
Thanks again.

I kind feel like that, you know, I have been associated with GIX for a long time and everything was established. And now I got more time to get know many of you, I just have this great pleasure for meeting students. Before this lecture, I am looking forward to see more students.


Let me start by saying I am very envious of you studying at UW, Tsinghua, GIX, i am very envious of you who are still in graduate school. I must have you that from my own experience I was in graduate school for a long long time.


You know, graduate school is the best time in life. Because you actually have time. You probably donot have enough money, but you actually have enough time in Graduate school. So, that’s a good news. It’s also a great time to goof around or procrastinate, but donot tell your parents. So because you actually have the time, so I encourage you to take the advantage of that, and to read a lot.


In graduate school, I would argue that you should really learn the important life skills like reading, writing, and presenting. But This talk is really most about the reading. There are a lot of good materials, good stuff on the web, that you can actually find on writing, on presenting, and the general tips for graduate students’ lives.


One of my favorites is actually Simon Peyton Jones, my former colleague at Microsoft research in Cambridge UK. I actually give you this point here about the two presentation s Simon gave, one is on writing, the other one on presenting. Really really nice stuff. You know one interesting thing I actually notice when I was preparing for this lecture is actually how little content on there, on the web talking about reading papers. Perhaps the best material I have found which I use heavily in this talk is from Prof.Michael of Harvard.

我最爱的一部分是关于Simon Peyton Jones, 他是我在Cambridge UK前微软同事。我非常推荐大家去看看他关于写作和演讲的演讲。有趣的是,我在准备今天的演讲时发现并没有很多讨论阅读论文的材料,我找到的最好的材料应该是来自哈佛大学Michael教授的。

So let me get started by why did you need to read the research papers? There are many good reasons why you do that. You need to read some papers, from the required list, from your class, you want to read more papers which acually you need to write a survey. Or you have to do something with the paper, for example, you are asked to review a conference paper, or doing a presentation, or you want code them out for some algorithms. So effectively, reading is the significant parts of your graduate student life. It is positive for your learning.


So the question here is why it’s so hard to read research papers, I ask a lot of students,I personally trained thirty+ PhD in the last twenty years. some students just get it, many students donot and say it 's really really hard. And many reasons why reading research paper is hard. Well I started by blaming these authors. You know most of the papers are badly written. You have to realize that English is the official language for most of research papers yet. more than half of the authors really have English as the second language in a people like me. Those papers could be bad written. When I look back some my early papers, I really wish I never wrote those papers out there. But it’s too late.

所以现在我们要思考为什么文章这么难读?在过于20年里,我培养了30多个博士生,我也咨询了他们的想法。有一些学生能够出色地完成阅读论文的任务,但也有些学生却表示很困难。这里有不少原因。我首先可能要归罪于一些作者,他们的论文本身可能写的就不好。目前英语是大多数研究论文的官方语言。但是大多数作者的母语并不是英语,英语往往是这些学者的第二语言,比如我。这可能是文章写得很差的原因之一。 我现在回过头看看我早期写的论文,真希望当初自己不要写那些论文。但已经太迟了!

So be careful what paper you write. Of course, the papers are difficult to read, you know, because scientific research papers particularly require significant background for those topics, or in the papers. And probably even more difficult is when you get stuck. Where did you get the help, what kind of help can you ask.


Many of these thing you really donot know, you have to learn over a long period of time in your the all career in the scientific career. Eventually you get good at that. Well that is a very interesting thing about why reading is so hard.


It’s just get more and more difficult to focus. It’s not very difficult now, because of the web, it’s very easy to find something related to something you are reading. It’s much hard to sit down over a long period of time to a lot of form, articles, journals, books, it’s just new way of life. There is a fascinating article in magazine in Atlantic is called the Google making us stupid. So that’s the new life we are in.


So this is actually a quote that coming from Professor Jonathan. When he was a PhD student at CMU, probably around the same time I was there. It’s just really amazing that I really sa this fascinating. Extracting meaning from most of the papers was like sucking a camel through the eye of the proverbial needle upon which a thousand angles were dancing on my head. I wish I could write something right likeJonathanbut you get the idea.

这里引用了Jonathan教授在PhD阶段写过的一句话。Jonathan教授是在CMU攻读博士学位的,同时期,我也在CMU读书。他曾经写下过一句话:从所阅读的论文中提取中心思想,就像一句谚语所说“从针眼里吸出一头骆驼”(sucking a camel through the eye of the proverbial needle)。这个比喻非常恰当,以至于我读到这句话的时候也是眼前一亮。

It’s just very difficult. In his article, he point out three things. how bad people riding CS and math, but they have so many more. It’s not my point in this lecture to tell you more and more model problems sent you get my point here.


Paper are bad written, but it’s your responsibility to even read this badly written paper. I actually think I know why reading papers so difficult. I think main reason is the disconnect between reading and writing. Because the writer just want to get something out. So the writer is all about what.

有些论文确实写的很烂, 但写得不好的论文你也要读,因为有时候你没有选择。读论文之所以很难,最主要的原因是阅读和写作的脱节。作者一心想把东西“拿”出来,而读者只想要获取一点东西。

So many writers are just so exciting about get something out. The reader, however, want to get something out of the paper. So I read these things, so what?Why these things are so important? Why did i get it. This is just the intent between the author’s intent and reader’s learning.

作者沉迷于书写,而读者只想要从文章中获取点什么。然后呢?为什么这些东西很重要,为什么我要知道这个东西? 可见,这里面存在着作者想表达的意图和读者想学习的内容之间的偏差。

So understanding can be very different between the writer and the reader. And the understanding can be very different even among the readers. So it has been like this forever, you know, over thousands of years. Everything human being invented, language, and start to write. So there was no technology in the form of feedback loop. Until Web happened, there was never a feedback loop.


So there was really one way street. Write something and put it out there. and opposite, the readers see that. For us, the Chinese guys, even 2000 years later, we are still debating what Confucious really meant. It’s funny that. Sometimes, we never know what Confucious really meant when he wrote those stupid words stuff. But he never take any feedback I assume.


It’s really interesting way to think about similar, I learned that from my friend. When we think about reading and writing is that Shannon’s information theory. It’s really mostly about one way transmission. However, in the from the source to desination from the writer to the reader.


So writing is like encoding, you write something, you encode the messsage there. And therefore, reading is the decoding, you need a codebook. And this codebook is about agreeable knowledge base between the reader and the writer. So the reader need have the knowledge base, need have the codebook to know what’s going on. If you donot, you have to acquire. It’s that simple.


But to me, it 's really beyond the Shannon’s information theory, as I thinking about reading and writing, because reading is really beyond transmision and compression. It’s more about understanding that user’s intent. It’s the readers want to interpret the intent into some explainable piece, which can be built into the readers cognitive model. And the reader, sometimes, does even know when they need this piece of knowledge. So it’s really important that you think about that reading is practically equivalent to understanding in my opinion.


Deep learning means deep understanding, shallow learning means shallow understanding. And reading, is not an instinctive skill that we actually born to. reading need to be applied. reading is very important skill to acquire in life.







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