Ealsticsearch 5.x Java API聚合string类型的时候,会报错(json的错),则需要在聚合的string类型字段的后面添加.keyword , 虽然使用watch查看聚合的es json的时候会出现以下报错,但是不会影响结果。

{ "error" : "JsonGenerationException[Can not write a field name, expecting a value]"}

1、Metrics Aggregations(度量聚合)


1、Prepare aggregation request

MinAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.min.Min;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Min agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

double value = agg.getValue();


1、Prepare aggregation request

MaxAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.max.Max;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Max agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

double value = agg.getValue();


1、Prepare aggregation request

SumAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.sum.Sum;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Sum agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

double value = agg.getValue();

4) 、AvgAggregation(平均数聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AvgAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.avg.Avg;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Avg agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

double value = agg.getValue();



1、Prepare aggregation request

StatsAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.stats.Stats;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Stats agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

double min = agg.getMin();

double max = agg.getMax();

double avg = agg.getAvg();

double sum = agg.getSum();

long count = agg.getCount();

6) 、Extended Stats Aggregation(扩展统计聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

ExtendedStatsAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.stats.extended.ExtendedStats;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

ExtendedStats agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

double min = agg.getMin();

double max = agg.getMax();

double avg = agg.getAvg();

double sum = agg.getSum();

long count = agg.getCount();

double stdDeviation = agg.getStdDeviation();

double sumOfSquares = agg.getSumOfSquares();

double variance = agg.getVariance();

7) 、Values CountAggregation(值计数聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

ValueCountAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.valuecount.ValueCount;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

ValueCount agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

long value = agg.getValue();

8) 、Percentile Aggregation(百分位聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

PercentilesAggregationBuilder aggregation =





PercentilesAggregationBuilder aggregation =




.percentiles(1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 75.0, 95.0, 99.0);

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.percentiles.Percentile;

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.percentiles.Percentiles;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Percentiles agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Percentile entry : agg) {

double percent = entry.getPercent();    // Percent

double value = entry.getValue();        // Value

logger.info("percent [{}], value [{}]", percent, value);



percent [1.0], value [0.814338896154595]

percent [5.0], value [0.8761912455821302]

percent [25.0], value [1.173346540141847]

percent [50.0], value [1.5432023318692198]

percent [75.0], value [1.923915462033674]

percent [95.0], value [2.2273644908535335]

percent [99.0], value [2.284989339108279]

9)、Percentile Ranks Aggregation(百分等级聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

PercentileRanksAggregationBuilder aggregation =




.values(1.24, 1.91, 2.22);

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.percentiles.Percentile;

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.percentiles.PercentileRanks;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

PercentileRanks agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Percentile entry : agg) {

double percent = entry.getPercent();    // Percent

double value = entry.getValue();        // Value

logger.info("percent [{}], value [{}]", percent, value);



percent [29.664353095090945], value [1.24]

percent [73.9335313461868], value [1.91]

percent [94.40095147327283], value [2.22]

10)、Cardinality Aggregation(基数聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

CardinalityAggregationBuilder aggregation =




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.cardinality.Cardinality;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Cardinality agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

long value = agg.getValue();

11)、Geo Bounds Aggregation(地理限制聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

GeoBoundsBuilder aggregation =





2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.geobounds.GeoBounds;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

GeoBounds agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

GeoPoint bottomRight = agg.bottomRight();

GeoPoint topLeft = agg.topLeft();

logger.info("bottomRight {}, topLeft {}", bottomRight, topLeft);


bottomRight [40.70500764381921, 13.952946866893775], topLeft [53.49603022435221, -4.190029308156676]

12)、Top Hits Aggregation(top n聚合)

1)、Prepare aggregation request

1、只查询分组的top 1:

AggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders





2、查询分组的top n:

AggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders








2)、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.Terms;

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.tophits.TopHits;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Terms agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Terms.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

String key = entry.getKey();                    // bucket key

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();            // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, docCount);

// We ask for top_hits for each bucket

TopHits topHits = entry.getAggregations().get("top");

for (SearchHit hit : topHits.getHits().getHits()) {

logger.info(" -> id [{}], _source [{}]", hit.getId(), hit.getSourceAsString());




key [male], doc_count [5107]

-> id [AUnzSZze9k7PKXtq04x2], _source [{"gender":"male",...}]

-> id [AUnzSZzj9k7PKXtq04x4], _source [{"gender":"male",...}]

-> id [AUnzSZzl9k7PKXtq04x5], _source [{"gender":"male",...}]

key [female], doc_count [4893]

-> id [AUnzSZzM9k7PKXtq04xy], _source [{"gender":"female",...}]

-> id [AUnzSZzp9k7PKXtq04x8], _source [{"gender":"female",...}]

-> id [AUnzSZ0W9k7PKXtq04yS], _source [{"gender":"female",...}]

13)、Scripted Metric Aggregation(脚本度量聚合)








1、Prepare aggregation request

ScriptedMetricAggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders


.initScript(new Script("params._agg.heights = []"))

.mapScript(new Script("params._agg.heights.add(doc.gender.value == 'male' ? doc.height.value : -1.0 * doc.height.value)"));

You can also specify a combine script which will be executed on each shard:

ScriptedMetricAggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders


.initScript(new Script("params._agg.heights = []"))

.mapScript(new Script("params._agg.heights.add(doc.gender.value == 'male' ? doc.height.value : -1.0 * doc.height.value)"))

.combineScript(new Script("double heights_sum = 0.0; for (t in params._agg.heights) { heights_sum += t } return heights_sum"));

You can also specify a reduce script which will be executed on the node which gets the request:

ScriptedMetricAggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders


.initScript(new Script("params._agg.heights = []"))

.mapScript(new Script("params._agg.heights.add(doc.gender.value == 'male' ? doc.height.value : -1.0 * doc.height.value)"))

.combineScript(new Script("double heights_sum = 0.0; for (t in params._agg.heights) { heights_sum += t } return heights_sum"))

.reduceScript(new Script("double heights_sum = 0.0; for (a in params._aggs) { heights_sum += a } return heights_sum"));

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.Terms;

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.metrics.tophits.TopHits;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

ScriptedMetric agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

Object scriptedResult = agg.aggregation();

logger.info("scriptedResult [{}]", scriptedResult);



scriptedResult object [ArrayList]

scriptedResult [ {

"heights" : [ 1.122218480146643, -1.8148918111233887, -1.7626731575142909, ... ]

}, {

"heights" : [ -0.8046067304119863, -2.0785486707864553, -1.9183567430207953, ... ]

}, {

"heights" : [ 2.092635728868694, 1.5697545960886536, 1.8826954461968808, ... ]

}, {

"heights" : [ -2.1863201099468403, 1.6328549117346856, -1.7078288405893842, ... ]

}, {

"heights" : [ 1.6043904836424177, -2.0736538674414025, 0.9898266674373053, ... ]

} ]


scriptedResult object [ArrayList]

scriptedResult [-41.279615707402876,






scriptedResult object [Double]

scriptedResult [2.171917696507009]

2、Bucket Aggregations(桶聚合)

1) 、Global Aggregation(整体聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.global.Global;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Global agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count


1、Prepare aggregation request


.filter("agg", QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "male"));

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.filter.Filter;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Filter agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count


1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =



new FiltersAggregator.KeyedFilter("men", QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "male")),

new FiltersAggregator.KeyedFilter("women", QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "female")));

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.filters.Filters;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Filters agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Filters.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

String key = entry.getKeyAsString();            // bucket key

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();            // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, docCount);


4) 、Missing Aggregation(失踪聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request


2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.missing.Missing;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Missing agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

5)、Nested Aggregation(嵌套聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request


.nested("agg", "resellers");

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested.Nested;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Nested agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

6)、Reverse Nested Aggregation(反向嵌套聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =


.nested("agg", "resellers")









2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested.Nested;

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.nested.ReverseNested;

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.Terms;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Nested agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

Terms name = agg.getAggregations().get("name");

for (Terms.Bucket bucket : name.getBuckets()) {

ReverseNested resellerToProduct = bucket.getAggregations().get("reseller_to_product");

resellerToProduct.getDocCount(); // Doc count


6)、Children Aggregation(子聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

// "agg" is the name of the aggregation and "reseller" is the child // type

AggregationBuilder aggregation =


.children("agg", "reseller");

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.join.aggregations.Children;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Children agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

agg.getDocCount(); // Doc count

7)、Terms Aggregation(条件聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request




2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.terms.Terms;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Terms genders = sr.getAggregations().get("genders");

// For each entry

for (Terms.Bucket entry : genders.getBuckets()) {

entry.getKey();      // Term

entry.getDocCount(); // Doc count

















.order(Terms.Order.aggregation("avg_height", false))




8)、Significant Terms Aggregation(子条件聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =




// Let say you search for men only

SearchResponse sr = client.prepareSearch()

.setQuery(QueryBuilders.termQuery("gender", "male"))



2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.significant.SignificantTerms;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

SignificantTerms agg = sr.getAggregations().get("significant_countries");

// For each entry

for (SignificantTerms.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

entry.getKey();      // Term

entry.getDocCount(); // Doc count


9)、Range Aggregation(范围聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =





// from -infinity to 1.0 (excluded)

.addRange(1.0f, 1.5f)

// from 1.0 to 1.5 (excluded)


// from 1.5 to +infinity

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

String key = entry.getKeyAsString();             // Range as key

Number from = (Number) entry.getFrom();          // Bucket from

Number to = (Number) entry.getTo();              // Bucket to

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();    // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, from, to, docCount);



key [*-1.0], from [-Infinity], to [1.0], doc_count [9]

key [1.0-1.5], from [1.0], to [1.5], doc_count [21]

key [1.5-*], from [1.5], to [Infinity], doc_count [20]

10)、Date Range Aggregation(日期范围聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =






// from -infinity to 1950 (excluded)

.addRange("1950", "1960")

// from 1950 to 1960 (excluded)


// from 1960 to +infinity

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

// Date range as key

String key = entry.getKeyAsString();

// Date bucket from as a Date

DateTime fromAsDate = (DateTime) entry.getFrom();

// Date bucket to as a Date

DateTime toAsDate = (DateTime) entry.getTo();

// Doc count

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();

logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, fromAsDate, toAsDate, docCount);



key [*-1950], from [null], to [1950-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], doc_count [8]

key [1950-1960], from [1950-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], to [1960-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], doc_count [5]

key [1960-*], from [1960-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], to [null], doc_count [37]

11)、IP Range Aggregation(IP范围聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregatorBuilder<?> aggregation =




// from -infinity to (excluded)


// from to

.addRange("", "")

// from to +infinity


AggregatorBuilder<?> aggregation =







2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

// Ip range as key

String key = entry.getKeyAsString();

// Ip bucket from as a String

String fromAsString = entry.getFromAsString();

// Ip bucket to as a String

String toAsString = entry.getToAsString();

// Doc count

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();

logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, fromAsString, toAsString, docCount);



key [*-], from [null], to [], doc_count [13]

key [], from [], to [], doc_count [14]

key [*], from [], to [null], doc_count [23]

Result 2:

key [], from [], to [], doc_count [0]

key [], from [], to [], doc_count [13]

key [], from [], to [], doc_count [50]

12)、Histogram Aggregation(柱状图聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =





2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.histogram.Histogram;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Histogram agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Histogram.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

Number key = (Number) entry.getKey();   // Key

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();    // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, docCount);


13)、Date Histogram Aggregation(日期柱状图聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =






AggregationBuilder aggregation =





2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.histogram.Histogram;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Histogram agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Histogram.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

DateTime key = (DateTime) entry.getKey();    // Key

String keyAsString = entry.getKeyAsString(); // Key as String

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();         // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], date [{}], doc_count [{}]", keyAsString, key.getYear(), docCount);



key [1942-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [1942], doc_count [1]

key [1945-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [1945], doc_count [1]

key [1946-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [1946], doc_count [1]


key [2005-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [2005], doc_count [1]

key [2007-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [2007], doc_count [2]

key [2008-01-01T00:00:00.000Z], date [2008], doc_count [3]

14)、Geo Distance Aggregation(地理距离聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =


.geoDistance("agg", new GeoPoint(48.84237171118314,2.33320027692004))




.addRange(3.0, 10.0)

.addRange(10.0, 500.0);

2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.range.Range;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

Range agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (Range.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

String key = entry.getKeyAsString();    // key as String

Number from = (Number) entry.getFrom(); // bucket from value

Number to = (Number) entry.getTo();     // bucket to value

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();    // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], from [{}], to [{}], doc_count [{}]", key, from, to, docCount);



key [*-3.0], from [0.0], to [3.0], doc_count [161]

key [3.0-10.0], from [3.0], to [10.0], doc_count [460]

key [10.0-500.0], from [10.0], to [500.0], doc_count [4925]

15) 、Geo Hash Grid Aggregation(地理哈希网格聚合)

1、Prepare aggregation request

AggregationBuilder aggregation =





2、Use aggregation response

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.bucket.geogrid.GeoHashGrid;

// sr is here your SearchResponse object

GeoHashGrid agg = sr.getAggregations().get("agg");

// For each entry

for (GeoHashGrid.Bucket entry : agg.getBuckets()) {

String keyAsString = entry.getKeyAsString(); // key as String

GeoPoint key = (GeoPoint) entry.getKey();    // key as geo point

long docCount = entry.getDocCount();         // Doc count

logger.info("key [{}], point {}, doc_count [{}]", keyAsString, key, docCount);



key [gbqu], point [47.197265625, -1.58203125], doc_count [1282]

key [gbvn], point [50.361328125, -4.04296875], doc_count [1248]

key [u1j0], point [50.712890625, 7.20703125], doc_count [1156]

key [u0j2], point [45.087890625, 7.55859375], doc_count [1138]


3、Pipeline Aggregations(管道聚合)

4、Matrix Aggregations(矩阵聚合)

Caching heavy aggregations

Returning only aggregation results

Aggregation Metadata

Returning the type of the aggregation

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