自动驾驶 l5 ai

Dr. Lance Eliot, AI Insider

AI Insider博士Lance Eliot博士

[Ed. Note: For reader’s interested in Dr. Eliot’s ongoing business analyses about the advent of self-driving cars, see his online Forbes column: https://forbes.com/sites/lanceeliot/ and his podcast: http://ai-selfdriving-cars.libsyn.com/website

[编辑 注意:如果读者对Eliot博士正在进行的有关自动驾驶汽车问世的业务分析感兴趣,请参阅他的在线《福布斯》专栏: https //forbes.com/sites/lanceeliot/ 和他的播客: http : //ai-selfdriving-cars.libsyn.com/website

Time to set the record straight about Strong AI versus Weak AI.


Let’s consider what is being incorrectly stated and then make our way to the correct understanding about the matter.


Some speak of weak AI as though it is AI that is wimpy and not up to the same capabilities as strong AI, including that weak AI is decidedly slower, or much less optimized, or otherwise inevitably and unarguably feebler in its AI capacities. That’s not it.

有人说弱AI好像是弱小的AI,没有达到与强AI相同的功能,包括弱AI的速度肯定慢得多,或者优化程度差得多,或者在AI能力方面不可避免且毫无争议地显得脆弱。 不是这个。

Another form of distortion is to use “narrow” AI, which generally refers to AI that will only work in a narrowly-defined domain such as in a specific medical use or in a particular financial analysis use, and equate it with weak AI, while presumably strong AI is broader and more all-encompassing. That’s not it either.

失真的另一种形式是使用“狭窄”的AI,通常是指仅在狭窄的领域(例如在特定医疗用途或特定财务分析用途中)工作的AI,并将其等同于弱AI,而大概强大的AI会更广泛,更包罗万象。 也不是。

To understand what Strong AI and Weak AI are all about, we need to briefly turn back the clock to when the debate about such aspects was at a feverish pitch. Hark back to an earlier era of AI, around the late 1970s and early 1980s, a period of time that was characterized as the first era of AI flourishing, which you might know as a time when Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) and Expert Systems (ES) were popular.

要了解强AI和弱AI的含义,我们需要简短地回顾一下关于此类方面的争论时。 回溯到1970年代末和1980年代初的AI早期时代,这段时期被描述为AI蓬勃发展的第一个时代,您可能将其称为基于知识的系统(KBS)和Expert Systems的时代。 (ES)很受欢迎。

The latest era, today, which some consider the second era of AI flourishing, seems to have become known as the time of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).


Using a season-oriented metaphor, the current era is depicted as the AI Spring, while the period between the first era and this now existent second era has been called the AI Winter (doing so to suggest that things were either dormant or slowed-down like how a winter season can clamp down via snow and other dampening weather conditions).

使用以季节为导向的隐喻,当前时代被描述为AI Spring,而第一个时代到现在已经存在的第二个时代之间的时期被称为AI Winter(这样做是为了表明事情要么处于Hibernate状态要么被放慢了速度)例如冬季如何通过降雪和其他潮湿天气来缓解天气)。

The first era consisted of quite a bit of hand wringing about whether AI was going to become sentient and if so, how would we get there.


Even during this second era, there are still similar discussions and debates taking place now, though the first era really seemed to fully take the matter in-hand and slews of philosophers joined onto the AI bandwagon as to what the future might hold and how AI could be or might not become truly intelligent.


Into that fray came the birth of the monikers of weak AI and strong AI.


Most would agree that the verbiage originated or at least was solidified in a paper by philosopher John Searle entitled “Minds, Brains, And Programs” (see link: http://cogprints.org/7150/1/

大多数人都同意,这种动词起源于或至少在哲学家约翰·塞尔(John Searle)的一篇题为《心灵,大脑和程序》的论文中得到了巩固(参见链接: http : //cogprints.org/7150/1/。 pdf )。

What was the weak AI and what was the strong AI?


They are philosophical differences about how AI might ultimately be achieved, assuming that you agree as to what it means to achieve AI (more on this in a moment).


Let’s see what Searle said about defining the terminology of weak AI: “According to weak AI, the principal value of the computer in the study of the mind is that it gives us a very powerful tool. For example, it enables us to formulate and test hypotheses in a more rigorous and precise fashion.”

让我们来看看Searle关于定义弱AI的术语的看法:“根据弱AI,计算机在研究思维方面的主要价值在于它为我们提供了非常强大的工具。 例如,它使我们能够以更加严格和精确的方式来制定和检验假设。”

And, furthermore, he indicated this about strong AI: “But according to strong AI, the computer is not merely a tool in the study of the mind; rather, the appropriately programmed computer really is a mind, in the sense that computers given the right programs can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states.”

而且,他还谈到了关于强大的AI的这一观点:“但是,根据强大的AI来说,计算机不仅是研究思维的工具,而且还不仅仅是计算机。 确切地说,经过适当编程的计算机确实是一个头脑,从某种意义上说,只要给了正确的程序,就可以说计算机可以理解并具有其他认知状态。”

With this added clarification: “In strong AI, because the programmed computer has cognitive states, the programs are not mere tools that enable us to test psychological explanations; rather, the programs are themselves the explanations.”

补充说明:“在强大的AI中,因为编程的计算机具有认知状态,所以这些程序不仅仅是使我们能够测试心理解释的工具; 相反,程序本身就是解释。”

The rest of his famous (now infamous) paper then proceeds to indicate that he has “no objection to the claims of weak AI,” and thus he doesn’t tackle particularly the weak AI side of things, and instead his focus goes mainly toward the portent of strong AI.


In short, he doesn’t have much faith or belief that strong AI is anything worth writing home about either. He says this: “On the argument advanced here only a machine could think, and only very special kinds of machines, namely brains and machines with internal causal powers equivalent to those of brains. And that is why strong AI has little to tell us about thinking, since it is not about machines but about programs, and no program by itself is sufficient for thinking.”

简而言之,他没有太多的信念或信念,认为强大的AI值得一提。 他说:“在这里提出的论点中,只有机器可以思考,只有非常特殊的一种机器,即大脑和具有与大脑相同的内在因果力的机器。 这就是为什么强大的AI几乎没有告诉我们思考的原因,因为它与机器无关,而与程序有关,没有任何程序本身足以思考。”

Here’s what that signifies, at least as has been interpreted by some.


Conventional AI is presumably doomed in trying to reach true AI if you stick with using “computer programs” since those programs aren’t ever going to cut it, and lack the needed capabilities to embody those things we associate with thinking and sentience.


Humans and animals have a kind of intentionality, somehow arising from the use of our brains, and for those that believe true AI requires that intentionality, you are barking up the wrong tree via the pursuit of “computer programs” (they are the wrong stuff and can’t go that high up the intelligence ladder).


All of this presupposes two key assumptions or propositions that Seale lays out:


  1. “Intentionality in human beings (and animals) is a product of causal features of the brain…”“人类(和动物)的故意性是大脑因果特征的产物……”
  2. “Instantiating a computer program is never by itself a sufficient condition of intentionality.”“实例化计算机程序本身绝不是故意的充分条件。”

If your goal then is to devise a computer program that can think, you are on a fool’s errand and won’t ever get there, though, it isn’t completely foolish because you might well learn a lot along the way and could have some cool results and insights, but it isn’t going to be a thinker.


I believe it is self-evident that this is a deeply intriguing philosophical consideration, one worthy of scholars and others pontificating about.


Does this make a difference for everyday AI work that those making AI-based systems such as Alexa or Siri or robots that function on a manufacturing line are going to be worrying about and losing sleep over?




To clarify, we are a long, long, long, long way from crafting AI systems that can exhibit human-level intelligence in any genuine meaning of the range, scope, and depth of human intelligence.


That’s a shocker to some that keep hearing about AI systems that are as adept as humans.


Take a slow and measured breath and keep reading herein.


Achieving True AI Is The Hearty Question


I had earlier mentioned narrow AI.


Some AI applications do seemingly well in narrow domains, though maybe they should have a Surgeon General type small print that identifies the numerous caveats and limitations about what that AI can do.

一些AI应用程序似乎在狭窄的领域中表现不错,尽管也许它们应该具有Surgeon General类型的小字体,以标识出有关AI可以做什么的众多警告和限制。

AI systems today cannot undertake or showcase common-sense reasoning, which I believe we all agree that humans generally have (for those snickering about humans having or not having common-sense reasoning, yes, there are people that we know that seems to at times lack common-sense, but that’s not the same as what overall is considered common-sense reasoning and don’t conflate those two into meaninglessness).


To insiders of AI, today’s AI applications are narrow AI, and not yet AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) systems, which is yet another term that is being used to get around the fact that “AI” has been watered down as terminology and used for anything that people want to say is AI, meanwhile, others are striving mightily to get to the purists’ version of AI, which would be AGI.

对于AI内部人士而言,当今的AI应用程序是狭窄的AI,而不是AGI(人工通用情报)系统,这是又一个术语,用于避开“ AI”已被简化为术语并用于人们想说的任何东西都是AI,与此同时,其他人也在大力争取达到纯粹主义者的AI版本,即AGI。

The debate about weak AI and strong AI is aimed at those that wonder whether we will be able to someday achieve true AI.


True AI is a loaded term that needs some clarification.


One version of true AI is an AI system that can pass the Turing Test, a simple yet telling kind of test that involves asking an AI system questions and asking a human being questions. They are essentially two distinct players in a game of wielding intelligence, of sorts, and if you cannot tell which is which, presumably the AI is the “equivalent” of human intelligence since it was indistinguishable from a human exhibiting intelligence.

真正的AI的一种版本是可以通过Turing测试的AI系统,该图灵测试是一种简单而有效的测试,涉及询问AI系统问题和询问人类问题。 在使用智力的游戏中,它们本质上是两个截然不同的参与者,如果您不能分辨出哪个是人工智能,那么推测AI就是人类智力的“等效”,因为它与人类展示智力是无法区分的。

Though the Turing Test is handy, and a frequently invoked tool for judging AI’s efforts to become true AI, it does have its downsides and problematic considerations. Anyway, how can we craft AI to succeed at the Turing Test, and have AI be ostensibly indistinguishable from human intelligence?

尽管图灵测试很方便,并且是判断AI努力成为真正AI的常用工具,但它确实有其缺点和问题。 无论如何,我们如何才能使AI在图灵测试中取得成功,并在表面上将AI与人类智能区分开?

One belief is that we’ll need to embody into the AI system the same kind of intentionality, casualty, thinking, and essence of sentience that exists in humans (and to some extent, in animals).


As a side note, the day that we reach AI sentience is often referred to as the singularity, and some believe that it will inevitably be reached and we’ll have then the equivalent of human intelligence, whilst others believe that the AI will exceed human intelligence, and we will arrive at a form of AI super-intelligence.


Keep in mind that not everyone agrees with the precondition of needing to discover and re-invent artificial intentionality, asserting that we can nonetheless arrive at AI that exhibits human intelligence yet do so without tossing into the cart this squishy stuff referred to as intentionality and its variants.


Anyway, setting aside that last aspect, the other big question is whether “computer programs” will be the appropriate tool to get us there (whatever the there might be).


This brings up another definitional consideration. What do you mean by computer programs?

这带来了另一个定义上的考虑。 您所说的计算机程序是什么意思?

At the time when this debate first flourished, computer programs generally meant hand-crafted coding using both conventional and somewhat unconventional programming languages, exemplified by programs such as ELIZA by Weizenbaum and SHRDLU by Winograd.


Today, we are using Machine Learning and Deep Learning, so the obvious question on the minds of those that are still mulling over weak AI and strong AI would be whether the use of ML/DL constitutes “computer programs” or not.

如今,我们正在使用机器学习和深度学习,因此仍然在思考弱AI和强AI的人们的心中一个显而易见的问题是,使用ML / DL是否构成“计算机程序”。

Have we progressed past the old-time computer programs and advanced into whatever ML/DL is, such that we no longer seemingly have this albatross around our neck that computer programs aren’t the rocket ship that can get us to this desired moon?

我们是否已经超越了旧的计算机程序而前进到了任何ML / DL模式,以至于我们似乎再也找不到像计算机程序那样可以使我们登上理想月球的飞船了呢?

Well, that opens another can of worms, though it is pretty much the case that most would agree that ML/DL is still a “computer program” in the meaning of even the 1980s expression, so, if you buy into the argument that any use of or a variant of computer programs is insufficient to arrive at thinking AI, we are still in the doom-and-gloom state of affairs.

好吧,这打开了另一种蠕虫的罐头,尽管大多数情况下大多数人都同意ML / DL仍然是“计算机程序”,即使在1980年代的表达中也是如此,因此,如果您接受这样的论点,使用计算机程序或计算机程序的变体不足以引起人们对AI的思考,但我们仍处在厄运与沮丧的状态。

Searle though does cover the ML/DL topic to some degree since he mentions that a man-made machine could think if it:

Searle确实在某种程度上涵盖了ML / DL主题,因为他提到一台人造机器可以考虑是否:

“Assuming it is possible to produce artificially a machine with a nervous system, neurons with axons and dendrites, and all the rest of it, sufficiently like ours, again the answer to the question seems to be obvious, yes. If you can exactly duplicate the causes, you could duplicate the effects. And indeed it might be possible to produce consciousness, intentionality, and all the rest of it using some other sorts of chemical principles than those that human beings use.”

“假设有可能人工制造具有神经系统的机器,带有轴突和树突的神经元,而其余所有机器,就像我们的机器一样,同样,这个问题的答案似乎显而易见,是的。 如果可以准确地复制原因,则可以复制结果。 实际上,有可能使用除人类使用的化学原理以外的其他化学原理来产生意识,意向性及其所有其他部分。”

Please be aware that today’s ML/DL is a far cry from being the same as human neurons and a human brain.

请注意,当今的ML / DL与人类神经元和人类大脑完全不同。

At best, it is a crude and extremely simplified simulation, usually deploying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), way below anything approaching a human biological equivalent. We might someday get closer and indeed some believe we will achieve the equivalent but don’t be holding your breath for now.

充其量,这是一个粗略且极其简化的模拟,通常会部署人工神经网络(ANN),远低于接近人类生物等效性的任何事物。 我们也许有一天会变得更近一些,的确有些人相信我们会实现与之相当的成就,但是暂时不要屏住呼吸。

Bringing us home to the argument about weak and strong AI, no matter what you do in either the case of weak AI or strong AI, here’s where you’ll land as per Searle: “But could something think, understand, and so on solely in virtue of being a computer with the right sort of program? Could instantiating a program, the right program of course, by itself be a sufficient condition of understanding?”

不管您在弱人工智能还是强人工智能的情况下做什么,这都会带给我们关于弱人工智能和强人工智能的论点,按照塞尔的说法,您将在这里着陆:“但是,某些东西可以完全地思考,理解等等。成为一台拥有正确程序的计算机? 实例化一个程序,当然是正确的程序,本身就足以成为理解的条件吗?”

And his clear-cut answer is: “This I think is the right question to ask, though it is usually confused with one or more of the earlier questions, and the answer to it is no.”


Ouch! That smarts.

哎哟! 太聪明了

There is nonetheless a glimmer of hope for strong AI, as it could be potentially turned into something that could achieve the thinking brand of AI (says Searle): “Any attempt literally to create intentionality artificially (strong AI) could not succeed just by designing programs but would have to duplicate the causal powers of the human brain.”


Practical Significance For Today


I hope it is obvious that the original meaning associated with weak and strong AI is far afield of what the popular press tends to use those catchy phrases for today. When trying to point out to people that their use of weak AI and strong AI is not aligned with the original meanings, they usually get huffy and tell you to not be such a stickler. Or, they tell you to knock the cobwebs out of your mind and become hipper with the present age.

我希望很明显,与弱而强的AI相关的原始含义已经远远超出了大众媒体在今天倾向于使用这些醒目的短语的含义。 当试图向人们指出,他们对弱AI和强AI的使用与原始含义不符时,他们通常会变得很笨拙,并告诉您不要那么固执。 或者,他们告诉您将蜘蛛网从您的脑海中扑灭,并随着当今的时代变得更加时髦。

Fine, I suppose, you can change up the meaning if you want, just please be aware that it is not the same as the original.


This comes up in numerous applied uses of AI. For example, consider the emergence of AI-based true self-driving cars. True self-driving cars are ones where the AI drives the car entirely on its own and there isn’t any human assistance during the driving task.

这在AI的众多应用用途中都有体现。 例如,考虑基于AI的真正自动驾驶汽车的出现。 真正的自动驾驶汽车是指AI完全自行驾驶汽车,并且在驾驶过程中没有任何人工协助。

These driverless vehicles are considered a Level 4 and Level 5, while a car that requires a human driver to co-share the driving effort is usually considered at a Level 2 or Level 3. The cars that co-share the driving task are described as being semi-autonomous, and typically contain a variety of automated add-on’s that are referred to as ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems).


There is not yet a true self-driving car at Level 5, which we don’t yet even know if this will be possible to achieve, and nor how long it will take to get there.


Meanwhile, the Level 4 efforts are gradually trying to get some traction by undergoing very narrow and selective public roadway trials, though there is controversy over whether this testing should be allowed per se (we are all life-or-death guinea pigs in an experiment taking place on our highways and byways, some point out).


Some media describe the semi-autonomous ADAS as weak AI, while the autonomous AI to be strong AI. Well, that’s not aligned with the original definitions of weak AI and strong AI. You have to be willing to put to the side the original definitions if you are seeking to use those terms in that manner.

一些媒体将半自治ADAS描述为弱AI,而将自治AI称为强AI。 好吧,这与弱AI和强AI的原始定义不一致。 如果您试图以这种方式使用这些术语,则必须愿意将原始定义放在一边。

Personally, I don’t like it. Similarly, I don’t like it when the weak AI and strong AI are used to characterize the difference between autonomous AI.

就个人而言,我不喜欢它。 同样,当弱AI和强AI用来表征自主AI之间的差异时,我也不喜欢它。

For example, some say that Level 4 is weak AI, while Level 5 is strong AI, but this once again is nonsensical in the nature of what those terms were intended to signify.


If you genuinely want to try and apply the argument to true self-driving cars, there is an ongoing dispute as to whether driverless cars will need to exhibit “intentionality” to be sufficiently safe for our public roadways.


In other words, can we craft AI without any seeming embodiment of intentionality and yet nonetheless have that AI be good enough to trust AI-based self-driving cars cruising around on our highways, byways, and everyday streets?


It’s a complex debate and no one yet knows whether the driving domain can be considered limited enough in scope that such intentionality is not a necessity, plus, the question within a question is what might be rated as safe or safe enough for society to accept self-driving cars as fellow drivers.




For those of you wanting to get further into the weeds on this topic, you’ll also want to get introduced to the Chinese Room Argument (CRA), a foil used in Searle’s argument and something that has become a storied punching bag in the halls of AI and philosophy.

对于那些想要进一步了解这一主题的人,您还希望了解“中国房间争论”(CRA),这是塞尔先生的争论中所用的一种箔纸,并且已经成为大厅中的一个传奇的出气筒。 AI和哲学。

That’s a story for another day.


Practitioners of AI might see this whole discussion about weak AI and strong AI as academic and much ado about nothing.


Use those phrases whatever way you want, some say.


Hold your horses.


Perhaps we ought to heed the words of William Shakespeare: “Words without thoughts never to heaven go.”


The words we use do matter, and especially in the high stakes aims and outcomes of AI.


For free podcast of this story, visit: http://ai-selfdriving-cars.libsyn.com/website

有关此故事的免费播客,请访问: http : //ai-selfdriving-cars.libsyn.com/website

The podcasts are also available on Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio, etc.


More info about AI self-driving cars, see: www.ai-selfdriving-cars.guru

有关AI自动驾驶汽车的更多信息,请参见: www.ai-selfdriving-cars.guru

To follow Lance Eliot on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@LanceEliot

要在Twitter上关注Lance Eliot: https : //twitter.com/@LanceEliot

For his Forbes.com blog, see: https://forbes.com/sites/lanceeliot/

有关他的Forbes.com博客,请访问: https : //forbes.com/sites/lanceeliot/

For his AI Trends blog, see: www.aitrends.com/ai-insider/

有关他的AI趋势博客,请访问: www.aitrends.com/ai-insider/

For his Medium blog, see: https://medium.com/@lance.eliot

有关其Medium博客,请访问: https : //medium.com/@lance.eliot

For Dr. Eliot’s books, see: https://www.amazon.com/author/lanceeliot

有关艾略特博士的书,请参见: https : //www.amazon.com/author/lanceeliot

Copyright © 2020 Dr. Lance B. Eliot

版权所有©2020 Lance B.Eliot博士

翻译自: https://medium.com/@lance.eliot/strong-ai-and-weak-ai-the-real-story-plus-applicability-for-self-driving-cars-12ec0592f80d

自动驾驶 l5 ai



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自动驾驶 l5 ai_强AI和弱AI的真实故事以及适用于自动驾驶汽车的信息相关推荐

  1. 强人工智能与弱人工智能:有什么区别?

    我们通常将人工智能(AI)视为模仿人类思维的计算智能.然而,这种特征并不适用于所有人工智能系统,因为各种类型的人工智能具有不同的特征.人工智能中的两个主要类别是"强AI"和&quo ...

  2. 楼天城、清华邓志东激辩自动驾驶:近在咫尺还是遥遥无期?| 清华AI Time

    大数据文摘出品 作者:易琬玉 汽车这种交通工具已经诞生130多年,就像对所有机器自动化的追求,能够自行运转行驶的汽车,始终是人们梦寐以求的.今天飞机.火车乃至地铁都能够一定程度地实现自动驾驶,大众也期 ...

  3. 特斯拉全新自动驾驶芯片最强?英伟达回怼,投资者用脚投票

    整理 | 一一 出品 | AI科技大本营(ID:rgznai100) 马斯克前脚刚说完自家发布的自动驾驶计算机是全球最强,后脚就被英伟达怼了. 在刚刚结束的自动驾驶投资者日上,特斯拉发布了全自动驾驶( ...

  4. 人工智能:从经典计算机到量子计算机,弱AI进阶到强AI时代?

    人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,缩写AI),通常指通过普通计算机程序来呈现人类智能的技术.计算机是为AI提供必要的技术基础,它决定人工智能的上限空间.人工智能分为弱人工智能和 ...

  5. AI一分钟 | 谷歌开发者大会,千人同玩AI小程序;阿里获杭州首张自动驾驶牌照...

    ▌谷歌带来了 Android 9 和 AI 小程序的多项更新 9 月 20 日,2018 谷歌中国开发者大会在上海举行,这是谷歌第三次在中国举行面向中国开发者的大会.开始前,现场两千多位观众一起玩谷歌 ...

  6. 超维计算让AI有记忆和反应,还能解决自动驾驶难题

    来源:雷锋网 这可以打破我们与自动驾驶汽车和其他机器人之间的僵局,这也将促使更像人类AI模型的出现. 马里兰大学的一个研究团队最近提出了超维计算理论(hyperdimensional computin ...

  7. hana迁移可行性评估_评估``有益的AI''的可行性以及如何将其应用于自动驾驶汽车

    hana迁移可行性评估 Dr. Lance Eliot, AI Insider AI Insider的Lance Eliot博士 [Ed. Note: For reader's interested ...

  8. 人工智能德国造 “弱AI“强势登场

    https://www.toutiao.com/a6673249163565597191/ 2019年德国政府用于AI研发的预算为5亿欧元.在德国联邦政府近期正式发布的<德国联邦政府人工智能战略 ...

  9. 做AI时代最底层的赋能者:地平线拓展智能驾驶朋友圈

    2019年4月16日,以"共创·美好生活"为主题的第十八届上海国际汽车工业展览会,在上海国家会展中心如期揭幕. 值得一提的是,本次车展首次设立了"未来出行"展区 ...


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