*** A fast and clever hex source editor ***


14.99$ -> 9.99$ for a limited time!


•Insert, delete, rearrange.  Hex Editor does not limit you to in-place changes like some hex editors.

•Work with huge files.  Hex Editor can handle as big a file as you’re able to create.  It’s been tested on files as large as 118 GB.

•Small footprint.  Hex Editor does not keep your files in memory.  You won’t dread launching or working with Hex Editor even on low-RAM machines.

•Fast.  Open a huge file, scroll around, copy and paste, all instantly.  Find what you’re looking for with fast searching.

•Binary diff.  Hex Editor can show the differences between files, taking into account insertions or deletions.

•Smart saving.  Hex Editor knows not to waste time overwriting the parts of your files that haven’t changed, and never needs temporary disk space.

•Data inspector.  Interpret data as integer or floating point, signed or unsigned, big or little endian...

•Embeddable!  It’s really easy to incorporate Hex Editor’s hex or data views into your app.  Its permissive BSD-style license won’t burden you.

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