


People often ask whether it's possible to use PHP with Domino. It's not as long as Domino is the HTTP stack being used. In theory it would be possible with IIS as the HTTP stack and the PHP module for IIS, but this is a nicer solution (because you don't need IIS) using Apache as the HTTP stack.

This is achieved without any additional code or modules, just through proper configuration of Apache. In essence, we're using mod_rewrite to find URLs with .nsf in them and pass them through to mod_proxy to fetch them from Domino. This in effect gives you seamless integration between Apache and Domino, as content on an Apache server usually won't have .nsf in the filename so there won't be a conflict.

System Requirements

Here is the software and versions I used to test this out:

Domino 5.06a (This was the first Domino CD I found in my drawer)

Apache 1.3.22 (Should work with any 1.3 version of Apache - might be different under 2.0)

PHP 4.2.0

Note: For these examples I'm assuming you're running Apache and Domino on the same box, although there's nothing stopping you from running them seperately - just replace relevant references to "localhost" with the hostname of your Domino server.

Setting up Domino

Note: You can skip this step if you're running Apache and Domino on seperate boxes.

Firstly we need to move Domino off port 80 for HTTP, so that Apache can take over port 80. To do this in the Server Document go to:

Ports -> Internet Ports -> WebChange

TCP/IP Port Number to any value but 80, for example 81. The rest of this page will assume you're going to be running Domino on port 81.

Restart the HTTP task - it should come back up on port 81. Try to get to it through the browser, go to the URL http://localhost:81/ - you should get whatever you have setup as the homepage.

Setting up Apache / PHP

Note that the basic setup of Apache / PHP is not going to be discussed here. We will assume you have installed Apache, set it up (running on port 80 as normal), installed PHP and setup Apache so that it can run PHP pages. (Phew!) Sounds more complicated than it is, if you've never done it before. If you follow the Apache Install instructions and the PHP Install instructions you shouldn't have any trouble.

Add the following lines to your httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^(.*).nsf(.*) http://localhost:81$1.nsf$2 [P]

What this does is rewrite any URL with a .nsf in it to an Apache proxy request for the same page on port 81 (where Domino is running)

Also add the following lines to ensure that mod_proxy is setup: Note: There will likely be a commented out mod_proxy section if you're using the default httpd.conf - you can just edit that one if you like

ProxyRequests On

Order deny,allow

Deny from all

Allow from

This will make sure that Proxying is on and only the locally running Apache server is allowed to make Proxy requests.

Update 26 April 2002: I forgot to originally mention that you'll also need to make sure that the proxy module is being loaded - Near the top of the httpd.conf file there are two lines that need to be uncommented (they're in seperate sections):

LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so

AddModule mod_proxy.c

Start Apache and go to http://localhost/homepage.nsf and you should get the Domino sample homepage being served through Apache.

Using PHP with Domino

Accessing Domino servers using PHPs support for COM on the Windows platform is nothing unique, so I won't go into too much detail. One interesting thing though when integrating PHP with Domino is you can use PHP for displaying stuff, and then jump to a Domino generated page anytime you need to seamlessly. This is mainly what this example is about - it's a simple example to display a list of names in the NAB and let you edit the records. The display is done using PHP and the editing is standard Domino EditDocument functionality. I used the NAB as the example because I tried this integration stuff on a standalone server and I didn't have any other interesting databases on it :)

Download nab.zip - ZIP file containing the nab.php file.

Limitations, TODO, etc

I haven't done too much experimenting with this integration, just mainly wanted to see if it works. It doesn't seem like there are any real limitations. One thing that might have been an issue that isn't is that authentication works. Note that if you're using files that are in the domino/html directory you will need to either move them into the Apache htdocs directory or point Apache's root to the Domino domino/html directory.

Also it'd be interesting to see what performance is like under "real" loads. I wouldn't think the proxying would add too much overhead. If anyone has easy access to some stress testing tools and gives it a go, let me know and I'll share with everyone.

Some things to consider and/or try:

SSL connections - how will this work given you'll need seperate certificates for Domino and Apache? I think what would work is that you have the proper certificate for the Apache server and a self-signed cert for Domino - that way when the Apache proxy requests the Domino page it doesn't matter that the certificate is self-signed because it will be Apache actually returning the page to the user (ie. seamlessly)

Setting up Domino so that it only accepts connections from Apache - this would prevent someone going to port 81 and getting around Apache. If it's behind a firewall this won't be an issue.

Using mod_rewrite to make pretty URLs for Domino content ala the functionality in Domino 6

You can play around with the mod_proxy settings to enable caching for Domino pages. Check out the manual page for mod_proxy for more info.


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