ubuntu 强制退出

There are lots of command-line utilities to kill unresponsive programs in Linux, but for the button-pushing-inclined, the Force Quit panel button lets you kill any app that you can click on without needing to remember anything.


We’re not exaggerating about the amount of ways you can kill applications in Linux – we’ve covered three previously. However, this method has a few advantages: first, it’s incredibly easy – you just have to click a button and click on the frozen application. Second, in our testing, it’s been slightly more reliable in shutting down unresponsive GUI applications than other solutions like xkill. On the flip side, it won’t work at all for non-graphical programs.

我们不会夸大有关的方法可以杀死Linux应用量-我们已经覆盖 3 之前 。 但是,此方法有一些优点:首先,它非常简单-您只需要单击一个按钮,然后单击冻结的应用程序即可。 第二,在我们的测试中,关闭无响应的GUI应用程序比xkill等其他解决方案可靠一些。 另一方面,它不适用于非图形程序。

Since this is a panel button, it will go on one of the panels on your Ubuntu environment. By default, you have two panels: one at the top, with shortcuts to applications, the clock, and other buttons; and one at the bottom, where open programs will be listed.

由于这是一个面板按钮,它将在您的Ubuntu环境中的一个面板上显示。 默认情况下,您有两个面板:一个在顶部,带有应用程序,时钟和其他按钮的快捷方式; 底部的一个将列出打开的程序。

We’re going to add the Force Quit button to the bottom panel. Right click where you want to add it, and choose Add to Panel.

我们将在底部面板上添加“强制退出”按钮。 右键单击要添加的位置,然后选择“添加到面板”。

Scroll through the list and find Force Quit. Select it, and press the Add button.

滚动列表,找到“强制退出”。 选择它,然后按添加按钮。

Close the Add to Panel window and you’ll see the Force Quit button where you chose to add it.


Now, when you have an unresponsive application…


Click on the Force Quit panel button. You will see an explanatory message, and the cursor will change to a crosshair.

单击“强制退出”面板按钮。 您将看到一条说明性消息,并且光标将变为十字准线。

Click on the offending program, and you’ll be given a prompt to force it to quit.


Cross your fingers that you won’t lose much data! But at least you now have control over your Ubuntu machine again.

双手合十不会丢失太多数据! 但是至少现在您可以再次控制Ubuntu计算机。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22743/force-quit-an-unresponsive-graphical-application-in-ubuntu/

ubuntu 强制退出

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