
2、安装:yum -y install bison

LINUX These critical programs are missing or too old: bison compiler python相关推荐

  1. LINUX These critical programs are missing or too old: make compiler

    1.查看当前版本 make --version 2.去官网查找最新版本 http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/make/ 查找最新安装包 3.下载解压缩 wget http://ftp ...

  2. These critical programs are missing or too old: make compiler

    These critical programs are missing or too old: compiler 问题 环境 问题原因 解决方案 相关链接 问题 *** These critical ...

  3. LINUX These critical programs are missing or too old: compiler python

    1.先安装相关组件 yum install -y openssl-devel openssl-static zlib-devel lzma tk-devel xz-devel bzip2-devel ...

  4. centOS升级python版本,解决报错These critical programs are missing or too old: make python

    最近编译GLIBC的时候报了这么一个错误: LINUX These critical programs are missing or too old: make python 从错误来看应该是pyth ...

  5. These critical programs are missing or too old: compiler

    These critical programs are missing or too old: compiler 问题 环境 问题原因 解决方案 问题 *** These critical progr ...

  6. These critical programs are missing or too old: python

    These critical programs are missing or too old: python 问题 环境 问题原因 解决方案 相关链接 问题 *** These critical pr ...

  7. These critical programs are missing or too old: gawk bison

    具体错误 编译glibc的时候产生的. configure: error: *** These critical programs are missing or too old: gawk bison ...

  8. glibc2.5安装提示These critical programs are missing or too old: as ld

    需要用到阿里云TTS的C++ SDK 运行demo时发现对环境要求限制为glibc版本为2.5以上 阿里云TTS C++ SDK 2.0 我这里用的CentOS yum的版本只支持glibc的 2.1 ...

  9. Missing parentheses in call to 'print'——python语法错误

    Missing parentheses in call to 'print'--python语法错误 这个消息的意思是你正在试图用python3.x来运行一个只用于python2.x版本的python ...


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