

Applied Thermal Engineering disseminates novel research related to the design, development and demonstration of components, devices, equipment, technologies, systems and, in general, solutions involving thermal processes for the production, storage, utilization and conservation of energy, with a focus on engineering application. It is noted that papers concerned with the development and/or characterization of materials are only within scope if they include content relating to the implications of the employment of these materials in engineering applications, e.g., by considering their operation and/or performance within components, devices, equipment, technologies and/or wider thermal systems.


The journal publishes high-quality and high-impact Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Vision Articles, Short Communications and Letters to the Editor on cutting-edge innovations in research, and recent advances or issues of interest to the thermal engineering community. Review papers are generally by invitation, however, prospective authors are welcome to submit review paper proposals to the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief by using this . Further details regarding article types can be found in the Guide-for-Authors.


Applied Thermal Engineering encourages the publication of special issues. Special issue organisers are invited to complete and submit dedicated proposal forms to the Editor-in-Chief for review and approval at the Board level. The forms can be downloaded here for themed special issues and here for conference special issues.

Example topics of interest to include:Applied Thermal Engineering

Components, devices and equipment such as heat exchangers, heat pipes, energy storage devices, power plants, heat pumps and cooling or refrigeration plants, combined heat and power plants and other polygeneration systems, advanced or alternative cycles, combustion as a thermal energy process and a way to transfer this energy to or within components or systems (such as, for example, boilers, furnaces, internal combustion engines or gas turbines), heat transfer enhancement or suppression as applied to the above, and other unit operations involving thermal engineering processes.


Renewable and clean-energy technologies such as solar-thermal or hybrid technologies or systems, the integration of renewable energy within conventional energy processes and systems, energy storage options, thermal management of fuel cells and batteries, and other alternative applied solutions for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions through thermal engineering.


Component through to system design covering energy production, storage and utilization in industrial applications, as well as residential or commercial buildings, including solutions to improve thermal performance via passive design techniques, amongst other.


Economic assessments of thermal engineering projects, and of the financial performance and implications of component, equipment, technology and system design, implementation and operation.








Applied Thermal Engineering投稿指南

Guide for Authors 作者指南

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