Ignoring invalid timezone passed to Connection: Asia/Shanghai. This is currently a warning, but in future versions of MySQL2, an error will be thrown if you pass an invalid configuration option to a Connection

Node 这个错误提示,指下面的 timezone没有用了?!

  config.sequelize = {dialect: 'mysql', // support: mysql, mariadb, postgres, mssqltimezone: 'Asia/Shanghai',host: 'localhost',port: 3306,username: 'root',password: 'mypassword',database: 'myData',pool: {min: 5,max: 25,},};


  config.sequelize = {dialect: 'mysql', // support: mysql, mariadb, postgres, mssqlhost: 'localhost',port: 3306,username: 'root',password: 'mypassword',database: 'myData',pool: {min: 5,max: 25,},};


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