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Unit 1、2、3、5、6 Section A word in use 和Section B Sentence structure 部分的翻译

Unit 1 A

Text A: Words in use

  1. crumbled
    crumble 英/'krʌmb(ə)l/ vi. 崩溃,瓦解,消失
    As the gender barriers crumbled, the number of women working as lawyers, doctors, or bankers began to increase significantly from the mid-20th century.
  2. discern 英/dɪ’sɜːn/ vt. 看出,觉察出,辨明
    With the data collected each year, the owner of the shop can discern customer trends and how things like weather and economic indicators affect sales performance.
  3. surpass 英/sə’pɑːs/ vt. 超过,胜过
    His supervisor pushes and motivates him in such a positive manner that he is not only able to reach but to surpass his personal goals.
    supervisor 英/'suːpəvaɪzə;'sjuː/ n. 监督人,指导者;[管理] 管理人;检查员
  4. shrewd 英/ʃ ruː d/ a. 精明的,机敏的,准确的,英明的
    He is a man with a shrewd business sense. He has built his initial investment into a substantial and even excessively large fortune.
  5. conversion 英/ kən’vɜːʃ(ə) n/ n. 转变,改造,转换
    The conversion of nuclear radiation directly into electricity was an exciting possibility that was being vigorously explored in many laboratories in the 1950s.
  6. distort 英/dɪ’stɔːt/ vt. 歪曲,曲解
    I was not only shocked but also disgusted that the report tried to distort the scientific facts in such a manner that even some highly-educated people were fooled.
  7. radiant 英/'reɪdɪənt/ a. 容光焕发的,喜悦的
    Sixty-two and blessed with his mother’s skin, the fisherman had withstood a lifetime of exposure to the sun and looked as radiant as a man in his forties.
  8. ingenious 英 /ɪn’dʒiːnɪəs/ a. 有独创性的,别出心裁的,构思巧妙的
    French educator Louis Braille invented a simple but ingenious code which has had an impact on the lives of generations of people who are blind.
  9. stumped
    stump 英 /stʌmp/ v. 使困惑,难倒
    The senators didn’t expect us to ask such tough questions, and when we finally did, they got stumped and didn’t know what to say.
  10. proposition 英 /prɒpə’zɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 提议,建议,主张,观点,看法
    This newly established university supports the proposition that a more diverse higher education system is desirable since it would enhance opportunities for lifelong learning.

Unit 1 B

Sentence structure

  1. These reports differ from his earlier work in that they offer solutions to public pension problems.
  2. These forums are unique in that they provide a venue for those with varying perspectives to have an open and honest dialog.
    venue 英 /'venjuː/ n. 聚会地点;举行场所;犯罪地点;发生地点;(英格兰律)审判地(指郡或区)
  3. Social support has been found to act as a stress reducer in that it protects people in crisis from both physical and psychological problems.

Unit 2 A

Text A: Words in use

  1. deficient 英 /dɪ’fɪʃ(ə)nt/ a.不足的,有缺陷的,缺乏的,不足的。
    We need to improve the quality of education so that our children will not leave school deficient in literary and reasoning skills.
  2. prosecution 英 /prɒsɪ’kjuːʃ(ə)n/ n. 起诉,指控
    In a society governed by the rule of law,every citizen is subject to possible prosecution if he violates the law.
  3. outrage 英 /'aʊtreɪdʒ/ n.义愤,愤慨,震怒
    The pay gap between average workers and top corporate officers has led to pubic outrage as executives receive large packages despite falling share prices.
  4. appeased
    appease 英 /ə’piːz/ vt. 平息,安抚,抚慰
    The delicious meal appeased our hunger and made us feel warm again after having walked in the snow all day.
  5. conformity 英 /kən’fɔːmɪtɪ/ n. 遵守;符合;一致;
    The military insists on conformity in many areas,for example, dress and haircut,with the primary objective of promoting group unity.
  6. strand 英 /strænd/ n. (线、绳、头发等的)股,缕
    My daughter used to play with the dog by taking a strand of its hair and then spending a long time rubbing, combing and twisting it.
  7. complement 英 /'kɒmplɪm(ə)nt/ vt. 与……相配,与……互补
    When she left for the party,she took great care to make her necklace and shoes complement her dress.
  8. transient 英 /'trænzɪənt/ a. 短暂的,临时的
    It was necessary to provide living places for transient immigrants passing through the area on their way to more permanent dwellings.
  9. appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ n. 家用电器
    They had just moved in,so they needed to buy a number of kitchen appliances, including a microwave oven, a toaster,and a coffee maker.
  10. outfit /ˈaʊtfɪt/ n. (尤指在特殊场合穿的)全套服装
    She wanted a beautiful and elegant outfit to attend the wedding of a friend, but couldn’t find anything satisfactory in the nearby shops.

Unit 2 B

Sentence structure

  1. What they were worried about was more than just the cost of the machine itself. It would be expensive to keep it up too.
  2. The island is more than just a place to visit for fun. It is also a center of the shipbuilding industry in this region.
  3. For me and the kids, Mother Earth News is more than just a magazine that introduces various kinds of healthy diets; it is a friend who gives us comfort!

Unit 3 A

Text A: Words in use

  1. exquisite 英 /'ekskwɪzɪt; ɪk’skwɪzɪt; ek-/ a. 精致的,精美的
    The curtains changed the atmosphere of the house completely and made it into a place of exquisite beauty.
  2. disperse 英 /dɪ’spɜːs/ v. (使)分散,驱散
    As the sun dispersed the clouds, we enjoyed our afternoon of playing cards in the forest under the clear sky and observing the most spectacular view I have ever seen in my life.
  3. decentralize 英 /di:'sentrə’laɪz/ v. (使)(政府、组织等的部门)分散
    The big company decentralized their operations last year and opened several regional offices in the country to meet the needs of the market.
  4. deduce /dɪ’djuːs/ vt. 推论,推断;演绎出
    It is not easy to deduce a trend of growth from the available facts since they are quite scarce and not that convincing.
    scarce /skeəs/adj. 缺乏的,不足的;稀有的
  5. fixture /'fɪkstʃə; -tjə/ n. 设备;固定装置;固定于某处不大可能移动之物
    Formerly found only in large industrial applications, microwave ovens now have become a standard fixture of most modern kitchens.
  6. frugality /fruː’gælɪtɪ/ n. 俭省,节俭
    He calls on the public to save in everyday life and believes that frugality is the key to battling a culture that rewards mindless consumption.
  7. administrate /əd’mɪnɪstreɪt/ vt. 管理;经营,实施
    He is suitable for the position as he is young enough to understand what the teenagers think but old enough to administrate their programs.
  8. disjointed /dɪs’dʒɒɪntɪd/ adj. 脱节的;杂乱的;脱臼的
    When asked about her whereabouts at 9 o’clock that night, she gave a rather disjointed response, which caught the detective’s attention.
  9. revive /rɪ’vaɪv/ vi. 复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神
    Reviving the stalled economy and sticking to promises to bring the deficit down next year is proving to be the principal test for the new president.
    stall vi. 停止,停转;拖延
  10. elapse /ɪ’læps/ vi. 消逝;时间过去
    A considerable period of time has to elapse before the effects of such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras and cell-phone monitoring become evident in reducing crimes.

Unit 3 B

Sentence structure

  1. If he goes on taking ererything passively like this, he will never be confident enough to say NO to those kids who are fond of teasing him.
    tease /tiːz/ vt. 取笑;戏弄;梳理;欺负;强求;使起毛
  2. I know I’m already 80, but with a heart like mine, I will never be old enough to stop laughing at funny words.
  3. Although I was never fortunate/lucky enough to meet your grandmother, I’ve enjoyed hearing you tell stories about her and seeing your face light up when talking about her.

Unit 5 A

Text A: Words in use

  1. fabricate /'fæbrɪkeɪt/ vt. 制造;伪造;装配
    Although he was not a legal expert, he knew it would not be proper to fabricate anything to mislead the public.

  2. nominal [ˈnɒmɪnl] adj. 名义上的; 微不足道的; 票面上的;
    He does not work full time there, but he has been the nominal head of the organization’s scholarship program for five years.

  3. temporal [ˈtempərəl] adj. 时间的; 世俗的; 暂存的;
    As Mark walked the sites on that initial trip of the migrants, he found some important temporal clues — dated bus tickets, shopping receipts and calendars.

  4. reciprocal /rɪ’sɪprək(ə)l/ adj. 互惠的;相互的;倒数的,彼此相反的
    In urban planning, it is important to take into consideration the reciprocal influence between the transportation network and other facilities, for example shopping centers and medical centers.

  5. denote /dɪ’nəʊt/ vt. 表示,指示
    The label “Smart Choices” on the front of food packages usually denotes products that meet criteria for lower fat, sugar and sodium (钠) content.
    criteria /kraɪ’tɪərɪə/ n. 标准,条件
    sodium /'səʊdɪəm/
    content /kən’tent/ n. 内容,目录;满足;容量

  6. consecutive /kən’sekjʊtɪv/ adj. 连贯的;连续不断的
    The public high school graduation rates in New Mexico and Arizona have been increasing for three consecutive years, thanks to an online program that helps students earn missing credits.

  7. spectator /spek’teɪtə/ n. 观众;旁观者
    In the accident at the air show last week, a pilot and 10 spectators were killed when a fighter plane crashed into the crowd.
    pilot /'paɪlət/ n. 飞行员;领航员

  8. muttering /'mʌtərɪŋ/ n. 独自怨言,喃喃自语
    The mother was not sure where the boys went, but she did hear them muttering something about going out for a movie with friends.

  9. composite /'kɒmpəzɪt/ adj. 复合的,合成的;(火车车厢)综合的;(柱式)混合的;菊科的
    This newly released portrait of Planet Earth is actually a composite of several pictures taken earlier this month by a new research satellite.

  10. malicious /mə’lɪʃəs/ adj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的
    You shouldn’t feel insulted. We can assure you he meant to be friendly and there was nothing impolite or malicious in his words.

Unit 5 B

Sentence structure

  1. If we have enough oil in our own country, why import a large amount from somewhere else every year?
  2. Since video communication through the Internet is convenient, why a time-consuming and expensive flight trip to attend the conference/meeting?
  3. Why at a crowded bar so far from home? We can just meet at a restaurant close to where we live.

Unit 6 A

Text A: Words in use

  1. alien /'eɪlɪən/ adj. 外国的;相异的,性质不同的;不相容的;陌生的
    When I first came to this city, everything was alien to me. It took me a long time to adjust myself to the new environment.
  2. optic /'ɒptɪk/ adj. 光学的;视觉的;眼睛的
    Something growing in her brain caused damage to her optic nerve, and doctors thought she would never see again.
  3. symmetrical /sɪ’metrɪk(ə)l/ adj. 匀称的,对称的
    The front side of the house has a symmetrical arrangement of windows and door and two windows on each side.
  4. lubricate /'luːbrɪkeɪt/ vi. 润滑;涂油;起润滑剂作用
    He cleaned the old machine and lubricated the moving parts with a little mineral oil, hoping that it could work again.
  5. twinkled
    twinkle /'twɪŋk(ə)l/ v. 闪烁;(眼睛)闪亮,闪闪发光;发亮;轻快移动
    We could tell it was a crisp winter night because, overhead, between the shadows of the buildings, a multitude of stars twinkled.
  6. mediator /'miːdɪeɪtə/ n. 调停者;传递者;中介物
    During his work on child protection, he often acts as a mediator between parents and children, making the parents know what they can do and what they cannot do.
  7. outpost /'aʊt,post/ n. 前哨;警戒部队;边区村落
    Due to safety concerns, the commander ordered his troops to leave their outposts in the mountains and return to their bases in the nearby village.
  8. traverse /'trævəs; trə’vɜːs/ v. 穿过;来回移动;反驳;阻挠;详细研究;旋转
    It’s exciting to travel to a foreign place, no matter whether you’re traversing the wilds of Africa or just making a weekend trip to the countryside.
  9. emancipate /ɪ’mænsɪpeɪt/ vt. 解放;释放
    In the 1970s, a number of countries passed laws to protect women’s rights, announcing that they would emancipate women through education and work.
  10. deductive /dɪ’dʌktɪv/ adj. 演绎的;推论的;推断的
    The basic idea of deductive reasoning is that if something is true of a class of things in general, this truth applies to all members of that class.

Unit 6 B

Sentence structure

  1. Her parents could no more persuade her to study maths than they could persuade her to stop wearing skirts and makeup.
  2. I would no more believe any word he said than I would allow myself to be bitten by the same snake twice.
  3. He would no more dare speak before a large audience than he would dare jump off the top of a 20-story building.

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