










js制作的透明超炫酷雪花效果 (mubanmao.top)






var G1Code;
(function() {G1Code = function(x, y) {var self = this;self.x = x;self.y = y;};var members = {toString: function() {var self = this;// Added roundingreturn "G1 X" + self.x.toFixed(2) + " Y" + self.y.toFixed(2);},// Rotate the XY point of the GCoderotate: function(theta) {var self = this;var oldX = self.x;var oldY = self.y;self.x = oldX * Math.cos(theta) - oldY * Math.sin(theta);self.y = oldX * Math.sin(theta) + oldY * Math.cos(theta);},// Add relative movesrelative_move: function(xMove, yMove) {var self = this;var oldX = self.x;var oldY = self.y;self.x = oldX + xMove;self.y = oldY + yMove;},// Clone Methodclone: function() {var self = this;return new G1Code(self.x, self.y);}}// Copy over members to prototypefor (var key in members) {G1Code.prototype[key] = members[key];};
})();var PolyLine;
(function() {PolyLine = function() {this.listofcodes = [];};var members = {toString: function() {var self = this;var output = "";for(gcode in self.listofcodes) {output += self.listofcodes[gcode] + "\n"}return output;},draw: function(ctx) {var self = this;ctx.beginPath();var code = self.listofcodes[0];ctx.moveTo(code.x, code.y);for(var n=1; n < self.listofcodes.length; n++) {code = self.listofcodes[n];ctx.lineTo(code.x, code.y);}ctx.closePath();},// add a single G1Code to the listappend: function(gcode) {var self = this;self.listofcodes.push(gcode);},// add another PolyLine to the end of this PolyLineextend: function(polyline) {var self = this;for(gcode in polyline.listofcodes) {self.listofcodes.push(polyline.listofcodes[gcode].clone());}},// method to make a clone of the myPolyLineclone: function() {var self = this;var cloned = new PolyLine();for(gcode in self.listofcodes) {cloned.append(self.listofcodes[gcode].clone());}return cloned;},// rotate each individual G1Code withinrotate: function(angle) {var self = this;for(gcode in self.listofcodes) {self.listofcodes[gcode].rotate(angle);}},// mirror the list of G1Codes around the x axis// this may be a counter-intuitive name - rename to mirrorY?mirrorX: function() {var self = this;for(gcode in self.listofcodes) {self.listofcodes[gcode].y = -1*(self.listofcodes[gcode].y);}},// reverse the order of the list of G1Codesreverse: function() {var self = this;self.listofcodes.reverse();}};// Copy over members to prototypefor (var key in members) {PolyLine.prototype[key] = members[key];};
})();var Snowflake;
(function() {Snowflake = function(options) {this.options = {/** {Integer} Number of arms of the snowflake */numArms: 6,/** {Integer} Length of arms of the snowflake */armLength: 100,/** {Integer} Thickness of arms of the snowflake */armThickness: 3,/** {Integer} Number of spikes on the arms of the snowflake */numSpikes: 4,/** {Number}  */spacer: 0.5};for (var key in options) {this.options[key] = options[key];}this.__gapSize = (this.options.armLength/this.options.numSpikes)/2;};/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------PRIVATE FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*** Generates a random integer that is between two integers.** @param from {Integer} The integer to start from.* @param to {Integer} The integer to end with.** @return {Integer} Random integer in between the two given integers.**/function randomInt(from, to) {return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);};/*** @param degrees {Number} Angle in degrees** @return {Number} Angle in radians**/function radians(degrees) {return degrees*(Math.PI/180);};var members = {/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERNAL FIELDS ::---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//** {Number} Set in constructor */__gapSize: 0,/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------PUBLIC API---------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*** Draws the snowflake** @param ctx {2D Context} The 2D graphics context from a canvas element.*/draw: function(ctx) {var self = this;var spikyArm = new PolyLine(),thisGCode = new G1Code(self.options.armThickness, self.options.armThickness/2);spikyArm.append(thisGCode);var angle = radians(30);for(var n=0; n < self.options.numSpikes; n++) {var spikeLength = Math.random()*(self.options.armLength/2),// spikeLength = arm_length/2.0,x1 = self.options.spacer + self.__gapSize*(n*2),y1 = self.options.armThickness/2,x2 = self.options.spacer + x1 + spikeLength*Math.cos(angle),y2 = spikeLength*Math.sin(angle),x3 = self.options.spacer + x1 + self.__gapSize,y3 = self.options.armThickness/2;spikyArm.append(new G1Code(x1, y1));spikyArm.append(new G1Code(x2, y2));spikyArm.append(new G1Code(x3, y3));};thisGCode = new G1Code(self.options.armLength, self.options.armThickness/2);spikyArm.append(thisGCode);// make a mirror image of the first half of the armotherHalf = spikyArm.clone();otherHalf.mirrorX();otherHalf.reverse();// make a pointy tipthisGCode = new G1Code(self.options.armLength+(self.options.armLength/10), 0);// join em togetherspikyArm.append(thisGCode);spikyArm.extend(otherHalf);// join together 6 rotated copies of the spiky armvar thisGCodeStar = new PolyLine();for(var a=0; a < self.options.numArms; a++) {spikyArm.rotate(radians(-(360/self.options.numArms)));thisGCodeStar.extend(spikyArm);}thisGCodeStar.draw(ctx);}}// Copy over members to prototypefor (var key in members) {Snowflake.prototype[key] = members[key];}})();


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