
There are two units of temperature that are commonly used around the world: degrees Celsius (ºC) and Kelvin (K). For some strange reason, Americans also use degrees Fahrenheit (ºF).

全球共有两种温度单位:摄氏(ºC)和开氏(K)。 由于某些奇怪的原因,美国人也使用华氏度(ºF)。

While you can’t set your iPhone to use Kelvin (they’re more popular with scientists than the general public), you can swap it between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Siri, iOS’s Weather app, and any other app that pulls the default weather data from your phone will use your chosen units.

虽然您无法将iPhone设置为使用开尔文(开尔文在科学家中比在公众中更受欢迎),但是您可以在摄氏温度和华氏温度之间交换它。 Siri,iOS的Weather应用程序以及从手机中提取默认天气数据的任何其他应用程序都将使用您选择的单位。

This makes life a little easier if you’re an American who’s come to their senses and wants to join the rest of the world, or a European in America who wants to use the local lingo. Here’s how.

如果您是一个懂得理智并想要加入世界其他地区的美国人,或者是一个想要使用当地行话的欧洲人,那么这会使生活变得轻松一些。 这是如何做。

Go to Settings > General > Language & Region.


Select Temperature Unit and then change it to either Celsius or Fahrenheit, whichever you want to use.


Now your iPhone will use that unit by default whenever it needs to show the temperature. Note that many third party apps don’t use iOS’s weather service to get data, so they might have their own preference settings.

现在,无论何时需要显示温度,iPhone都会默认使用该设备。 请注意,许多第三方应用程序不使用iOS的气象服务来获取数据,因此它们可能具有自己的偏好设置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/332210/how-to-switch-between-celsius-and-farenheit-on-your-iphone/



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