
下载页面:http://www.wischik.com/lu/programmer/zip_utils.html 相关页面:http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/zip_utils.asp

ZIP UTILS ----------- by Lucian Wischik, June 2004 - July 2005 These files are a simple way to add zip/unzip functionality to your windows programs, both win32 and windows-ce. For unzipping, add "unzip.cpp" to your project. Then, for example,

#include " unzip.h " // HZIP hz = OpenZip( " c:/stuff.zip " , 0 );   ZIPENTRY ze; GetZipItem(hz, - 1 , & ze); int numitems = ze.index; for ( int i = 0 ; i < numitems; i ++ )   { GetZipItem(hz,i, & ze);     UnzipItem(hz,i,ze.name);   }   CloseZip(hz);

For zipping, add "zip.cpp" to your project. (You can add just one of zip/unzip, or both; they function independently and also co-exist.)

#include " zip.h " // HZIP hz = CreateZip( " c:/simple1.zip " , 0 );   ZipAdd(hz, " znsimple.bmp " , " c:/simple.bmp " );   ZipAdd(hz, " znsimple.txt " , " c:/simple.txt " );   CloseZip(hz);

There is lot of flexibility... When you unzip, the zipfile can be a handle or a file on disk or a block of memory or a resource.And when you unzip the items, you can unzip them directly to a handle or diskfile or pipe or block of memory. You might even spawn off a thread to play wav files, connected via a pipe,and unzip directly from a resource into that pipe. Similarly you can create a zip in different ways (even creating it as a dynamically growable buffer that's backed by the system paging file), and the items you add can come from anywhere.

The functions all support unicode filenames. And the final '0' argument in OpenZip/CreateZip is for a password, in case of encryption.

For more information, see the header files or the example source code. The example comes with project files for Visual Studio .NET and Embedded Visual C++3 and Borland C++Builder6.

The actual core source code for zipping and unzipping comes from www.info-zip.org and www.gzip.org/zlib, by Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler and others, and is freely available at the respective websites. All I did was repackage them and add some small extras.

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