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<head runat="server"><title></title>
<body><form id="form1" runat="server"><div>开始<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>结束<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /><br /><asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1_Click" /></div></form>


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){string Begain_time = TextBox1.Text;string End_time = TextBox2.Text;string year_b = Begain_time.Substring(0, 4);string year_e = End_time.Substring(0, 4);string Begain_month = Begain_time.Substring(5, 2);string End_month = End_time.Substring(5, 2);int year_count=Convert.ToInt32(year_e)-Convert.ToInt32(year_b);if (year_count==0){int count = Convert.ToInt32(End_month) - Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month);for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++){string month = (Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month) + i).ToString();if (month.Length == 1){month = "0" + month;}DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;string[] time = datetime.ToString().Split(new char[] { '/' });string date = year_b + "-" + month + "-" + time[2];string first = "";string last = "";if (Convert.ToInt32(month) == Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month)){first = Begain_time;}else{first = Convert.ToDateTime(date).AddDays(1 - Convert.ToDateTime(date).Day).ToString();}if (Convert.ToInt32(month) == Convert.ToInt32(End_month)){last = End_time;}else{last = Convert.ToDateTime(date).AddDays(1 - Convert.ToDateTime(date).Day).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString();}if (first.IndexOf(" ") > 0){first = first.Remove(first.IndexOf(" "));}if (last.IndexOf(" ") > 0){last = last.Remove(last.IndexOf(" "));}Response.Write(first + "至" + last + "");}}else{int a = Convert.ToInt32(End_month);int b = Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month);int count = Convert.ToInt32(End_month)+ 12 * year_count - Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month) ;for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++){DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;string[] time = datetime.ToString().Split(new char[] { '/' });string month = "";string date = "";string year = "";int  month_ = Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month) + i;int year_add=0;if (month_>12){year_add = month_ / 12;}year = (Convert.ToInt32(year_b) + year_add).ToString();if (month_%12==0){month = "12";if (year_add>0){year = (Convert.ToInt32(year) - 1).ToString();}}else{month = (month_ - 12 * year_add).ToString();}if (month.Length == 1){month = "0" + month;}date = year + "-" + month + "-" + time[2];string first = "";string last = "";if (Convert.ToInt32(month) == Convert.ToInt32(Begain_month) && Convert.ToInt32(year) == Convert.ToInt32(year_b)){first = Begain_time;}else{first = Convert.ToDateTime(date).AddDays(1 - Convert.ToDateTime(date).Day).ToString();}if (Convert.ToInt32(month) == Convert.ToInt32(End_month) && Convert.ToInt32(year) == Convert.ToInt32(year_e)){last = End_time;}else{last = Convert.ToDateTime(date).AddDays(1 - Convert.ToDateTime(date).Day).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).ToString();}if (first.IndexOf(" ") > 0){first = first.Remove(first.IndexOf(" "));}if (last.IndexOf(" ") > 0){last = last.Remove(last.IndexOf(" "));}Response.Write(first+"-"+last+"\t");}}}



  1. java计算两个月份差_Java编程实现计算两个日期的月份差实例代码

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  7. java 计算两个日期相差月数_Java简单计算两个日期月数差的方法

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  8. 日期函数的计算(计算两个日期的天数差,除去工作日(工作日表自己定义))

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  9. R语言筛选dataframe中两个日期之外的数据行,介于两个日期(包括两个日期)之间的数据行

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