Faceboxes pytorch代码解读(一) box_utils.py(上篇)

有幸读到Shifeng Zhang老师团队的人脸检测论文,感觉对自己的人脸学习论文十分有帮助。通过看别人的paper,学习别人的代码,能够使得我们对人脸检测算法的学习有更近一步的理解。




功能:将坐标由(cx,cy,w,h)形式转换为(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)形式

def point_form(boxes):#将坐标由(cx,cy,w,h)形式转换为(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)形式""" Convert prior_boxes to (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)representation for comparison to point form ground truth data.Args:boxes: (tensor) center-size default boxes from priorbox layers.Return:boxes: (tensor) Converted xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax form of boxes."""return torch.cat((boxes[:, :2] - boxes[:, 2:]/2,     # xmin, yminboxes[:, :2] + boxes[:, 2:]/2), 1)  # xmax, ymax#torch.cat是将两个张量(tensor)拼接在一起 维度1表示进行横向拼接


功能:将坐标由(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)形式转换为(cx,cy,w,h)形式

def center_size(boxes):#将坐标由(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)形式转换为(cx,cy,w,h)形式""" Convert prior_boxes to (cx, cy, w, h)representation for comparison to center-size form ground truth data.Args:boxes: (tensor) point_form boxesReturn:boxes: (tensor) Converted xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax form of boxes."""return torch.cat((boxes[:, 2:] + boxes[:, :2])/2,  # cx, cyboxes[:, 2:] - boxes[:, :2], 1)  # w, h



def intersect(box_a, box_b):#计算交集""" We resize both tensors to [A,B,2] without new malloc:[A,2] -> [A,1,2] -> [A,B,2][B,2] -> [1,B,2] -> [A,B,2]Then we compute the area of intersect between box_a and box_b.Args:box_a: (tensor) bounding boxes, Shape: [A,4].  **A为真实框的数量**box_b: (tensor) bounding boxes, Shape: [B,4].  **B为prior_box的数量**Return:(tensor) intersection area, Shape: [A,B].    **返回值为A*B个IOU值**"""A = box_a.size(0)B = box_b.size(0)max_xy = torch.min(box_a[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2),box_b[:, 2:].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2))min_xy = torch.max(box_a[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2),box_b[:, :2].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2))inter = torch.clamp((max_xy - min_xy), min=0)return inter[:, :, 0] * inter[:, :, 1]#返回intersection的面积



def jaccard(box_a, box_b):"""Compute the jaccard overlap of two sets of boxes.  The jaccard overlapis simply the intersection over union of two boxes.  Here we operate onground truth boxes and default boxes.E.g.:A ∩ B / A ∪ B = A ∩ B / (area(A) + area(B) - A ∩ B) **IOU计算公式**Args:box_a: (tensor) Ground truth bounding boxes, Shape: [num_objects,4]box_b: (tensor) Prior boxes from priorbox layers, Shape: [num_priors,4]Return:jaccard overlap: (tensor) Shape: [box_a.size(0), box_b.size(0)]"""inter = intersect(box_a, box_b)#计算inter面积area_a = ((box_a[:, 2]-box_a[:, 0]) *(box_a[:, 3]-box_a[:, 1])).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(inter)  # [A,B]area_b = ((box_b[:, 2]-box_b[:, 0]) *(box_b[:, 3]-box_b[:, 1])).unsqueeze(0).expand_as(inter)  # [A,B]union = area_a + area_b - interreturn inter / union# [A,B]



def matrix_iou(a, b):"""return iou of a and b, numpy version for data augenmentation"""lt = np.maximum(a[:, np.newaxis, :2], b[:, :2])rb = np.minimum(a[:, np.newaxis, 2:], b[:, 2:])area_i = np.prod(rb - lt, axis=2) * (lt < rb).all(axis=2)area_a = np.prod(a[:, 2:] - a[:, :2], axis=1)area_b = np.prod(b[:, 2:] - b[:, :2], axis=1)return area_i / (area_a[:, np.newaxis] + area_b - area_i)



def matrix_iof(a, b):"""return iof of a and b, numpy version for data augenmentation"""lt = np.maximum(a[:, np.newaxis, :2], b[:, :2])rb = np.minimum(a[:, np.newaxis, 2:], b[:, 2:])area_i = np.prod(rb - lt, axis=2) * (lt < rb).all(axis=2)area_a = np.prod(a[:, 2:] - a[:, :2], axis=1)return area_i / np.maximum(area_a[:, np.newaxis], 1)


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