mongodb 子文档排序

Mongoose is a library that makes MongoDB easier to use. It does two things:

Mongoose是一个使MongoDB易于使用的库。 它有两件事:

  1. It gives structure to MongoDB Collections
  2. It gives you helpful methods to use

In this article, we'll go through:


  1. The basics of using Mongoose
  2. Mongoose subdocuments
  3. Mongoose population

By the end of the article, you should be able to use Mongoose without problems.


先决条件 (Prerequisites)

I assume you have done the following:


  1. You have installed MongoDB on your computer
  2. You know how to set up a local MongoDB connection
  3. You know how to see the data you have in your database
  4. You know what "collections" are in MongoDB

If you don't know any of these, please read "How to set up a local MongoDB connection" before you continue.

如果您不知道其中任何一个,请在继续之前阅读“如何建立本地MongoDB连接” 。

I also assume you know how to use MongoDB to create a simple CRUD app. If you don't know how to do this, please read "How to build a CRUD app with Node, Express, and MongoDB" before you continue.

我还假设您知道如何使用MongoDB创建简单的CRUD应用程序。 如果您不知道如何执行此操作,请在继续之前阅读“如何使用Node,Express和MongoDB构建CRUD应用程序” 。

猫鼬基础 (Mongoose Basics)

Here, you'll learn how to:


  1. Connect to the database
  2. Create a Model
  3. Create a Document
  4. Find a Document
  5. Update a Document
  6. Delete a Document

连接到数据库 (Connecting to a database)

First, you need to download Mongoose.


npm install mongoose --save

You can connect to a database with the connect method. Let's say we want to connect to a database called street-fighters. Here's the code you need:

您可以使用connect方法连接到数据库。 假设我们要连接到名为street-fighters的数据库。 这是您需要的代码:

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const url = 'mongodb://'mongoose.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser: true })

We want to know whether our connection has succeeded or failed. This helps us with debugging.

我们想知道我们的连接是成功还是失败。 这有助于我们进行调试。

To check whether the connection has succeeded, we can use the open event. To check whether the connection failed, we use the error event.

要检查连接是否成功,我们可以使用open事件。 为了检查连接是否失败,我们使用error事件。

const db = mongoose.connection
db.once('open', _ => {console.log('Database connected:', url)
})db.on('error', err => {console.error('connection error:', err)

Try connecting to the database. You should see a log like this:

尝试连接到数据库。 您应该看到这样的日志:

建立模型 (Creating a Model)

In Mongoose, you need to use models to create, read, update, or delete items from a MongoDB collection.

在Mongoose中,您需要使用模型来创建,读取,更新或删除 MongoDB集合中的项目

To create a Model, you need to create a Schema. A Schema lets you define the structure of an entry in the collection. This entry is also called a document.

要创建模型, 您需要创建一个Schema 。 使用架构可以定义集合中条目的结构 。 该条目也称为文档。

Here's how you create a schema:


const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Schema = mongoose.Schemaconst schema = new Schema({// ...

You can use 10 different kinds of values in a Schema. Most of the time, you'll use these six:

您可以在模式中使用10种不同的值 。 大多数时候,您将使用以下六个:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Date
  • ObjectId

Let's put this into practice.


Say we want to create characters for our Street Fighter database.

假设我们要为Street Fighter数据库创建角色。

In Mongoose, it's a normal practice to put each model in its own file. So we will create a Character.js file first. This Character.js file will be placed in the models folder.

在Mongoose中,通常的做法是将每个模型放在自己的文件中。 因此,我们将首先创建一个Character.js文件。 此Character.js文件将放置在models文件夹中。

project/|- models/|- Character.js

In Character.js, we create a characterSchema.

Character.js ,我们创建一个characterSchema

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Schema = mongoose.Schemaconst characterSchema = new Schema({// ...

Let's say we want to save two things into the database:


  1. Name of the character
  2. Name of their ultimate move

Both can be represented with Strings.


const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const Schema = mongoose.Schemaconst characterSchema = new Schema({name: String,ultimate: String

Once we've created characterSchema, we can use mongoose's model method to create the model.

一旦创建了characterSchema ,就可以使用猫鼬的model方法创建模型。

module.exports = mongoose.model('Character', characterSchema)

建立文件 (Creating a document)

Let's say you have a file called index.js. This is where we'll perform Mongoose operations for this tutorial.

假设您有一个名为index.js的文件。 这是我们将在本教程中执行Mongoose操作的地方。

project/|- index.js|- models/|- Character.js

First, you need to load the Character model. You can do this with require.

首先,您需要加载角色模型。 您可以使用require做到这一点。

const Character = require('./models/Character')

Let's say you want to create a character called Ryu. Ryu has an ultimate move called "Shinku Hadoken".

假设您要创建一个名为Ryu的角色。 Ryu的终极举动是“ Shinku Hadoken”。

To create Ryu, you use the new, followed by your model. In this case, it's new Character.

要创建Ryu,请使用new ,然后使用模型。 在这种情况下,它是new Character

const ryu = new Character ({name: 'Ryu',ultimate: 'Shinku Hadoken'

new Character creates the character in memory. It has not been saved to the database yet. To save to the database, you can run the save method.

new Character角色在内存中创建角色。 它尚未保存到数据库。 要保存到数据库,可以运行save方法 (error, document) {if (error) console.error(error)console.log(document)

If you run the code above, you should see this in the console.


承诺和异步/等待 (Promises and Async/await)

Mongoose supports promises. It lets you write nicer code like this:

猫鼬支持诺言。 它使您可以编写更好的代码,如下所示:

// This does the same thing as above
function saveCharacter (character) {const c = new Character(character)return
}saveCharacter({name: 'Ryu',ultimate: 'Shinku Hadoken'
}).then(doc => { console.log(doc) }).catch(error => { console.error(error) })

You can also use the await keyword if you have an asynchronous function.


If the Promise or Async/Await code looks foreign to you, I recommend reading "JavaScript async and await" before continuing with this tutorial.

如果Promise或Async / Await代码对您来说很陌生,建议您在继续本教程之前阅读“ JavaScript async and await” 。

async function runCode() {const ryu = new Character({name: 'Ryu',ultimate: 'Shinku Hadoken'})const doc = await
}runCode().catch(error => { console.error(error) })

Note: I'll use the async/await format for the rest of the tutorial.

注意:在本教程的其余部分中,我将使用async / await格式。

独特性 (Uniqueness)

Mongoose adds a new character to the database each time you use new Character and save. If you run the code(s) above three times, you'd expect to see three Ryus in the database.

每次使用new Charactersave时,猫鼬都会向数据库中添加一个新角色。 如果您在上面的代码中运行了3次以上,则可能会在数据库中看到3个Ryu。

We don't want to have three Ryus in the database. We want to have ONE Ryu only. To do this, we can use the unique option.

我们不想在数据库中有三个Ryu。 我们只想有一个龙 。 为此,我们可以使用唯一选项。

const characterSchema = new Schema({name: { type: String, unique: true },ultimate: String

The unique option creates a unique index. It ensures that we cannot have two documents with the same value (for name in this case).

unique选项创建一个唯一索引 。 它确保了我们不能拥有两个具有相同值的文档(在这种情况下为name )。

For unique to work properly, you need to clear the Characters collection. To clear the Characters collection, you can use this:

对于unique正常工作,你需要清除的字符集 。 要清除“字符”集合,可以使用以下命令:

await Character.deleteMany({})

Try to add two Ryus into the database now. You'll get an E11000 duplicate key error. You won't be able to save the second Ryu.

现在尝试将两个Ryus添加到数据库中。 您将收到E11000 duplicate key error 。 您将无法保存第二个Ryu。

Let's add another character into the database before we continue the rest of the tutorial.


const ken = new Character({name: 'Ken',ultimate: 'Guren Enjinkyaku'

查找文件 (Finding a document)

Mongoose gives you two methods to find stuff from MongoDB.


  1. findOne: Gets one document.

    findOne :获取一个文档。

  2. find: Gets an array of documents

    find :获取文档数组

找一个 (findOne)

findOne returns the first document it finds. You can specify any property to search for. Let's search for Ryu:

findOne 返回找到的第一个文档 。 您可以指定要搜索的任何属性。 让我们搜索Ryu

const ryu = await Character.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })


find returns an array of documents. If you specify a property to search for, it'll return documents that match your query.

find 返回一个文档数组 。 如果您指定要搜索的属性,它将返回与您的查询匹配的文档。

const chars = await Character.find({ name: 'Ryu' })

If you did not specify any properties to search for, it'll return an array that contains all documents in the collection.


const chars = await Character.find()

更新文件 (Updating a document)

Let's say Ryu has three special moves:


  1. Hadoken
  2. Shoryuken
  3. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

We want to add these special moves into the database. First, we need to update our CharacterSchema.

我们想将这些特殊动作添加到数据库中。 首先,我们需要更新我们的CharacterSchema

const characterSchema = new Schema({name: { type: String, unique: true },specials: Array,ultimate: String

Then, we use one of these two ways to update a character:


  1. Use findOne, then use save

    使用findOne ,然后使用save

  2. Use findOneAndUpdate


findOne并保存 (findOne and save)

First, we use findOne to get Ryu.


const ryu = await Character.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })

Then, we update Ryu to include his special moves.


const ryu = await Character.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
ryu.specials = ['Hadoken','Shoryuken','Tatsumaki Senpukyaku'

After we modified ryu, we run save.

修改ryu ,我们运行save

const ryu = await Character.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
ryu.specials = ['Hadoken','Shoryuken','Tatsumaki Senpukyaku'
]const doc = await

findOneAndUpdate (findOneAndUpdate)

findOneAndUpdate is the same as MongoDB's findOneAndModify method.


Here, you search for Ryu and pass the fields you want to update at the same time.


// Syntax
await findOneAndUpdate(filter, update)
// Usage
const doc = await Character.findOneAndUpdate({ name: 'Ryu' },{specials: ['Hadoken','Shoryuken','Tatsumaki Senpukyaku']})console.log(doc)

findOne + save与findOneAndUpdate之间的区别 (Difference between findOne + save vs findOneAndUpdate)

Two major differences.


First, the syntax for findOne` + `save is easier to read than findOneAndUpdate.

首先, findOne` + `save语法findOneAndUpdate 更易于阅读

Second, findOneAndUpdate does not trigger the save middleware.

其次, findOneAndUpdate不会触发save中间件。

I'll choose findOne + save over findOneAndUpdate anytime because of these two differences.

由于这两个差异, 我会随时选择findOne + save不是findOneAndUpdate

删除文件 (Deleting a document)

There are two ways to delete a character:


  1. findOne + remove

    findOne + remove

  2. findOneAndDelete


使用findOne +删除 (Using findOne + remove)

const ryu = await Character.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
const deleted = await ryu.remove()

使用findOneAndDelete (Using findOneAndDelete)

const deleted = await Character.findOneAndDelete({ name: 'Ken' })

子文件 (Subdocuments)

In Mongoose, subdocuments are documents that are nested in other documents. You can spot a subdocument when a schema is nested in another schema.

在Mongoose中, 文档是嵌套在其他文档中的文档 。 当一个模式嵌套在另一个模式中时,您可以发现一个子文档。

Note: MongoDB calls subdocuments embedded documents.


const childSchema = new Schema({name: String
});const parentSchema = new Schema({// Single subdocumentchild: childSchema,// Array of subdocumentschildren: [ childSchema ]

In practice, you don't have to create a separate childSchema like the example above. Mongoose helps you create nested schemas when you nest an object in another object.

实际上,您不必像上面的示例一样创建单独的childSchema 。 当您将一个对象嵌套在另一个对象中时,Mongoose可帮助您创建嵌套模式。

// This code is the same as above
const parentSchema = new Schema({// Single subdocumentchild: { name: String },// Array of subdocumentschildren: [{name: String }]

In this section, you will learn to:


  1. Create a schema that includes a subdocument
  2. Create documents that contain subdocuments
  3. Update subdocuments that are arrays
  4. Update a single subdocument

更新characterSchema (Updating characterSchema)

Let's say we want to create a character called Ryu. Ryu has three special moves.

假设我们要创建一个名为Ryu的角色。 Ryu有三个特殊举动。

  1. Hadoken
  2. Shinryuken
  3. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku

Ryu also has one ultimate move called:


  1. Shinku Hadoken

We want to save the names of each move. We also want to save the keys required to execute that move.

我们要保存每个动作的名称。 我们还希望保存执行该移动所需的密钥。

Here, each move is a subdocument.


const characterSchema = new Schema({name: { type: String, unique: true },// Array of subdocumentsspecials: [{name: String,keys: String}]// Single subdocumentultimate: {name: String,keys: String}

You can also use the childSchema syntax if you wish to. It makes the Character schema easier to understand.

如果愿意,还可以使用childSchema语法。 它使角色架构更易于理解。

const moveSchema = new Schema({name: String,keys: String
})const characterSchema = new Schema({name: { type: String, unique: true },// Array of subdocumentsspecials: [moveSchema],// Single subdocumentultimate: moveSchema

创建包含子文档的文档 (Creating documents that contain subdocuments)

There are two ways to create documents that contain subdocuments:


  1. Pass a nested object into new Model

    将嵌套对象传递到new Model

  2. Add properties into the created document.

方法1:传递整个对象 (Method 1: Passing the entire object)

For this method, we construct a nested object that contains both Ryu's name and his moves.


const ryu = {name: 'Ryu',specials: [{name: 'Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → P'}, {name: 'Shoryuken',keys: '→ ↓ ↘ → P'}, {name: 'Tatsumaki Senpukyaku',keys: '↓ ↙ ← K'}],ultimate: {name: 'Shinku Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → ↓ ↘ → P'}

Then, we pass this object into new Character.

然后,我们将此对象传递给new Character

const char = new Character(ryu)
const doc = await

方法2:以后添加子文档 (Method 2: Adding subdocuments later)

For this method, we create a character with new Character first.

对于此方法,我们首先创建一个具有new Character

const ryu = new Character({ name: 'Ryu' })

Then, we edit the character to add special moves:


const ryu = new Character({ name: 'Ryu' })
const ryu.specials = [{name: 'Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → P'
}, {name: 'Shoryuken',keys: '→ ↓ ↘ → P'
}, {name: 'Tatsumaki Senpukyaku',keys: '↓ ↙ ← K'

Then, we edit the character to add the ultimate move:


const ryu = new Character({ name: 'Ryu' })// Adds specials
const ryu.specials = [{name: 'Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → P'
}, {name: 'Shoryuken',keys: '→ ↓ ↘ → P'
}, {name: 'Tatsumaki Senpukyaku',keys: '↓ ↙ ← K'
}]// Adds ultimate
ryu.ultimate = {name: 'Shinku Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → ↓ ↘ → P'

Once we're satisfied with ryu, we run save.


const ryu = new Character({ name: 'Ryu' })// Adds specials
const ryu.specials = [{name: 'Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → P'
}, {name: 'Shoryuken',keys: '→ ↓ ↘ → P'
}, {name: 'Tatsumaki Senpukyaku',keys: '↓ ↙ ← K'
}]// Adds ultimate
ryu.ultimate = {name: 'Shinku Hadoken',keys: '↓ ↘ → ↓ ↘ → P'
}const doc = await

更新数组子文档 (Updating array subdocuments)

The easiest way to update subdocuments is:


  1. Use findOne to find the document


  2. Get the array
  3. Change the array
  4. Run save


For example, let's say we want to add Jodan Sokutou Geri to Ryu's special moves. The keys for Jodan Sokutou Geri are ↓ ↘ → K.

例如,假设我们要将Jodan Sokutou Geri添加到Ryu的特殊举动中。 Jodan Sokutou Geri的键是↓ ↘ â†' K

First, we find Ryu with findOne.


const ryu = await Characters.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })

Mongoose documents behave like regular JavaScript objects. We can get the specials array by writing ryu.specials.

猫鼬文档的行为类似于常规JavaScript对象。 我们可以通过编写ryu.specials获得specials数组。

const ryu = await Characters.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
const specials = ryu.specials

This specials array is a normal JavaScript array.


const ryu = await Characters.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
const specials = ryu.specials
console.log(Array.isArray(specials)) // true

We can use the push method to add a new item into specials,


const ryu = await Characters.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
ryu.specials.push({name: 'Jodan Sokutou Geri',keys: '↓ ↘ → K'

After updating specials, we run save to save Ryu to the database.

更新specials ,我们运行save将Ryu save到数据库中。

const ryu = await Characters.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' })
ryu.specials.push({name: 'Jodan Sokutou Geri',keys: '↓ ↘ → K'
})const updated = await

更新单个子文档 (Updating a single subdocument)

It's even easier to update single subdocuments. You can edit the document directly like a normal object.

更新单个子文档甚至更加容易。 您可以像普通对象一样直接编辑文档。

Let's say we want to change Ryu's ultimate name from Shinku Hadoken to Dejin Hadoken. What we do is:

假设我们想将Ryu的终极名字从Shinku Hadoken更改为Dejin Hadoken。 我们要做的是:

  1. Use findOne to get Ryu.


  2. Change the name in ultimate


  3. Run save


const ryu = await Characters.findOne({ name: 'Ryu' }) = 'Dejin Hadoken'const updated = await

人口 (Population)

MongoDB documents have a size limit of 16MB. This means you can use subdocuments (or embedded documents) if they are small in number.

MongoDB文档的大小限制为16MB。 这意味着如果子文档(或嵌入式文档)数量很少,则可以使用它们。

For example, Street Fighter characters have a limited number of moves. Ryu only has 4 special moves. In this case, it's okay to use embed moves directly into Ryu's character document.

例如,《街头霸王》角色的动作数量有限。 Ryu只有4个特殊举动。 在这种情况下,可以直接在Ryu的角色文档中使用嵌入动作。

But if you have data that can contain an unlimited number of subdocuments, you need to design your database differently.


One way is to create two separate models and combine them with populate.


创建模型 (Creating the models)

Let's say you want to create a blog. And you want to store the blog content with MongoDB. Each blog has a title, content, and comments.

假设您要创建一个博客。 并且您想将博客内容存储在MongoDB中。 每个博客都有标题,内容和评论。

Your first schema might look like this:


const blogPostSchema = new Schema({title: String,content: String,comments: [{comment: String}]
})module.exports = mongoose.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema)

There's a problem with this schema.


A blog post can have an unlimited number of comments. If a blog post explodes in popularity and comments swell up, the document might exceed the 16MB limit imposed by MongoDB.

博客文章可以有无限数量的评论。 如果博客文章的人气激增且评论激增,则该文档可能会超出MongoDB规定的16MB限制。

This means we should not embed comments in blog posts. We should create a separate collection for comments.

这意味着我们不应该在博客文章中嵌入评论。 我们应该为评论创建一个单独的集合。

const comments = new Schema({comment: String
})module.exports = mongoose.model('Comment', commentSchema)

In Mongoose, we can link up the two models with Population.


To use Population, we need to:


  1. Set type of a property to Schema.Types.ObjectId


  2. Set ref to the model we want to link too.


Here, we want comments in blogPostSchema to link to the Comment collection. This is the schema we'll use:

在这里,我们想commentsblogPostSchema链接到评论的集合。 这是我们将使用的架构:

const blogPostSchema = new Schema({title: String,content: String,comments: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }]
})module.exports = mongoose.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema)

创建博客文章 (Creating a blog post)

Let's say you want to create a blog post. To create the blog post, you use new BlogPost.

假设您要创建一个博客文章。 要创建博客文章,请使用new BlogPost

const blogPost = new BlogPost({title: 'Weather',content: `How's the weather today?`

A blog post can have zero comments. We can save this blog post with save.

博客文章的评论数为零。 我们可以保存这个博客帖子与save

const doc = await

创建评论 (Creating comments)

Now let's say we want to create a comment for the blog post. To do this, we create and save the comment.

现在,我们要为博客文章创建评论。 为此,我们创建并保存评论。

const comment = new Comment({comment: `It's damn hot today`
})const savedComment = await

Notice the saved comment has an _id attribute. We need to add this _id attribute into the blog post's comments array. This creates the link.

请注意,已保存的注释具有_id属性。 我们需要将此_id属性添加到博客文章的comments数组中。 这将创建链接。

// Saves comment to Database
const savedComment = await Adds comment to blog post
// Then saves blog post to database
const blogPost = await BlogPost.findOne({ title: 'Weather' })
const savedPost = await
Blog post with comments.

搜索博客文章及其评论 (Searching blog posts and their comments)

If you tried to search for the blog post, you'll see the blog post has an array of comment IDs.


const blogPost = await BlogPost.findOne({ title: 'Weather' })

There are four ways to get comments.


  1. Mongoose population
  2. Manual way #1
  3. Manual way #2
  4. Manual way #3

猫鼬人口 (Mongoose Population)

Mongoose allows you to fetch linked documents with the populate method. What you need to do is call .populate when you execute with findOne.

猫鼬允许您使用populate方法获取链接的文档。 您需要做的是在使用findOne执行时调用.populate

When you call populate, you need to pass in the key of the property you want to populate. In this case, the key is comments. (Note: Mongoose calls this key a "path").

调用填充时,您需要传递要填充的属性的key 。 在这种情况下, keycomments 。 (注意:猫鼬称此key为“路径”)。

const blogPost = await BlogPost.findOne({ title: 'Weather' }).populate('comments')

手动方式(方法1) (Manual way (method 1))

Without Mongoose Populate, you need to find the comments manually. First, you need to get the array of comments.

如果没有猫鼬填充,则需要手动查找注释。 首先,您需要获取评论数组。

const blogPost = await BlogPost.findOne({ title: 'Weather' }).populate('comments')
const commentIDs = blogPost.comments

Then, you loop through commentIDs to find each comment. If you go with this method, it's slightly faster to use Promise.all.

然后,您循环浏览commentIDs以查找每个注释。 如果使用此方法,则使用Promise.all更快。

const commentPromises = => {return Comment.findOne({ _id })
const comments = await Promise.all(commentPromises)

手动方式(方法2) (Manual way (method 2))

Mongoose gives you an $in operator. You can use this $in operator to find all comments within an array. This syntax takes a little effort to get used to.

猫鼬给您一个$in运算符。 您可以使用此$in运算符查找数组中的所有注释。 这种语法需要一点努力来习惯。

If I had to do the manual way, I'd prefer Manual #1 over this.


const commentIDs = blogPost.comments
const comments = await Comment.find({'_id': { $in: commentIDs }

手动方式(方法3) (Manual way (method 3))

For the third method, we need to change the schema. When we save a comment, we link the comment to the blog post.

对于第三种方法,我们需要更改架构。 保存评论后,我们会将评论链接到博客文章。

// Linking comments to blog post
const commentSchema = new Schema({comment: StringblogPost: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'BlogPost' }]
})module.exports = mongoose.model('Comment', commentSchema)

You need to save the comment into the blog post, and the blog post id into the comment.


const blogPost = await BlogPost.findOne({ title: 'Weather' })// Saves comment
const comment = new Comment({comment: `It's damn hot today`,blogPost: blogPost._id
const savedComment = Links blog post to comment

Once you do this, you can search the Comments collection for comments that match your blog post's id.


// Searches for comments
const blogPost = await BlogPost.findOne({ title: 'Weather' })
const comments = await Comment.find({ _id: blogPost._id })

I'd prefer Manual #3 over Manual #1 and Manual #2.


And Population beats all three manual methods.


快速总结 (Quick Summary)

You learned to use Mongoose on three different levels in this article:


  1. Basic Mongoose
  2. Mongoose subdocuments
  3. Mongoose population

That's it!


Thanks for reading. This article was originally posted on my blog. Sign up for my newsletter if you want more articles to help you become a better frontend developer.

谢谢阅读。 本文最初发布在我的博客上 。 如果您想要更多的文章来帮助您成为更好的前端开发人员,请注册我的时事通讯。


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