
My favorite use of virtual reality is allowing people to visit places they might never see. Virtual reality can be used by people too sick or too frail to see the world. They can climb Mount Everest, see the Northern Lights, and ride the waves in Hawaii all from the comfort of their home or hospital bed. The same idea can be used for people who can not afford to travel. While it is not the same as being there, I believe that everyone should have the chance to experience the many wonders of the world in any way they can.

我最喜欢的虚拟现实用法是允许人们访问他们可能从未见过的地方。 太虚弱或无法看清世界的人们可能会使用虚拟现实。 他们可以在家中或病床旁舒适地攀登珠穆朗玛峰,欣赏北极光并在夏威夷乘波逐浪。 那些无法负担旅行费用的人也可以使用相同的想法。 尽管与那里不一样,但我相信每个人都应该有机会以任何方式体验世界上的许多奇观。

Virtual reality can be used to prepare. It can help train pilots for emergencies without the possibility of injury or damage to expensive machinery. It can allow doctors to practice procedures before opening up a patient. It can allow engineers to troubleshoot problems, thus preventing possible disasters. Using virtual reality to see a design before it is made can help cut costs. Cameras could be sent into outer space or deep into the ocean, and we could explore through virtual reality without endangering ourselves or spending millions to send humans there. The use of virtual reality in careers is boundless.

虚拟现实可以用来做准备。 它可以帮助培训飞行员紧急情况,而不会造成人身伤害或损坏昂贵的机械。 它可以允许医生在开放患者之前练习程序。 它可以使工程师排除故障,从而避免可能的灾难。 使用虚拟现实技术在设计完成之前先进行查看可以帮助降低成本。 相机可以发送到外太空或深海中,我们可以通过虚拟现实进行探索,而不会危害自己或花费数百万美元将人运送到那里。 在职业中使用虚拟现实是无限的。

Exposure therapy could benefit form virtual reality. It could be used as a safe way to slowly introduce a person to their fears and help them overcome it. Through virtual reality, they would be less likely to hurt themselves and others. People with anxiety can use virtual reality to experience situations that usually make them anxious. By going through those moments in a safe environment, they can feel more confident when they experience it in real life.

暴露疗法可以从虚拟现实中受益。 它可以用作一种安全的方法,使一个人逐渐了解自己的恐惧并帮助他们克服恐惧。 通过虚拟现实,他们不太可能伤害自己和他人。 焦虑症患者可以使用虚拟现实来体验通常会使他们焦虑的情况。 通过在安全的环境中度过这些时刻,他们在现实生活中体验到这些时会感到更加自信。

Virtual reality will likely become popular for recreational use as well. I hope technology will be invented that will allow us to record our dreams and memories and then play them through a virtual reality headset. We could relive memories of our favorite moments. We could see our loved ones again and it would seem like they are still here with us. Virtual reality could be used by the military for soldiers stationed out of the country; they could see their family while they are away.

虚拟现实也很可能会成为娱乐用途。 我希望发明新技术,使我们能够记录我们的梦想和回忆,然后通过虚拟现实耳机播放它们。 我们可以重温我们最喜欢的时刻的回忆。 我们可以再次看到亲人,好像他们仍然在我们身边。 军队可以将虚拟现实用于在国外部署的士兵。 他们可以在外出时看到家人。

The uses of virtual reality are unlimited. New technology will develop alongside virtual reality that will expand its uses. Soon, we might be able to use virtual reality in real time. It could be used for security measures, safe viewing of an experiment, or greeting friends in real time. There will be uses for virtual reality that do not currently exist! Only time will tell. I am excited to see what role virtual reality will have in our ever-changing world.

虚拟现实的用途是无限的。 新技术将与虚拟现实一起发展,从而扩大其用途。 很快,我们也许可以实时使用虚拟现实。 它可以用于安全措施,安全查看实验或实时向朋友打招呼。 将有虚拟现实目前尚不存在的用途! 只有时间证明一切。 我很高兴看到虚拟现实在不断变化的世界中将扮演什么角色。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29228/Applications-of-Virtual-Reality.html



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