考研英语 - 句子的结构



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其中,“” 是指由系动词构成的特殊谓语,表是指对性状的描述,如:

It tastes awful.

其中taste 是系动词。

  • 完整句子中至少要有主语和谓语,在祈使句中,主语被省略。
  • 谓语只能由实义动词或系动词构成,动词也只能是谓语,所以可以说“ 谓语⇔动词谓语 \Leftrightarrow 动词谓语⇔动词 ”。
  • 主语和宾语的组成成分相同,可由名次、代词、非谓语动词、从句 构成。
  • 通过使用被动语态,主语和宾语可完全互换
  • 表语的组成:名词、代词、非谓语动词、形容词、介词短语(状语)、从句。




主谓 - 双宾语 & 主谓 - 宾 - 宾补

  1. I sell him a dog.

  2. You must keep the room clean and tidy.

以上第一句含有双宾语,即him 和a dog。而第二句中clean and tidy 是宾补,用于修饰宾语the room,可以用be 与宾语连接,即the room is clean and tidy。


  • 并列句
  • 祈使句
  • 倒装句
  • 虚拟语态

动词 - 谓语


  • 及物动词:直接作用于宾语的动词,且必须有宾语;
  • 不及物动词:需要介词连接宾语,可以不加宾语;
  • 系动词:联系性状描述的动词;
  • 助动词:辅助其他动词构成谓语;
  • 情态动词:表示推测、态度或要求;



  • do-ing:表示主动
  • do-ed:表示被动
  • to do:表示目的


  1. Cycling is my hobby.
  2. My dream is to become a spaceman.

以上,前者中动词cycling 充当主语成分,后者中动词to become充当宾语成分。


  1. Doing this, I feel comfort.
  2. He left home, wearing his ragged suit.
  3. He has done something wrong, blamed badly.
  4. To achieve this, you need to work much harder.



  1. I eat much and grow fast.

  2. I eat much and I grow fast.

1实际上是由2 中两句话连接而成,省略了后一句话的主语。



  • 无实义:be
  • 感官动词:look,smell,taste,sound,feel
  • 变化:become,get,turn,grow,fall
  • 保持:keep,stay,remain,stand
  • 认识:seem,appear,prove


It looks really awkward.

It tastes like something rotten.

其中looks 和tastes 均有被动义,而用主动形式。



常见的助动词:do / do not、have / have not

情态动词 - 本可以 / 本应该


  • 推测、可能,弱语气:can,may,might
  • 要求、肯定,强语气:must,should,shall

can 也多用于肯定地表示能力。

must 也表示强烈的主观推测,如:

He must be that murderer! He must have placed traps there.


  • 必须、要求:have to,ought to,need to


  1. He could have done the work.
  2. You should have killed that man.

could / should have done 表示本可以 / 本应该,隐含否定意。


动词不定式一般指to do 形式,“不定” 指不被限定,即动词使用原形,不随其他句子成分变化。


That book is hard to find.

to find 指book 被找到,但是不用to be found 形式。

当动词不定式用在类似== be adj. to do==的主系表结构中,充当补充时,一般不使用被动。

主语 - 宾语



  • 用It 代替具体主语,用于表达天气、温度或时间,或者将It作为形式主语,后接从句;
  • There be 句型,主语倒装;
  • 在被动语态中,省略动作的发出者,主动语态时的宾语变为主语。

It-be 句型

It is hot and wet these days.

It might be 8 AM now in Beijing.

It’s raining all day long this week.

以上例子中,It 替代了The weather 或The time。

There-be 句型

There be 句型是一类看似没有主语的句子,实际上是完全倒装语序,即主谓倒装,类似于状语、表语或地点副词前置的完全倒装,通常用于表示存在位置状态运动方向或者强调

  1. There are a lot of people dancing in the mud.

  2. There were a lot of people standing and singing loudly

其中主语是a lot of people,谓语是are,There表存在。There are a lot of people已经是一个主谓齐全的句子,句子中的其他动词必须变形为非谓语动词。因此1中的dancing 和2中的standing and singing变形成了主动形式。

所以there be 或there do 中谓语的属格由倒装的主语决定:

  1. There exists a gorgeous tower on the west shore of the lake.
  2. There stand a lot of teens singing songs loudly.

其中,1 的谓语exists跟随主语a gorgeous tower变形为第三人成单数形式,2中的stand 则因为主语为第三人称复数而保持原形。


There I am, having watched all that you have done.



The appliance is repaired before the test.

省略了动作的发出者be repaired by … ,去掉I、We 等主语,强调动作的接受者和动作的客观性,风格更正式。


  • 不及物动词
  • 系动词
  • have 表示“拥有”的意思时




  • 平行、不仅-还:and,not only - but also,either - or,neither - nor
  • 转折:but,yet,while,whereas
  • 递进:then (副词)
  • 选择:or,whether - or
  • 因果:for,so,because


  • 平行:similarly,equally,likewise,at the same time
  • 转折:however,nevertheless,on the contrary
  • 递进:besides,furthermore,moreover,additionally
  • 选择:alternatively
  • 因此:therefore,thus,consequently,as a result,hence


Sun is very hot and it has been such for billion years.

You are always bad like this, but I forgive you.


He can sing beautifully and loudly. At the same time, he can even sit in his office doing his job!


The mutability of me was rumored to be like water. However, my purity stays like a lock.


luckily,as well as,mean while

并列句的特殊规则 - 长难句分析


  • 连词后通常都有省略,翻译时先不全
  • 连词后省略句子成分时,连词后的主要成分可以替换到前一句话中。
  • 连词后只有单一成分时,连词前通常都有对应成分
  • 连词后有多个成分时,至少有一部分主干与连词前对应
  • 通过连词并列的不止有宾语和谓语,也有省略谓语而并列主语的情况


In history, those who can write are more likely to be recorded in books and treated as representation.

这一句里and 前后构成并列的是谓语和宾语,recorded in books 和treated as representation。由于两个动词均为被动,所以前句中to be 也可被省略。把后一句按成分替换到前句中不会有语法问题。


名词 - 名词性从句




  • 陈述型: that
  • 一般疑问型:whether,if
  • 特殊疑问型:who、what、which、when、where 等对应的特殊疑问词
  • that 在宾语从句中可以省略,正式场合通常不省略
  • if 只能用于引导宾语从句


He has got divorced - is my fault. 从句为陈述

➡ That he has got divorced is my fault. 主语从句

I don’t know - Has he got divorced. 从句为一般疑问

➡ I don’t know Whether he has got divorced. 宾语从句,改为陈述语序

Who was the cheater - still is unknown. 从句为特殊疑问

➡ Who the cheater was still is unknown. 主语从句,改为陈述语序


其中,that 引导主语从句时通常不放在句首,而是使用形式主语,从句后置,所以第一句改写为:

It is my fault that he has got divorced.


  1. One, someday, will realize that career, kinship, and friendship are more important than romance.


  2. Then the point is when the wealth is available for you.


  3. It has been validated by numerous facts that victory belongs to those who spare no efforts.


  4. The message that he has found a girlfriend makes his families rejoiced.


  5. He can not anymore hide the truth that he is getting old and weak day by day.


  6. Flowers in the greenhouse can not bear the storm outside, which demonstrates that kids should not be held too tightly in their growth.


  7. Evidence came up that stimulation to the brain area can mislead the animal.

1, 2 句中高亮部分为宾语从句,3 句中第一处为主语从句,第二处为定语从句,4 句中为同位语从句,从句和the message 同位。5 句中为同位语从句,从句与the truth 同位。6 句中高亮处为宾语从句。7 句中为同位语从句,对应Evidence。



  • It is apparent that …
  • It looks beyond dispute that …
  • It has been widely accepted that …
  • It has been approved that …



The man, an old police who knows no manner, carried a boy out from the building on fire and comforted him in gentle.

这一句中,The man 和同位语an old police … 任选其一都能单独作为主语,且句子含义没有大的变化,因此an old police …和The man 构成同位。


Do you see him, the author of this book?

Surprisingly the criminal, a decent-looking man, is a writer working for a magazine.

Tom, manager of the town theater, died this morning.


The sensor is made of a pure material, typically platinum, nickel, or copper.


这一句中,platinum 等材料分别与material 并列,它们直接是或的关系。


I have heard it halted that they planned to build a new bridge.

如果这一句中it 后没有定语halted 的话,就可以直接去掉it 改写成普通的宾语从句。


The best boy Tom in our class did again a brilliant work!

这一句中Tom 实际上是作为同位语插入的,逗号可加可不加。



  • 主语从句从句首的引导词开始,到主句的谓语动词结束。除此以外,It… that 开头的通常也是主语从句。
  • 只要实义动词后有引导词,通常都是宾语从句,也可能是状语从句,如用when 引导的时间状语。
  • 只要在名词后有引导词,可能是同位语从句,大部分情况是定语从句。

Whether the government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.


其中加粗部分为whether引导的主语从句,whether - or 又构成了并列句,or 后省略了大部分句子成分。vice versa 表示“正相反”,与 instead 类似,区别是用vice versa 可以直接指代与主句相反的选择。

financing 指投资。at the expense of… 指“以……为代价”。

the issue 后,of … 是定语,修饰issue。 介词of 用于和一个名词组合变成定语,which… 是个名词性从句,指代具体的问题。which… 可被替换为名词,如the issue of the economy,这就是名词性从句和定语从句的差别,定语从句不能单独存在,总是依附于另一个名词。

How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted.




这一句中存在一个歧义问题,由How well 引导的主语从句可以有两种理解。第一种是How well the predictions will be 构成主语从句,well 为形容词,修饰the predictions,问题是预测本身好不好。validated by… 构成省略引导词的定语从句,修饰the predictions,可以补全为the predictions which are validated by …。

第二种理解是How well the predictions will be validated 构成主语从句,well 为副词,修饰be validated,问题是检验预测的时候做的好不好。通常定语从句总是紧贴着名词出现,所以除非有明确的上下文提示,这个地方应该选择第二种理解。

appropriateness 是appropriate 的名词形式,与proper 意思相同。interpret 指解释、推断。

of the information 是由of 加名词构成的定语,修饰前面并列的三个名词。used 是省略引导词的定语从句,补全为the information which is used。

depends upon 和on 并列,and 后省略了depends。

with which it is interpreted 是介词提前的定语从句,也可以写成which it is interpreted with。其中的it 按照就近原则,指代the information。

It is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems.



由who 引导的部分构成定语从句,修饰one。is one who can 可以省略成can,并不影响表意。这个从句也可以视为同位语从句。

似乎直接改写为a person is who can… 这样的宾语从句也行,但是通常不会写成这样。宾语从句由who 引导,前面是be 动词时,通常都写成be one who … 的形式。而如果是其他引导词,如what ,则可以直接写:An apple is what the boy dreamed of.

It has long been known that total sleep deprivation is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet upon examinations of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal.


其中需要注意的是,yet 作为连词把两句话组合在了一起,因此that 后引导的主语从句包括了yet 后的部分。

You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction and deduction, that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, manage to extract from nature certain natural laws, and that out of these, by some special skills of their own, they build up their theories.


句中加粗部分是并列的三个从句,it … that … 表示形式宾语。

induction and deduction 意为归纳和演绎。其中induction 的动词原型是induce, 意为归纳、诱导。deduction 可以是两个动词的名词形式:deduce 和deduct。前者表示推导或推理,后者表示扣除。

by the help … 是句首的介词短语,起介绍作用,后文的out of these 也一样。也可以放回句末的位置。

in a sort of sense 是插入语,也可以视为提前的介词短语,可以和by the help… 一样放在they 之前,后文by some… 同理。

A report consistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous and helpful most Americans were to them


A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.


同位语从句。disguise 意为伪装,当形容词时可表示“潜在的”。

定语 - 定语从句


The red book was hide on the shelf.

The book thick and red was hide on the shelf.


  • 形容词
  • 名词
  • 介词短语
  • 非谓语动词
  • 形容词性物主代词
  • 从句


  • 通常,遵循前小后大原则,即复杂定语放在名词后。
  • 过去分词作为定语时,通常在名词后。这也可以理解为省略引导词的定语从句。
  • 类似的,现在分词作为定语时通常也在名词后。
  • 当形容词修饰不定代词时,通常放在不定代词后。
  1. That car painted red was mine. 过去分词定语后置

  2. That boy reading a red book in the corner disappeared 2 hours ago. 现在分词定语后置

  3. You must have something strange in your mind. 修饰不定代词时定语后置

  4. I want to go somewhere quiet.

  5. you must have something not real to tell me.

其中,第一句也可以视为省略引导词的被动语态定语从句,补全为:The car which is painted red was mine.


I like all things in red, red apple, car, phone, and many other kinds of stuff.

red 同时修饰了apple,car,和many other kinds of stuff。


定语从句的一般结构是:名词(先行词) + 引导词 + 句子。


  • 人:who,whom,whose
  • 物:that, which, whose
  • 时间:that, which, when
  • 地点:that, which, where
  • 原因:that,which, why

非正式场合that 也可用于修饰人。that的作用基本等于which。

that / which 作为代词,只能充当从句的主语或宾语。when、where等作为副词,可以在这里充当从句的状语。


  • 主语,代词:who、that、which
  • 宾语,代词:whom、who、that、which
  • 状语,副词:when、where、why
  • 定语,形容词:whose



  1. I will never forget the day when I met you. 时间状语

  2. I will never forget the day that we spent. 宾语

两句中的定语从句都修饰名词day。1 句中,引导词是从句中的时间状语,因此只能使用when。2 句中引导词是动词spent 的宾语,所以只能使用that 或which。


You had better have some reason why you are late. 原因状语

You had better have some reason which fits you more. 主语

Do you remember the house where you were terrified badly. 地点状语

Do you remember the house which terrified you badly. 主语

The man whom you shot three rounds still survived. 宾语

The man who was shot three rounds by you still survived. 主语,被动语态

Boys whose families keep wealthy never fail to fascinate me. 定语,修饰families


  • that 充当宾语时可省略。
  • 引导词充当主语时可省略,从句主动则谓语动词变成现在分词,被动则谓语动词变成过去分词。

I like the book (that) you wrote.

如果有两个名词靠在一起,中间没有标点符号或其他成分,就可能是省略宾语that 的从句。



Recently I fall in love with a book which is wrote by Tom.


限制性,定语是句意的核心,没有定语将不能确定a book。

This book, which describes the environment protection, is my favorite,






In the bucket is the special material of which the weapon is made.

Police arrested the manager to whom the dealer offered drug.

Then the question is the time in which you can describe yourself as wealthy.

将is made of 中的介词提前到先行词与引导词之间。其中,In the … is … material 是表示地点的表语提前的完全倒装句,主语是the special material, 谓语是is。


  1. the same … as … 和the same … that … 引导的定语从句。

    1. He is the same man as I love. 像…… 一样的人
    2. He is the same man that I love. 是……
  2. as 和which 引导的非限制性定语从句可修饰整段句子。which 引导的从句只能后置,而as 可前可后。

    He always has lunch in that restaurant, which is also my favorite.

    As we all like, tea has some special smell.


  3. which 和that 的区别。

    按照正式语法的期望,which 既可引导非限制性,也能引导限制性,而that 则只能引导限制性。实际中则经常混淆,因为本身限制性和非限制性的差异就比较模棱两可。





  1. 由that 引导的从句。

    由that 引导的名词性从句中,that 不充当任何成分,相反的则是定语从句。

    I have a dream that seems boring.

    I have a dream that my grandparents really like.

    I have a dream that I become rich.

    I have a dream that I can see.

    I have a dream that I can talk about.

    第一句中that 充当主语,第二句为宾语,所以是定语从句。第三句为同位语从句。

    第四个从句中,有动词see而没有宾语,that 可能充当宾语。但因为see 可作不及物动词,所以that 又可以不是宾语。于是根据不同的理解,把从句当作定语或同位语,句子可以有不同的意思。

    第五句中动词talk 不及物,但它后跟了介词about,明显缺少宾语,所以是定语从句。

  2. 当名词为抽象名词时,更可能是同位语从句。

  3. 同位语从句多用that 引导。


  • 作文中的名词都可以考虑添加定语从句,增加复杂度;
  • 用such as、like 等举例;
  • 可以多用被动式、连词、从句、插入语。


Suicide cases reported in college have happened increasingly past these years.

Raising pets, which include not only the common kinds like dogs or cats, can reduce loneliness among modern youths in cities.

Wuzhen, a water town near which flows the grand canal, is a developed city in Zhejiang province.

定语和定语从句 - 长难句分析

  • 找定语 ➡ 找先行词和引导词 ➡ 确定类型,区分名词性从句和定语从句。

  • 定语从名词后开始。定语修饰主语时到主句的谓语动词结束,修饰宾语时到主句的句末结束。

  • 一个复杂定语中可能嵌套多个定语,这些内层定语在前一个名词后开始,后一个名词后结束。

  • 多数情况先行词就是离引导词最近的名词。但是先行词可以不紧靠引导词,有时也可以不是最近的名词。

  • 当定语前或后有多个并列名词时,定语修饰全部。

  • 定语从句有可能修饰前或后的整个句子或从句

Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.


Others are … 这一句中,修饰consequences 的定语由三个小定语构成,每个定语都从前一个名词处开始,只修饰这个名词,在后一个名词处结束。所以in science 从advances 后开始,只修饰advances,在science 后结束。

being … accelerating 中to some extent 是插入的状语,意为“一定程度上”。being self-accelerating 是省略主语的现在进行时定语从句,可补全为which is self-accelerating.

In short, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution”, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.


contends 后是省略了that 的宾语从句,从句的主语是the scientific revolution。as we call it 作为插入语,没有实际意思。largely 修饰was, 指“就是……” 的程度。improvement、invention、use 三个名词并列,连续用两个and没有特别的意思,只是可以这样写。of … instruments 修饰前面三个并列的名词,that 引导的定语从句修饰instruments,从句内部又有几个简单定语。

reach of 翻译为“……的边界”。reach 可以作为名词使用,表示边疆、边陲地区等。

Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice.


主句Creating 到is no easy 中间被一个复杂定语从句截断。that respects … 修饰"European identity",which go to … 修饰cultures and traditions。


  • 状语是用于修饰实意动词、形容词、副词以及整个句子的成分。
  • 定语用于修饰名词,状语除了名词,可修饰其他任何成分。


  • 时间:when, while, as, before, after, since, until, not … until, by the time
  • 地点:where
  • 条件:if, unless, as long as, so long as, suppose that, supposing that
  • 原因:because, as, since, in that, seeing that, considering that
  • 目的:so that, in order that
  • 结果:so … that, such … that
  • 让步:although, though, even though, even if, as, while
  • 方式:as, the way, as if, as though
  • 比较:as… as…, than

while 作“…… 时”的意思,从句必须用进行时态。

She came while Tom is dancing madly on the desk.

地点状语常用介词短语,in… ,at… 等,where 从句不多见。

I will die where no violence exists.

unless 表示否定条件,等于if not。


while 用在让步状语中时,只能放在句首,译为“尽管”。

While he knows no words, he can writes decent text.


He can writes decent text, though he knows no words.

He can writes decent text, even if he knows no words.


for 也常用于引导原因,但它是连词

还有一批可以引导原因、意思与because 相近的介词短语

because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, for the sake of, as a result of

He had a car accident because he was careless.

He had a car accident for he was careless.

He had a car accident because of his carelessness.

第一句中because 原因状语从句。

第二句与第一句结构相同,但for 是连词,所以这是由for 连接的两个句子,没有主从关系。而且连词只能放在两个句子之间,for … 不能像状语一样随意变换位置,提前到句首。




to do, in order to, so as to




by, by means of, in … way / manner, in the way of

as if, as though 译为“像……”,也可以表示方式,即“用像……的方式”。

He can finish it by using his special style.

He can finish it the way he only knows.

He can finish it as if he knows something special.

He can finish it as if he had already known it.




You look as good as I look.

其中高亮部分是从句,引导词是as good as。

因为两个look 前后重复,所以从句中look 省略,变成:

You look as good as I.

重点是不能用me,因为I 是从句的主语。用than时也一样:

You look better than I.


  • 所有状语从句中,若主句和从句的动作都尚未发生,适用“主将从现”。

    When love comes, I will hold her hands.

  • 当主句、从句动作都已发生时,全部用过去时态。

    When love came, I held her hands.

Until 和not …… until

取决于主句的谓语动词是瞬间性还是持续性,若为持续性则用until ,瞬间性则用not…… until。

I will wait until you come.

I will not leave until you come.

wait 是持续性动作,而leave 是瞬间性的。


  1. 副词一定是状语。
  2. 除了时间和位置,目的、原因、结果、等都是状语。
  3. 时间或位置放在名词后,可能是定语。在无法确定时,定语优先,因为定语通常作为难点。
  4. 还有伴随状语,但没有伴随状语从句。

状语和状语从句 - 长难句分析

  • 状语和状语从句翻译后,通常放在离它最近的名词前。

Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned mannerthat natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.


of intellectual enquiry 和后面which 引导的定语从句是并列的定语,都修饰branch,branch 前的that 可用the 代替。

in … manner 是方式状语,the same … that 是修饰manner 的定语从句。

enquiry 与inquiry 同义,译为调查、研究、搜索,是英式的方言,一般不用。

dispassioned 是dispassion 的形容词,译为没有情绪的、冷静的、冷漠的。dispassioned 是弃用的过时写法,应该用dispassionate 代替,二者同义。

phenomena 和phenomenon 同义,是非标准写法。

The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.


be hard to find 是常用的动词不定式表被动的用法。

While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.


While 引导的让步状语从句到逗号结束。in our … 是时间或位置状语,通常较长的状语不放在谓语和宾语之间。

it is not so easy 是主句。as in dealing … 中,as 没有实际作用,应该去掉。



主语 谓语 宾语 表语
名词 实意动词 名词 名词
代词 系动词 代词 代词
非谓语动词 非谓语动词 非谓语动词
名词性从句 名词性从句 从句


定语 状语 同位语
名词 副词 名词
代词 介词短语 代词
非谓语动词 非谓语动词 非谓语动词
从句 从句 名词性从句
  • 名词、代词等前面加of 等介词构成定语。

  • 主语和宾语成分相同,因为通过被动结构二者可呼唤。

  • 同位语通常与主语或宾语并列,成分与后者相同。

  • 表语和定语的成分相同,都用于修饰名词。


[状语],主语 [定语,同位语,状语] + 谓语(变形) [状语] + 宾语 [定语,同位语,状语]。

特殊句型 - 强调句

即It be … that 形式,改写强调句时,be 的时态要与原句保持一致。同时,通过强调结构提前的句子成分不变形。

I met my old flame in the street yesterday.

要强调I 时,改写为:

It was I that met my old flame in the street yesterday.

I 被提前,成为It was 的宾语,但并不变形。

It was after my daughter was born that I realized the greatness of mothers.

这里的两个was 并不构成谓语重复。



There is a sea of causes to explain my perspective.

➡ It is there that a sea of causes to explain my perspective.

➡ It is a sea of causes that there exist to explain my perspective.


  • 去掉It be … that ,还原句子结构。
  • 与形式主语加从句的区别是,强调句去掉It be … 结构后句意不发生变化。

Perhaps it is humankind’s long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the idea of force the waters to do our bidding so fascinating.


it is humankind’s … 是对主语的强调,强调结构可直接去掉。of force … 是修饰idea 的定语,force 应该变为动名词形式forcing。

drought 干旱,旱灾。at the mercy of 受……影响。do our bidding 听从我们的命令,bidding 即命令、出价。

long suffering 中间可能需要添加连字符,改为long-suffering,因为suffering 并不是名词,类似的形式经常用来表示一段过程。还可以改为long sufferer,sufferer 即suffer 的名词形式。

As was discussed before, it was not until the 19th that newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic medium, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the company of the periodical.

As was discussed … 是as 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰后面整个句子。

It was not until … that 也可以理解成形式主语 + 名词性从句,即主语是It was not, It 指代从句所描述的事实,until 19th 是时间状语。类似于:It was not before this morning that the screen became gray. 意思是“今天早上之前,屏幕还不是灰的”。

特殊句型 - 倒装句

倒装分为部分和全部两种。正常语序是S-V-O,即主语-谓语-宾语,部分倒装是类似一般疑问的语序,将谓语的一部分提前,通常即助动词。完全倒装就是将整个谓语提前,通常用在主-系-表结构或谓语是不及物动词的场合,参见There be 句型

当谓语只有be 动词或助动词时,部分倒装和完全倒装的形式相同。



never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, no sooner, no longer, nowhere, not until, neither,nor

以及not only … but also ,neither … nor …。

Pets not only harm their neighbors but also pollute the environment.

➡ Not only do pets harm their neighbors but also pollute the environment.

I have never talked with him.

➡ Never have I talked with him.

He won’t join you, nor do I.

Rarely can someone finish this.

No longer can the king be over the people.

So … 前置的部分倒装

当so + 助动词,so + 形容词/副词以及用so … that,such … that 结构中前置时,其后使用部分倒装。

He is a bastard, and so am I.

So well can he do the work.

So delighted do I feel that I can not stay still.

Only + 状语前置的部分倒装

only + 状语前置,通常表示强调,可以译为“当……才……”,或者“只有……才……”,其后使用部分倒装。

Only then did he realize what he had done.

Only when he got jailed did he find the truth.

Only in this way are you able to do it.


当As, though 引导让步状语从句时,从句的表语可以前置,构成倒装。

As I am weak, I am gentle.

➡ Weak as I am, I am gentle.

Police as he is, a cowered is he still.

第三句中,a cowered is 是表语前置的完全倒装。



Here comes the bus.

Near the window sleeps a cat.

To school is running the bus.

Away went the teacher.

Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas.

Red became the leaves, soil over the men.

Here, There 前置时,若主语为代词,不用倒装。


  • 写作中的高分句型,用倒装表达观点、总结;


  • 只要见到一般疑问句的形式,通常都是倒装;
  • 还原倒装后再翻译;

For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.


How able … 是宾语从句,had he grown … 是条件状语从句,省略if 的虚拟语态中,had 被提前,构成倒装。可以补全为if he had grown up …。

gross 总体的,明显的,比如gross weight 就是毛重的意思。

特殊句型 - 虚拟语气



If I am a bird, I will fly over it.

➡ If I were a bird, I would fly over it.


If I was a dog, I could sleep with you yesterday night.

➡ If I had been a dog, I could have sleep with you yesterday night.

虚拟语气中,所有be 的过去式都用were, 不用was。

would = could = might。

省略if 的倒装句

虚拟语态中,从句可省略if,其后的部分使用部分倒装,将助动词did, had 等提前。

If I finished it, you would not suffer this.

➡ Did I finish it, you would not suffer this.

If you had followed my advice, you would not have been in this situation.

➡ Had you followed my advice, you would not have been in this situation.


从句使用should + 动词原型表示虚拟,并且should 可省略。用在表示命令、建议的场合:

  • 以防:in case that, for fear that, lest
  • 命令:order, direct, command
  • 要求:ask, request, require, demand, It is necessary / important / essential that …

In case that it (should) rain, you had better stay at home.


使用 would rather, it is high time that …。


使用wish, if only, but for, or / otherwise, as if, as though 等,表达与现状不符的评论,如“希望”、“若非”、“要不是”、‘’否则“、”就像“ 等意思,其后可以使用虚拟语态从句的规则。

He treats me as if I were his son.

He treated me as if I had been his son.

It was my fortune that I met you, otherwise the work had failed.


  • 无论使用虚拟语气与否,句子的翻译不变,与一般条件状语的翻译相同。
  • 省略should 的条件句。

The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.



calculations involved 中,involved 是后置的定语。

None of this would be close to possible if it weren’t for his brilliant work!







Not without a front eaves shed, shaded fabrics.



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