
  • Overview

    X3D-Edit version 3.3 standalone application and Netbeans plugin are available and ready.

    X3D-Edit is written using Java 8 for Netbeans 8 platform. X3D-Edit runs on desktop/laptop/tablet systems and is portable across major operating systems (Windows 7-10, MacOSX, Linux).

    As with any application, users may need administrative permissions to fully install or uninstall X3D-Edit on their system.

    The X3D-Edit codebase builds and runs using either Java 7 or (preferred) Java 8. If needed, you can verify your installed Java version.         (要求安装java7以上版本)



  链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cnsbz6K0N_A0Xep2nMOAGg 密码:dt40


  • runX3dEditWin.bat on a Windows machine.
  • runX3dEditMac.sh.command on a Mac.
  • runX3dEditUnix.sh on a Linux/Unix system.



自己配置的话先安装NetBeans IDE

  NetBeans IDE 下载:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html


  • Netbeans Plugin

    Prerequisite: please install the latest NetBeans on your local system.

    Netbeans users can connect to the Netbeans Update Center for automatic plugin download and installation using the following procedure. The image links below provide screen snapshots corresponding to each installation step.

    Install instructions for Netbeans plugin:

    1. Select Tools > Plugins > Settings > Choose "Every Startup" and Select "Add",
    2. Now fill in the Netbeans Update Center Customizer by entering the following grey-background text:
      Name: X3D-Edit Update Center
      URL:  http://www.movesinstitute.org/X3D-Edit/netbeans_modules/updates.xml

      Then click OK.
    3. While still in the Plugins Settings tab, look on left-hand side under Configuration of Update Centers area for the X3D Edit Update Center entry, and ensure the Active-column checkbox in the lower left is checked.
    4. While on this panel, confirm that you have selected Check Interval: Every Startup from the drop-down list.
    5. Switch to the Available Plugins tab, select the upper-left Install box for the X3D-Edit plugin,
      and then select the lower-left Install button.
    6. You now see a Welcome To Netbeans IDE Plugin Installer panel.
      Select the Next button.
    7. It is necessary to accept the open-source license and again select the Install button.
    8. A progress panel should then appear.
    9. If any problems with certificates are encountered, select Continue. Here is our current certificate information. Current difficulties with Netbeans module signing are documented in issue 1518.
    10. An installation complete panel indicates when the process is done. Select the Finish button.
    11. For confirmation, X3D-Edit now appears on the Plugins panel Installed tab, and you may now close the Plugins panel.

    Netbeans is now ready to edit X3D scenes, also checking for weekly (or daily) updates.

  • Manual download and install of Netbeans plugin modules

    Download and save the plugin modules from http://www.movesinstitute.org/X3D-Edit/netbeans_modules directory to a temporary directory on local disk.

    Then select Tools > Plugins > Downloaded to load plugin modules from a local disk directory to install those downloads.

    • Updates are Automatic

      Netbeans indicates when plugin updates are available for download and installation.

      Alternatively you check for an update yourself. Select Tools > Plugins > Updates and then click the update button to confirm whether a newer version of X3D-Edit is available. This works identically both for the X3D-Edit standalone application and for the Netbeans plugin.

      Changelog summaries and date of latest revision are found in the project manifest.mf file. (Also available: Xj3dWrapper/ manifest)

      X3D-Edit automatic updates are accepted by the Netbeans Plugin Portal since 2008.



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