macos sierra

When you turn your Mac on, do you notice the blurred image behind the login screen? By default it’s a blurred version of Sierra’s iconic wallpaper, or a blurred version of your current wallpaper.

打开Mac时,您是否注意到登录屏幕后面的图像模糊? 默认情况下,它是Sierra标志性墙纸的模糊版本,或者是当前墙纸的模糊版本。

Have you ever wished this image wasn’t blurred? Or that it was different than your default wallpaper? As it turns out, the user can control what shows up here, but it takes a few steps. Here’s how to configure this image to look exactly the way you want it to. This method works in macOS Sierra, Yosemite, and El Capitan.

您是否曾经希望此图像不模糊? 还是与您的默认壁纸不同? 事实证明,用户可以控制此处显示的内容,但这需要一些步骤。 这是配置此图像以使其完全符合您想要的方式的方法。 此方法适用于macOS Sierra,优胜美地和El Capitan。

简单方法:更改桌面墙纸 (The Easy Way: Change Your Desktop Wallpaper)

If you use a single custom wallpaper on your Mac, you’re probably wondering why this article exists. That’s because changing the blurred image behind your login screen is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper.

如果在Mac上使用单个自定义墙纸,您可能想知道为什么这篇文章存在。 那是因为更改登录屏幕后面的模糊图像就像更改桌面墙纸一样简单。

But there are some catches. For example: if your wallpaper is a rotating folder of images, macOS uses the default Sierra wallpaper instead. If you want to use one of your own images, you can do that, without ditching your rotating collection of images.

但是有一些陷阱。 例如:如果您的墙纸是旋转的图像文件夹,则macOS将使用默认的Sierra墙纸。 如果要使用自己的图像之一,则可以这样做,而不必放弃旋转的图像集合。

First, right-click your desktop, then click “Change Desktop Background.”


(Note: if you use multiple desktops in Mission Control, make sure that you open this window on your left-most desktop, labeled “Desktop 1.”)

(请注意:如果您在Mission Control中使用多个桌面,请确保在最左侧的桌面上打开此窗口,并标记为“桌面1”。)

Now change your wallpaper to whatever you’d like your login screen’s background to be.


If you want to switch back to the rotating folder you had before, you can do that, but first let’s make sure that macOS has set your new image as the background for your login screen. Open the finder, then choose Go > Go To Folder. Type /Library/Caches  and click Go.

如果要切换回以前的旋转文件夹,可以执行此操作,但首先请确保macOS已将新映像设置为登录屏幕的背景。 打开查找器,然后选择“转到”>“转到文件夹”。 键入/Library/Caches ,然后单击“执行”。

In this folder, you should see an image here named “,” and if your changes took hold this image will be a blurred version of whatever you set as your wallpaper. Sometimes this will take a minute, so be patient.

在此文件夹中,您应该在此处看到一个名为“”的图像,如果您的更改被保留,则该图像将是您设置为墙纸的图像的模糊版本。 有时这需要一分钟,因此请耐心等待。

Once you see your image, go ahead and turn your rotating wallpaper back on, if you wish—in our tests this did not affect this file. Now log out of your account or restart your Mac to see your new login screen.

看到图像后,请继续打开旋转的墙纸(如果需要),在我们的测试中,这不会影响此文件。 现在,退出您的帐户或重新启动Mac,以查看新的登录屏幕。

It’s working! Note that, if you have a rotating wallpaper, this change will not affect your lock screen, which will always show a version of your current wallpaper (on Desktop 1.) The login screen, however, is now set as a blurred version of your preferred image.

工作正常! 请注意,如果您有旋转的墙纸,此更改将不会影响锁定屏幕,锁定屏幕将始终显示当前墙纸的版本(在桌面1上)。但是,现在将登录屏幕设置为您的模糊屏幕首选图片。

使用不模糊的图片作为登录屏幕 (Use An Unblurred Picture For Your Login Screen)

If you’d rather your login screen not be blurred, you can do that too! I recommend first following the steps above, so that there is an image in the /Library/Caches folder. Then, copy that image to your desktop by dragging it there.

如果您希望您的登录屏幕不模糊,您也可以这样做! 我建议首先按照上述步骤进行操作,以便/ Library / Caches文件夹中有一个映像。 然后,通过拖动将图像复制到您的桌面。

We’ll use this image in a little bit. First, open whatever image you’d like to show up behind your login screen with Preview. Select the entire canvas (Command+A), then copy it (Command+C).

我们将稍微使用此图像。 首先,使用“预览”打开您想要在登录屏幕后显示的任何图像。 选择整个画布(Command + A),然后将其复制(Command + C)。

Next, head to your desktop and open the file you copied from /Library/Caches. Paste (Command+V) what you just copied.

接下来,转到桌面并打开从/ Library / Caches复制的文件。 粘贴(Command + V)您刚刚复制的内容。

You will need to move and resize what you’re pasting quite a bit in order to get everything just right. When you’re done, save the image (Command+S). Head back to your desktop, and drag your edited image to the /Library/Caches folder. You will be asked if you’d like to replace the file that’s there; click “Replace.”

您将需要移动并重新调整粘贴内容的大小,以使所有内容正确无误。 完成后,保存图像(Command + S)。 回到桌面,然后将编辑后的图像拖到/ Library / Caches文件夹中。 系统将询问您是否要替换那里的文件; 点击“替换”。

You’ve now placed your custom background image. Go ahead and log out of your user account to see how it looks:

现在,您已经放置了自定义背景图片。 继续并注销您的用户帐户,以查看其外观:

It worked! In my case, however, the white maple leaf is making it hard to read the white text used by macOS. To fix this, I found a different version of this image where the leaf is blue.

有效! 但是,以我为例,白色的枫叶使macOS使用的白色文本难以阅读。 为了解决这个问题,我找到了该图像的另一个版本,其中叶子是蓝色的。

Much better! This version puts the darker part of the image behind the text, which makes it easier to read everything. You’ll probably have to experiment with this a little yourself, but to avoid problems favor dark images over light ones, and simple images over complex ones.

好多了! 此版本将图像的较暗部分放在文本后面,这使阅读所有内容变得更加容易。 您可能需要自己稍微尝试一下,但是为了避免出现问题,青色图像胜于浅色图像,而简单图像胜于复杂图像。

If you’re a Photoshop guru, you might prefer making an image yourself over messing around with Preview in this way. You can do that, but the image you create needs to meet specific criteria. It must be:

如果您是Photoshop专家,那么您可能更喜欢自己制作图像,而不是用这种方式弄乱预览。 您可以这样做,但是您创建的图像需要满足特定条件。 肯定是:

  • A PNG filePNG文件
  • The same exact resolution as your primary display与主显示器相同的精确分辨率
  • RGB, sRGB, or Adobe RGB color mode.RGB,sRGB或Adobe RGB色彩模式。
  • 8bit colors8位色彩
  • Unlocked background layer解锁背景层
  • Named “”名为“”

In our tests, even doing all these things can still be hit-or-miss, so we suggest using the Preview method. It’s just simpler.

在我们的测试中,即使执行所有这些操作仍然可能会失败,因此我们建议使用Preview方法。 简单一点。

向您的登录屏幕添加自定义消息 (Add a Custom Message To Your Login Screen)

You may have noticed, in the screenshots above, that I’ve left a custom message in my login screen. The idea is that if I lose my Mac, some good person may try to return it. It’s wishful thinking, perhaps, but it’s worth a shot.

在上面的屏幕截图中,您可能已经注意到,我在登录屏幕上留下了一条自定义消息。 这个想法是,如果我丢失了Mac,某些好人可能会尝试将其退还。 也许是一厢情愿,但值得一试。

If you’d like to leave your own such message, it’s easy! First, open System Preferences and head to Security & Privacy.

如果您想留下自己的信息,那很简单! 首先,打开“系统偏好设置”,然后转到“安全和隐私”。

Make sure “Show a message when the screen is locked” is checked.


Next, click “Set Lock Message,” then enter whatever message you’d like.


I recommend leaving a phone number or email address. You could also mention a cash reward for returning the laptop, if you believe money enhances human kindness. It’s up to you.

我建议留下电话号码或电子邮件地址。 如果您相信金钱可以增强人类的友善感,您还可以提及归还笔记本电脑的现金奖励。 由你决定。


macos sierra

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