一.  umout 移动硬盘

开始用sftp 将安装文件copy到服务器的时候,速度太慢了,500k/s。几个G的东西,copy 这些就要半个多小时,扛不住,拿移动硬盘来copy了。 结果移动硬盘的格式不对。 是NTFS 格式,Linux 识别不了。 只能格式化成FAT32的。 而GG 的win7 系统又不具备格式化成FAT32的功能。 有点小变态。让同事在XP 下帮我格式化了。

安装文件copy到服务器后,同事直接将移动硬盘从服务器上拔下来了。 导致的结果是,用df 命令查看,挂载的移动硬盘还存在。

[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]# df -lh

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdb3             125G  3.3G  115G   3% /

/dev/sdb1              99M   12M   82M  13% /boot

tmpfs                 3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1             275G   72G  189G  28% /u01

/dev/sdc1              10G  2.0G  8.1G  20% /datatmp


这时使用umount 命令,会提示设备忙,无法挂载。


[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]# fuser -km /datatmp

[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]# df -lh

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdb3             125G  3.3G  115G   3% /

/dev/sdb1              99M   12M   82M  13% /boot

tmpfs                 3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1             275G   72G  189G  28% /u01

/dev/sdc1              10G  2.0G  8.1G  20% /datatmp

[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]# umount /datatmp

[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]# df -lh

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdb3             125G  3.3G  115G   3% /

/dev/sdb1              99M   12M   82M  13% /boot

tmpfs                 3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm

/dev/sda1             275G   72G  189G  28% /u01


二.  umount 光驱

安装DB 之前,检查了一下相关包,少了3个。 从系统安装盘上找了包,安装了一下。 当时是直接将/dev/cdrom mount 到了/mnt目录。 也是图个方便。 结果收工时去拿盘,光驱弹不出来。 同事让我把cdrom umout掉。 同样的提示,设备忙。


[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]#fuser –km /dev/cdrom

[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]#eject  -- 弹出光驱


# mkdir cdrom

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom


# mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

直接挂载在/mnt,/media等系统目录下,在umount时会出现出错信息“umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy”的情况。


1) 文件系统上面有打开的文件

2) 某个进程的工作目录在此文件系统上

3) 文件系统上面的缓存文件正在被使用

三.  fuser 命令

前面2个umout 都使用了这个fuser 命令。 man了一下这个命令。 内容如下:

[root@linuxidc www.linuxidc.com ~]# man fuser

FUSER(1)       User Commands                        FUSER(1)


fuser - identify processes using files or sockets


fuser [-a|-s|-c] [-4|-6] [-n  space ] [-k [-i] [-signal ] ] [-muvf] name

fuser -l

fuser -V


fuser displays the PIDs of processes using the specified files or file systems.  In the default display mode, each file name is followed by a letter denoting the  type

of access:

c      current directory.

e      executable being run.

f      open file. f is omitted in default display mode.

F      open file for writing. F is omitted in default display mode.

r      root directory.

m      mmap'ed file or shared library.

fuser  returns a non-zero return code if none of the specified files is accessed or in case of a fatal error. If at least one access  has  been  found,  fuser  returns zero.

In  order  to  look  up processes using TCP and UDP sockets, the corresponding name space has to be selected with the -n option. By default fuser  will  look  in  both IPv6  and IPv4 sockets. To change the default, behavior, use the -4 and -6 options. The socket(s) can be specified by  the  local  and  remote  port,  and  the  remote address.  All  fields  are  optional, but commas in front of missing fields must be present:


Either symbolic or numeric values can be used for IP addresses and port numbers.

fuser outputs only the PIDs to stdout, everything else is sent to stderr.


-a     Show all files specified on the command line. By default,  only  files  that are accessed by at least one process are shown.

-c     Same as -m option, used for POSIX compatibility.

-f     Silently ignored, used for POSIX compatibility.

-k     Kill  processes  accessing the file. Unless changed with -signal, SIGKILL is sent. An fuser process never kills itself, but may  kill  other  fuser  processes.  The  effective user ID of the process executing fuser is set to its real user ID before attempting to kill.

-i     Ask the user for confirmation before  killing  a  process.  This  option  is silently ignored if -k is not present too.

-l     List all known signal names.

-m    name  specifies  a  file  on a mounted file system or a block device that is mounted. All processes accessing files on that file system are listed.  If adirectory  file  is  specified, it is automatically changed to name/. to use any file system that might be mounted on that directory.

-n space Select a different name  space.  The  name  spaces  file  (file  names,  the default),  udp  (local  UDP ports), and tcp (local TCP ports) are supported. For ports, either the port number or the symbolic name can be specified.  If  there  is no ambiguity, the shortcut notation name/Ispace (e.g. 80/tcp ) can be used.

-s     Silent operation. -u and -v are ignored in this mode.  -a must not  be  used with -s.

-signal Use  the specified signal instead of SIGKILL when killing processes. Signals can be specified either by name (e.g. -HUP) or by  number  (e.g.  -1).  This option is silently ignored if the -k option is not used.

-u     Append the user name of the process owner to each PID.

-v     Verbose  mode.  Processes are shown in a ps-like style. The fields PID, USER and COMMAND are similar to ps. ACCESS shows how  the  process  accesses  the file.  If  the access is by the kernel (e.g. in the case of a mount point, awap file, etc.), kernel is shown instead of the PID.

-V     Display version information.

-4     Search only for IPv4 sockets. This option must  not  be  used  with  the  -6 option and only has an effect with the tcp and udp namespaces.

-6     Search  only  for  IPv6  sockets.  This  option must not be used with the -4 option and only has an effect with the tcp and udp namespaces.

-      Reset all options and set the signal back to SIGKILL.


/proc     location of the proc file system

fuser 命令显示访问某个文件的进程的PID. 其中-k 和 -m 参数上面红色部分有说明。-k 是kill 访问这个文件的进程。 没有进程访问,就可以成功umount了.

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