display       display.setTextSize(2);                                   //Near   it display the average BPM you can display the BPM if you wantdisplay.setTextColor(WHITE);   display.setCursor(15,0);                display.println("BPM");              display.setCursor(70,0);                display.println(bpm);display.setCursor(15,18);                display.println("SpO2");              display.setCursor(70,18);                display.println((int)spo2);display.setCursor(15,36);                display.println("TMP");              display.setCursor(70,36);                display.println((int)dat);    display.display();if ((int)spo2 < spo2limit){lowsopcount++;if (lowsopcount >3) {tone(3,1000);                                        //And   tone the buzzer for a 100ms you can reduce it it will be betterdelay(1000);noTone(3);                    }}if((int)spo2 >spo2limit)    lowsopcount = 0;  }}// Reset statisticstat_red.reset();stat_ir.reset();}crossed = false;last_heartbeat = crossed_time;}}last_diff = current_diff;}

将arduino 插入电脑中

选择你所用的arduino uno板



每台电脑的Port 口可能不一样,不影响代码导入


点击上传按钮将代码烧录进arduino uno里

显示upload success,显示器显示adafruit的图案(杨桃),蜂鸣器发出声音表示代码正常导入arduino中。

将下面的代码命名为filters.h 并放在一起

#ifndef FILTERS_H
#define FILTERS_H/*** @brief Statistic block for min/nax/avg*/
class MinMaxAvgStatistic {float min_;float max_;float sum_;int count_;
public:/*** @brief Initialize the Statistic block*/MinMaxAvgStatistic() :min_(NAN),max_(NAN),sum_(0),count_(0){}/*** @brief Add value to the statistic*/void process(float value) {  min_ = min(min_, value);max_ = max(max_, value);sum_ += value;count_++;}/*** @brief Resets the stored values*/void reset() {min_ = NAN;max_ = NAN;sum_ = 0;count_ = 0;}/*** @brief Get Minimum* @return Minimum Value*/float minimum() const {return min_;}/*** @brief Get Maximum* @return Maximum Value*/float maximum() const {return max_;}/*** @brief Get Average* @return Average Value*/float average() const {return sum_/count_;}
};/*** @brief High Pass Filter */
class HighPassFilter {const float kX;const float kA0;const float kA1;const float kB1;float last_filter_value_;float last_raw_value_;
public:/*** @brief Initialize the High Pass Filter* @param samples Number of samples until decay to 36.8 %* @remark Sample number is an RC time-constant equivalent*/HighPassFilter(float samples) :kX(exp(-1/samples)),kA0((1+kX)/2),kA1(-kA0),kB1(kX),last_filter_value_(NAN),last_raw_value_(NAN){}/*** @brief Initialize the High Pass Filter* @param cutoff Cutoff frequency* @pram sampling_frequency Sampling frequency*/HighPassFilter(float cutoff, float sampling_frequency) :HighPassFilter(sampling_frequency/(cutoff*2*PI)){}/*** @brief Applies the high pass filter*/float process(float value) { if(isnan(last_filter_value_) || isnan(last_raw_value_)) {last_filter_value_ = 0.0;}else {last_filter_value_ = kA0 * value + kA1 * last_raw_value_ + kB1 * last_filter_value_;}last_raw_value_ = value;return last_filter_value_;}/*** @brief Resets the stored values*/void reset() {last_raw_value_ = NAN;last_filter_value_ = NAN;}
};/*** @brief Low Pass Filter */
class LowPassFilter {const float kX;const float kA0;const float kB1;float last_value_;
public:/*** @brief Initialize the Low Pass Filter* @param samples Number of samples until decay to 36.8 %* @remark Sample number is an RC time-constant equivalent*/LowPassFilter(float samples) :kX(exp(-1/samples)),kA0(1-kX),kB1(kX),last_value_(NAN){}/*** @brief Initialize the Low Pass Filter* @param cutoff Cutoff frequency* @pram sampling_frequency Sampling frequency*/LowPassFilter(float cutoff, float sampling_frequency) :LowPassFilter(sampling_frequency/(cutoff*2*PI)){}/*** @brief Applies the low pass filter*/float process(float value) {  if(isnan(last_value_)) {last_value_ = value;}else {  last_value_ = kA0 * value + kB1 * last_value_;}return last_value_;}/*** @brief Resets the stored values*/void reset() {last_value_ = NAN;}
};/*** @brief Differentiator*/
class Differentiator {const float kSamplingFrequency;float last_value_;
public:/*** @brief Initializes the differentiator*/Differentiator(float sampling_frequency) :kSamplingFrequency(sampling_frequency),last_value_(NAN){}/*** @brief Applies the differentiator*/float process(float value) {  float diff = (value-last_value_)*kSamplingFrequency;last_value_ = value;return diff;}/*** @brief Resets the stored values*/void reset() {last_value_ = NAN;}
};/*** @brief MovingAverageFilter* @tparam buffer_size Number of samples to average over*/
template<int kBufferSize> class MovingAverageFilter {int index_;int count_;float values_[kBufferSize];
public:/*** @brief Initalize moving average filter*/MovingAverageFilter() :index_(0),count_(0){}/*** @brief Applies the moving average filter*/float process(float value) {  // Add valuevalues_[index_] = value;// Increase index and countindex_ = (index_ + 1) % kBufferSize;if(count_ < kBufferSize) {count_++;  }// Calculate sumfloat sum = 0.0;for(int i = 0; i < count_; i++) {sum += values_[i];}// Calculate averagereturn sum/count_;}/*** @brief Resets the stored values*/void reset() {index_ = 0;count_ = 0;}/*** @brief Get number of samples* @return Number of stored samples*/int count() const {return count_;}
};#endif // FILTERS_H




代码在upload 的时候可能会出错显示有的库未找到,再次upload就行。

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