昨天打开template form , 先开始出现 FRM-18108 和FRM-10102 。后来想起来需要设置forms60_path ,

2.resource 下的目录已经拷贝全了到本机器目录
可是还是会有错误 :

FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library APPCORE. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library APPDAYPK. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library VERT. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library PSAC. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library CUSTOM. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library IGILUTIL. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library IGILUTIL2. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library IGI_CBC. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.
FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library APPCORE. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved.


后来我不顾提示,干脆打开form ,然后附加appcore.pll文件,又提示:

Attached library name contains a non-protable directory specification

我接着点YES OR NO ,


pde-PLI018 could not find library

Problem Description:

You are receiving the following error from Oracle Forms:

PDE-PLI018 : Could not find library .

Problem Explanation:

This error occurs when you attempt to open a library file using Oracle Forms.

Solution Description:

Check the following when PDE-PLI018 occurs opening a library .pll file from
the filesystem:

1. Check Environment Variable for Temporary Files:

You must create a platform specific environment variable or logical to
specify which directory temporary files should be created in.

Make sure the temporary file variable is pointing to a directory that:
- exists
- has adequate available disk space
- has permissions to allow the Oracle Forms to write a file to
this directory

Consult with your System Administrator to set up the temporary file space
and environment variables/logicals that point to this space.


-Oracle Forms on the Windows platforms uses the TMP and TEMP environment
variable to determine where to write a temporary file.


Set the TMP / TEMP variable in the environment

- Forms needs certain rights on the system to load and save .pll files,
like accessing temporary disk space.


Log into the system as administrator or check and change the rights of the
current user. A useful set of tools to check file and registry accesses of
any process on the system can be found at www.sysinternals.com.


@Bug 2673271 - Temporary File Created When Opening Pll Not Written To Temp
@ Directory
Bug 2861157 - Temporary File Created At Root Directory When Opening Pll.


Oracle Forms on Unix platforms uses the TMPDIR environment variable to
determine where to write a temporary file. For example, to create the
TMPDIR environment variable include the following in the .login file:


The default is /tmp.

The method of setting environment variables varies by the type of UNIX
platform that you are on. Consult with your System Administrator to
determine how to correctly establish an environment variable on your


Oracle Forms 4.0:

Oracle Forms on VMS platforms uses the ORA_FORMS40_SCRATCH logical to
determine where to write a temporary file.

2. Check Oracle Forms Working Directory:

Verify the Oracle Forms user has write privileges to the Oracle Forms
working directory. The working directory is the directory from which you
run Oracle Forms.

On Microsoft Windows, the Oracle Forms working directory is specified in
the Properties for the Oracle Forms 4.X Builder icon.

3. Check name of directory containing library files:

The name of the directory containing the .PLL library files should not be

Solution Explanation:

When opening libraries, a temporary file is created in the working directory.
Thus, Oracle Forms must know where to write the temporary file and have
permissions to write the temporary file.

4. The Library has been attached with fixed Path:

The library may have been attached without removing the non-portable path.
If you want to see what path, if any, is being used by the library file:

. Open the .PLL library file in the Oracle Forms Builder
. Use the File/Administration/Convert Menu option to convert the .PLL file
to a .PLD text file.
. The .PLD file is a text file that can be viewed through an editor.

If the path was NOT REMOVED when attached, you will find a line like:


If the path was REMOVED when attached, you will find a line like:


Solution Explanation:

If the library was attached with a path, then the path must still exist and be
accessible by Oracle Forms. You should not specify a library path when
attaching libraries. Path names for library attachments are stored internally
and, as a result, are not portable. Instead, you should rely on the Oracle
Forms standard search path (current directory, FORMSxx_PATH, ORACLE_PATH ) to
locate the library at runtime.

5. Networkdrive Problem:

You are trying to generate a .plx file from a .pll file located on the
network under Windows. When you enter the command:

fxxgen module=/module.pll module_type=library

the following error occurs:

PDE-PLI018: Could not find library .

Solution Description:

Create a shortcut and change the Working Directory to the network path as

On Windows 3.X:

1) Create an icon for FxxGEN.EXE.
2) Set the Working Directory to the location of the .pll file.

On Windows NT/2000/XP:

1) Create a shortcut for FxxGEN.EXE.
2) On the Shortcut Properties, set the Start in directory to the
location of the .pll file.

6. PDE-PLI018 unable to attach library in Forms Builder:

You have migrated the form and the library from the windows client to UNIX
server and you are attempting to attach the library to the form.

Solution Description:

Reset TWO_TASK to point to the locally installed database.

Solution Explanation:

You have established a test environment with the Oracle database and a
Developer in separate ORACLE_HOMEs. You have set TWO_TASK to point to the
data in your development environment which is located on another UNIX machine.

You must reset TWO_TASK to point to the locally installed Oracle database or
use an alias from the TNSNAMES.ORA file which points to the remote database.

Solution References:


7. Error if attached Library saved in the database:

If a library is saved in the database and is attached to a form, PDE-PLI018
"Could not find library CURRENT DATABASE" when the form is executed.

Solution Description:

Save the library in a file instead.

Bug 226204

8. Oracle Developer 6.0 / 6i were installed in the same Oracle_Home:
Solution Description:
Oracle Forms 6i has to be installed in a SEPARATE Oracle_Home.

接着,实在没有办法了,重新安装 developer 6i, 打补丁 。。。


我的电脑里装了developer 10g , oracle 10g xe .干脆卸掉



我又重新下载了resource 目录下的文件和form 从另外一个测试环境,我开始怀疑 这些pll文件的问题了。。


最后从另一个同事那里测试一下他能不能打开 template form! 他能!

我copy 他的pll文件过来到我的电脑上,ok ...


来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/226700/viewspace-856507/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


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