






#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define N 20008
#define M 60008
#define lc (tr[d].c[0])
#define rc (tr[d].c[1])struct Tr{int c[2], cnt, v, fa;
}tr[N];struct E{int v, u;
}e[M];struct Q{char op;int x, y;
}que[N*20];struct V{int v, ne;
}up[N*10];int head[N], size, f[N], val[N], root, use[M] = {0};void init() {memset(head, -1, sizeof(head));memset(f, -1, sizeof(f));size = 0;root = 0;tr[0].cnt = tr[0].c[0] = tr[0].c[1] = 0;
}void Push(int d) {tr[d].cnt = tr[lc].cnt+tr[rc].cnt+1;
}void Rotate(int x, int k) {if (tr[x].fa == 0) return;int fa = tr[x].fa, w;tr[fa].c[!k] = tr[x].c[k];if (tr[x].c[k] != 0) tr[tr[x].c[k]].fa = fa;tr[x].fa = tr[fa].fa, tr[x].c[k] = fa;if (tr[fa].fa != 0) {w = tr[tr[fa].fa].c[1]==fa;tr[tr[fa].fa].c[w] = x;}tr[fa].fa = x;Push(fa);Push(x);
}void Splay(int x, int goal) {//将x节点转到goal的儿子上if (x == 0) return;while (tr[x].fa != goal) {int y = tr[x].fa;bool w = x==tr[y].c[1];if (tr[y].fa != goal && w == (y==tr[tr[y].fa].c[1]))Rotate(y, !w);Rotate(x, !w);}if (goal == 0) root = x;Push(x);
}void newtr(int &r, int fa, int id, int k) {r = id;tr[r].fa = fa, tr[r].v = k;tr[r].c[0] = tr[r].c[1] = 0;tr[r].cnt = 1;
}void Insert(int r, int key) {int d = root;if (d == 0) {newtr(d, 0, r, key);return;}while (tr[d].c[key>tr[d].v])d = tr[d].c[key>tr[d].v];newtr(tr[d].c[key>tr[d].v], d, r, key);Splay(r, 0);
}int Get_Min(int d) {while (lc) d = lc;return d;
}void Delete() {int d = root;if (lc == 0 || rc == 0) {root = lc+rc;tr[root].fa = 0;return;}int tm = Get_Min(rc);Splay(tm, root);tr[tm].c[0] = lc;tr[lc].fa = tm;tr[tm].fa = 0;root = tm;Push(tm);
}void erase(int d) {if (d == 0) return;erase(lc), erase(rc);Insert(d, up[head[d]].v);
}int find(int x) {if (f[x] == -1) return x;return f[x] = find(f[x]);
}void bing(int u, int v) {int t1 = find(u), t2 = find(v);if (t1 == t2) return;f[t1] = t2;Splay(t1, 0);Splay(t2, 0);if (tr[t1].cnt < tr[t2].cnt) swap(t1, t2);root = t1;erase(t2);
}int query(int d, int k) {int s = tr[lc].cnt+1;if (s == k) return tr[d].v;if (s > k) return query(lc, k);else return query(rc, k-s);
}int main() {int n, m, i, j, u, v, ca = 1, k;while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &m), n||m) {init();for (i = 1;i <= n;i++) {scanf("%d", &v);up[size].v = v, up[size].ne = head[i];head[i] = size++;}for (i = 1;i <= m;i++) scanf("%d%d", &e[i].u, &e[i].v);int qc = 0;while (scanf(" %c", &que[qc].op), que[qc].op != 'E') {if (que[qc].op == 'D') {scanf("%d", &que[qc].x);use[que[qc].x] = ca;}scanf("%d%d", &que[qc].x, &que[qc].y);if (que[qc].op == 'C') {up[size].v = que[qc].y, up[size].ne = head[que[qc].x];head[que[qc].x] = size++;}qc++;}for (i = 1;i <= n;i++) {newtr(root, 0, i, up[head[i]].v);}for (i = 1;i <= m;i++) {if (use[i] == ca) continue;bing(e[i].u, e[i].v);}double ans = 0;int cnt = 0;for (i = qc-1;i >= 0;i--) {if (que[i].op == 'D') {bing(e[que[i].x].u, e[que[i].x].v);}else if (que[i].op == 'C') {u = que[i].x, v = que[i].y;Splay(u, 0);Delete();head[u] = up[head[u]].ne;Insert(u, up[head[u]].v);}else {u = que[i].x, k = que[i].y;Splay(u, 0);cnt++;if (tr[root].cnt >= k && k > 0) {ans += query(u, tr[root].cnt-k+1);}}}printf("Case %d: %.6lf\n", ca++, (cnt==0)?0:(ans/cnt));}

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