
by David Yu


如何培养优秀的开发人员沟通技巧,养成不良习惯 (How to cultivate great communication skills as a dev and kick bad habits to the curb)

It always makes me pause when someone writes, “skilled in communication” on their résumé.


Should I have any reason to doubt your communication skills? Or are you giving me a reason to doubt them?

我是否有任何理由怀疑您的沟通技巧? 还是您让我有理由怀疑他们?

Putting my ego aside, I’ve been thinking about why developers have a bad reputation for being hard to communicate with.


I’ve reflected on my own experiences, and indeed there have been times that the words from my mouth didn’t make sense. In this article, I’ll share a few scenarios where I “lost” my communication skills — and solutions I used to help find them.

我对自己的经历进行了反思,确实有些时候我口中的话没有道理。 在本文中,我将分享一些“失去”我的沟通技巧的场景以及用来帮助他们的解决方案。

问题:整夜编写代码 (Problem: writing code throughout the night)

Coding requires intense focus and logical thinking.


Research shows that sleep deprivation is equal to chugging a few beers.


When I used to write code at night, I enjoyed the tranquility of the night. No one bothers you, it’s just you and your thoughts.

当我过去在晚上写代码时,我享受了夜晚的宁静。 没有人打扰您,只有您和您的想法。

In one particular instance, we had to demo a prototype to a client for the first time. We found a bug late at night, so I had no choice but to stay up and patch it up.

在一个特定的实例中,我们不得不第一次将原型演示给客户。 我们在深夜发现了一个错误,所以我别无选择,只能留下来修补它。

The next morning, the software was fine, but I wasn’t. I was stuttering the whole time. Thank goodness I had my teammate take over for me.

第二天早上,软件很好,但我不是。 我一直口吃。 谢天谢地,我让我的队友接替了我。

解决方案 (Solutions)

Well, the easy solution is to avoid coding at night.


But what if your boss set a unrealistic deadline, and your job is on the line? You could wake up early instead. I know it sucks, but it’s also quiet.

但是,如果您的老板设定了一个不切实际的截止日期,并且您的工作即将开始,该怎么办? 您可以早起。 我知道它很烂,但它也很安静。

Over time, I learned to leave more room for testing and debugging.


In Aytekin Tank’s article, here are some sleeping tips I found helpful:

在Aytekin Tank的文章中 ,这是一些我发现有用的睡眠技巧:

  1. Don’t consume caffeine in the afternoon下午不要喝咖啡因
  2. Exercise daily每天运动
  3. Keep the room temperature cool保持室温凉爽
  4. Avoid screens two hours before bed time睡觉前两小时避免屏幕

问题:长时间单独工作 (Problem: working alone for an extended period of time)

I noticed this before I learned how to code.


When I worked at the clothing store of 90 employees, speaking in front of them was not a problem.


If I sit in front of a computer and don’t talk to anyone for a few hours, my public speaking skills deteriorate almost to zero. I stutter and use too much technical jargon.

如果我坐在电脑前,并且几个小时不与任何人交谈,那么我的公共演讲能力几乎会降为零。 我结结巴巴,并使用了过多的技术术语。

There’s no worse feeling than when you’ve built something awesome, but you can’t explain what it does.


解决方案 (Solutions)

Set a limited work time.


When you work, only do the work in front of you.


Turn off your phone and hide it somewhere. This will force your mind to focus on the task at hand.

关闭手机并将其隐藏在某处。 这将迫使您专注于手头的任务。

Sing a song when you take a break. It sounds weird, but it works for me. If you’re working alone, you don’t have to worry about being good enough for American Idol. It warms up your vocal chords so you can speak with an outside voice.

休息时唱歌。 听起来很奇怪,但是对我有用。 如果您一个人工作,则不必担心自己对《美国偶像》足够好。 它可以使您的人声和弦温暖,因此您可以用外部声音说话。

问题:在谈话中思考代码 (Problem: thinking about code while in mid-conversation)

When your mind is thinking about an unresolved issue, it jumps back and forth from your subconscious to your conscious mind.


If you are in a middle of figuring something out, and your co-worker says, “Hey, why doesn’t ___ (insert new feature) work?” you probably won’t be able to respond very easily.

如果您正在寻找解决方案,而您的同事说:“嘿,为什么___(插入新功能)不起作用?” 您可能将无法非常轻松地做出回应。

Ironically, you were coding that new feature at the same time in your brain.


解决方案 (Solutions)

Put a process in place for gathering and recording issues.


Use software like Trello or physical Post-Its. Then you can clearly see the remaining tasks and their priority level.

使用Trello或Physical Post-Its之类的软件。 然后,您可以清楚地看到其余任务及其优先级。

Set meetings ahead of time, so there are fewer abrupt “discussions”.


This image came from this article by Amando Abreu. In the article, his words resonated with me:

此图像来自Amando Abreu的这篇文章 。 在文章中,他的话引起了我的共鸣:

After working in an environment that doesn’t allow you to focus for too long, your brain becomes used to not being focused, and it affects your cognitive and creative abilities, leading to worse work, and costing your employers a lot of money.


A proper working environment is so important to developers and the productivity of the organization. Make sure you have one.

适当的工作环境对开发人员和组织的生产力至关重要。 确保您有一个。

问题:首字母缩略词不节省时间 (Problem: acronyms don’t save time)

Excessive use of made up acronyms is a significant impediment to communication and keeping communication good as we grow is incredibly important.


— Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

— 伊隆·马斯克 ( Elon Musk):Tesla,SpaceX和对梦幻般未来的追求

When you mix a group of people with various expertise, there’s bound to be a person who doesn’t understand a certain acronym or jargon such as:




We end up spending more time to explain it. Here’s a hilarious clip from The Office that demonstrate that.

我们最终花了更多的时间来解释它。 这是The Office的一个有趣片段,演示了这一点。

解决方案 (Solutions)

Use vocabulary that everyone understands.


Communication is both a privilege and duty. It’s a privilege to listen and to be heard. But it’s also your duty to make sure your words are understood.

交流既是特权又是义务。 倾听和倾听是一种荣幸。 但是,确保您的文字被理解也是您的责任。

To listen, you will need to give the other person your full attention. It’s hard, but it’s worth it.

要倾听,您需要全神贯注于另一个人。 很难,但是值得。

问题:半途而谈 (Problem: jumping in on conversations half-way)

Maybe you have your headphones on while coding. And all of a sudden your boss wants your opinion, “What do you think?”

编码时也许戴着耳机。 突然间,您的老板想要您的意见,“您怎么看?”

“Uh…What were we talking about?”


Then they pretty much have to retrace their conversation.


The worst thing you could do is to give an answer before you understand the context of the conversation.


解决方案 (Solutions)

Always understand the context of the conversation first. Ask questions. Understand the why.

始终首先了解对话的上下文。 问问题。 了解原因。

结论 (Conclusion)

To be able to communicate with your colleagues, boss, and everyone else in your life will not only make you more productive, but you will feel better about your work.


It’s the organization’s responsibility to establish the right company culture for developers. But it’s the developer’s responsibility to take care of their health and be vocal about what’s good for their productivity. Speak up!

为开发人员建立正确的公司文化是组织的责任。 但是,照顾好自己的健康并大声疾呼对自己的生产力有益的是开发人员的责任。 大声说!

谢谢阅读 (Thanks for reading)

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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-cultivate-great-communication-skills-as-a-dev-and-kick-bad-habits-to-the-curb-d62a075700f5/



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