

  1. 在任何一个场景中,我们会有一个最底层的Layer(我称为祖层),这个Layer将接受cocos2d的触摸消息。并且这个Layer能将触摸消息传递给其所有的子控件。
  2. 一个场景中除了祖层之外,所有其他的控件都将不接受任何触摸消息,其触摸消息的来源于父控件。当然任何非叶子控件都会将其触摸消息传递给其子控件。
  3. 控件将消息传递给子控件时,如果子控件消息处理函数返回真,则记录该子控件,以方便将后续消息传递给这个子控件。
  4. 尽可能兼容已知和未知的cocos2d控件库,这样在这个机制类我们会有更多好用的子控件。
  5. 提供模式和非模式两种窗口模式。就像我们在用windows时,点新建文件,会弹出一个模式窗口,不关闭它,我们无法和其他窗口交互。
  1. wmTouchDelegate并非继承于ccTouchDelegate或其他类(但消息处理函数名同ccTouchDelegate一样)。它是一个消息传播大使,所有继承于该类的类都能自动地将消息传播到所有的子控件。不继承于ccTouchDelegate主要出于设计原则中避免多重继承中的基类重复。
  2. wmLayer继承于wmTouchDelegate和CCLayer(图中未指出),负责将消息处理函数转接到wmTouchDelegate的消息处理函数,这是因为wmTouchDelegate的消息处理函数同ccTouchDelegate是一样的,而CCLayer已经继承了ccTouchDelegate,这样如果不显示的转接处理函数,C++编译器会提示有两个版本选择的错误。
  3. wmLayerAncestor继承于wmLayer,这样它已经具备了消息转发的功能。同时它接受触摸消息。并注册了优先级为0且吞并消息的touch target。这样它将是上面提到的祖层,一个Scene中只有一个祖层。
  4. wmLayerDescendant继承于wmLayer,这样它已经具备了消息转发功能,同时它屏蔽了消息触摸消息。一个scene中多数层都应该是继承与wmLayerDescendant的。
  5. wmLayerModal继承于wmLayerAncestor,所以它接受触摸消息,为了达到模式窗口的功能(程序中当有模式窗口时,只有最顶层的模式窗口能接受到消息,其他层都屏蔽),我们将wmLayerModal注册为优先级-128且吞并消息的窗口。
通过这个类层次,我实现了在cocos2d-x 2.0.4中的CCTableView中放多层元素,且元素滚动出View可视范围无法点中的功能,且点击中菜单时,TableView依旧能滚动的功能(因为原来的CCTableView中放CCMenu的话,一旦点击中菜单,就无法拖动TableView了,因为CCMenu把消息吞了)。且可与CCControl等cocos控件一同使用。
  1. wmTouchDelegate:

    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. //
    2. //  Created by jason on 12-12-25.
    3. //
    4. //
    5. #ifndef __TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__
    6. #define __TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__
    7. #include <iostream>
    8. #include "cocos2d.h"
    9. USING_NS_CC;
    11. ownerClassName() : wmTouchDelegate( this ){}
    12. #define WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_IMPLEMENT_IN_HEAD_FILE()                      \
    13. virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)             \
    14. {                                                                       \
    15. return wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent );             \
    16. }                                                                       \
    17. virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)             \
    18. {                                                                       \
    19. wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent );                    \
    20. }                                                                       \
    21. virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)             \
    22. {                                                                       \
    23. wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent );                    \
    24. }                                                                       \
    25. virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)         \
    26. {                                                                       \
    27. wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );                \
    28. }
    29. //window message mechanism
    30. //We only change the TargetedTouch message mechansim.
    31. //Node who want standard touch message should register all by itself.
    32. class wmTouchDelegate
    33. {
    34. public:
    35. wmTouchDelegate( CCNode* pOwner ) :
    36. m_pOwner( pOwner ),
    37. m_bDraging( false )
    38. {
    39. m_pItemsClaimTouch = CCArray::createWithCapacity( CHILD_MAX );
    40. assert( m_pItemsClaimTouch );
    41. m_pItemsClaimTouch->retain();
    42. }
    43. virtual ~wmTouchDelegate()
    44. {
    45. CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL( m_pItemsClaimTouch );
    46. }
    47. protected:
    48. // default implements are used to call script callback if exist
    49. virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    50. virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    51. virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    52. virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    53. private:
    54. //return value:
    55. //true: pParent is touched by user
    56. //false: pParent isn't touched by user.
    57. bool passMessage( CCNode* pParent, CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent );
    58. //if has significant touch handler.
    59. bool hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( cocos2d::CCNode *pItem );
    60. private:
    61. CCNode* m_pOwner;
    62. bool m_bDraging;
    63. //items claim touch message
    64. CCArray* m_pItemsClaimTouch;
    65. //store all class whose touch handler is non-trival
    66. static const void* m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[];
    67. };#endif /* defined(__TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__) */
    //  Created by jason on 12-12-25.
    #ifndef __TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__
    #define __TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__
    #include <iostream>
    #include "cocos2d.h"
    ownerClassName() : wmTouchDelegate( this ){}
    #define WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_IMPLEMENT_IN_HEAD_FILE()                      \
    virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)             \
    {                                                                       \
    return wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent );             \
    }                                                                       \
    virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)             \
    {                                                                       \
    wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent );                    \
    }                                                                       \
    virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)             \
    {                                                                       \
    wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent );                    \
    }                                                                       \
    virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)         \
    {                                                                       \
    wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );                \
    //window message mechanism
    //We only change the TargetedTouch message mechansim.
    //Node who want standard touch message should register all by itself.
    class wmTouchDelegate
    wmTouchDelegate( CCNode* pOwner ) :
    m_pOwner( pOwner ),
    m_bDraging( false )
    m_pItemsClaimTouch = CCArray::createWithCapacity( CHILD_MAX );
    assert( m_pItemsClaimTouch );
    virtual ~wmTouchDelegate()
    CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL( m_pItemsClaimTouch );
    // default implements are used to call script callback if exist
    virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent);
    //return value:
    //true: pParent is touched by user
    //false: pParent isn't touched by user.
    bool passMessage( CCNode* pParent, CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent );
    //if has significant touch handler.
    bool hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( cocos2d::CCNode *pItem );
    CCNode* m_pOwner;
    bool m_bDraging;
    //items claim touch message
    CCArray* m_pItemsClaimTouch;
    //store all class whose touch handler is non-trival
    static const void* m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[];
    };#endif /* defined(__TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__) */
  2. [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. //
    2. //  wmTouchDelegate.cpp
    3. //  TableTest
    4. //
    5. //  Created by jason on 12-12-25.
    6. //
    7. //
    8. #include "wmTouchDelegate.h"
    9. #include "cocos-ext.h"
    10. #include "wmControl.h"//include wmTableView,wmMenu,wmControl
    11. USING_NS_CC_EXT;
    12. const void* wmTouchDelegate::m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[ ] =
    13. {
    14. &typeid( wmTableView ),
    15. &typeid( wmMenu ),
    16. &typeid( wmControlButton ),
    17. };
    18. #pragma mark- input touche
    19. bool wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    20. {
    21. //pass message to all children
    22. return passMessage( m_pOwner, pTouch, pEvent );
    23. }
    24. void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    25. {
    26. //special process for menu, we won't pass ccTouchMoved message to menu. Because we think menu doesn't need ccTouchMoved message in ios device where user always want to dray layer instead menu. The fllowing block for menu will only go once.
    27. if( false == m_bDraging )
    28. {
    29. for( int i = 0; i < m_pItemsClaimTouch->count(); )
    30. {
    31. CCLayer* pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    32. //menu items doesn't process ccTouchMove(), cancel it.
    33. assert( NULL != pItem );
    34. //if it's menu
    35. if( dynamic_cast< CCMenu* >( pItem ) )
    36. {
    37. pItem->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );
    38. m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeObjectAtIndex( i );
    39. }
    40. else
    41. {
    42. ++i;
    43. }
    44. }
    45. }
    46. //pass ccTouchMoved message to un-CCMenu item
    47. int iNumItemsNotMenu = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count();
    48. for( int i = 0; i < iNumItemsNotMenu; ++i )
    49. {
    50. wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    51. CCLayer* pItem = NULL;
    52. pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    53. assert( NULL != pItem );
    54. //window message items
    55. if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    56. {
    57. pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent );
    58. }
    59. else//coscos2d-x items
    60. {
    61. pItem->ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent );
    62. }
    63. }
    64. m_bDraging = true;
    65. }
    66. void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    67. {
    68. int iNumItems = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count();
    69. for( int i = 0; i < iNumItems; ++i )
    70. {
    71. wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    72. CCLayer* pItem = NULL;
    73. pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    74. assert( NULL != pItem );
    75. //window message items
    76. if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    77. {
    78. pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent );
    79. }
    80. else//coscos2d-x items
    81. {
    82. pItem->ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent );
    83. }
    84. }
    85. m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeAllObjects();
    86. m_bDraging = false;
    87. }
    88. void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    89. {
    90. int iNumItems = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count();
    91. for( int i = 0; i < iNumItems; ++i )
    92. {
    93. wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    94. CCLayer* pItem = NULL;
    95. pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    96. assert( NULL != pItem );
    97. //window message items
    98. if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    99. {
    100. pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );
    101. }
    102. else//coscos2d-x items
    103. {
    104. pItem->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );
    105. }
    106. }
    107. m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeAllObjects();
    108. m_bDraging = false;
    109. }
    110. bool wmTouchDelegate::passMessage( CCNode* pParent, CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent )
    111. {
    112. if( !pParent || !pParent->isVisible() )
    113. {
    114. return false;
    115. }
    116. CCPoint pt;
    117. CCRect rcBoundingBox;
    118. //hande message to items
    119. int iNumChildren = 0;
    120. CCArray* pChildren = NULL;
    121. //if the item'size > 1, check whether use touches it. Such as TableView.
    122. //some items doesn't get size. they are medium for maintaining some children. Such as CCTableViewCell.
    123. if( pParent->getContentSize().width * pParent->getContentSize().height > 1.0f )
    124. {
    125. pt = pParent->convertTouchToNodeSpace( pTouch );
    126. rcBoundingBox.setRect( 0, 0, pParent->getContentSize().width, pParent->getContentSize().height );
    127. //whether hit the node
    128. if( !rcBoundingBox.containsPoint( pt ) )
    129. {
    130. return false;
    131. }
    132. }
    133. pChildren = pParent->getChildren();
    134. //no children, but use touch this item, so return true.
    135. if( !pChildren )
    136. {
    137. return true;
    138. }
    139. iNumChildren = pParent->getChildren()->count();
    140. //pass to all children
    141. for( int iChildIndex = 0; iChildIndex < iNumChildren; ++iChildIndex )
    142. {
    143. //if the item claims the touch message
    144. bool bClaim = false;
    145. wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    146. CCNode* pItem = NULL;
    147. pItem = ( CCNode*  )( pChildren->objectAtIndex( iChildIndex ) );
    148. assert( pItem );
    149. //items derives from wmTouchDelegate
    150. if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    151. {
    152. bClaim = pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent );
    153. }
    154. else//items doesn't derive from wmTouchDelegate
    155. {
    156. //classes have non-trival ccTouchX() hander
    157. if( hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( pItem ) )
    158. {
    159. bClaim = ( ( CCLayer* ) pItem )->ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent );
    160. }
    161. //items who doesn't derive from wmTouchDelegate can't pass touch message to its children,
    162. //so we have to help them to pass touch message.
    163. passMessage( pItem, pTouch, pEvent );
    164. }
    165. //if this item is interested in this message, add it to array for other messages
    166. if( bClaim )
    167. {
    168. m_pItemsClaimTouch->addObject( pItem );
    169. }
    170. }
    171. return true;
    172. }
    173. bool wmTouchDelegate::hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( cocos2d::CCNode *pItem )
    174. {
    175. //classes have non-trival ccTouchX() hander
    176. const void* pItemAddress = &typeid( *pItem );
    177. for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof( m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses ) / sizeof( void* ); ++i)
    178. {
    179. if( m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[ i ] == pItemAddress )
    180. {
    181. return true;
    182. }
    183. }
    184. return false;
    185. }
    //  wmTouchDelegate.cpp
    //  TableTest
    //  Created by jason on 12-12-25.
    #include "wmTouchDelegate.h"
    #include "cocos-ext.h"
    #include "wmControl.h"//include wmTableView,wmMenu,wmControl
    const void* wmTouchDelegate::m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[ ] =
    &typeid( wmTableView ),
    &typeid( wmMenu ),
    &typeid( wmControlButton ),
    #pragma mark- input touche
    bool wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    //pass message to all children
    return passMessage( m_pOwner, pTouch, pEvent );
    void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    //special process for menu, we won't pass ccTouchMoved message to menu. Because we think menu doesn't need ccTouchMoved message in ios device where user always want to dray layer instead menu. The fllowing block for menu will only go once.
    if( false == m_bDraging )
    for( int i = 0; i < m_pItemsClaimTouch->count(); )
    CCLayer* pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    //menu items doesn't process ccTouchMove(), cancel it.
    assert( NULL != pItem );
    //if it's menu
    if( dynamic_cast< CCMenu* >( pItem ) )
    pItem->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );
    m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeObjectAtIndex( i );
    //pass ccTouchMoved message to un-CCMenu item
    int iNumItemsNotMenu = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count();
    for( int i = 0; i < iNumItemsNotMenu; ++i )
    wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    CCLayer* pItem = NULL;
    pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    assert( NULL != pItem );
    //window message items
    if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent );
    else//coscos2d-x items
    pItem->ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent );
    m_bDraging = true;
    void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    int iNumItems = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count();
    for( int i = 0; i < iNumItems; ++i )
    wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    CCLayer* pItem = NULL;
    pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    assert( NULL != pItem );
    //window message items
    if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent );
    else//coscos2d-x items
    pItem->ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent );
    m_bDraging = false;
    void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent)
    int iNumItems = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count();
    for( int i = 0; i < iNumItems; ++i )
    wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    CCLayer* pItem = NULL;
    pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i );
    assert( NULL != pItem );
    //window message items
    if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );
    else//coscos2d-x items
    pItem->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent );
    m_bDraging = false;
    bool wmTouchDelegate::passMessage( CCNode* pParent, CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent )
    if( !pParent || !pParent->isVisible() )
    return false;
    CCPoint pt;
    CCRect rcBoundingBox;
    //hande message to items
    int iNumChildren = 0;
    CCArray* pChildren = NULL;
    //if the item'size > 1, check whether use touches it. Such as TableView.
    //some items doesn't get size. they are medium for maintaining some children. Such as CCTableViewCell.
    if( pParent->getContentSize().width * pParent->getContentSize().height > 1.0f )
    pt = pParent->convertTouchToNodeSpace( pTouch );
    rcBoundingBox.setRect( 0, 0, pParent->getContentSize().width, pParent->getContentSize().height );
    //whether hit the node
    if( !rcBoundingBox.containsPoint( pt ) )
    return false;
    pChildren = pParent->getChildren();
    //no children, but use touch this item, so return true.
    if( !pChildren )
    return true;
    iNumChildren = pParent->getChildren()->count();
    //pass to all children
    for( int iChildIndex = 0; iChildIndex < iNumChildren; ++iChildIndex )
    //if the item claims the touch message
    bool bClaim = false;
    wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL;
    CCNode* pItem = NULL;
    pItem = ( CCNode*  )( pChildren->objectAtIndex( iChildIndex ) );
    assert( pItem );
    //items derives from wmTouchDelegate
    if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) )
    bClaim = pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent );
    else//items doesn't derive from wmTouchDelegate
    //classes have non-trival ccTouchX() hander
    if( hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( pItem ) )
    bClaim = ( ( CCLayer* ) pItem )->ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent );
    //items who doesn't derive from wmTouchDelegate can't pass touch message to its children,
    //so we have to help them to pass touch message.
    passMessage( pItem, pTouch, pEvent );
    //if this item is interested in this message, add it to array for other messages
    if( bClaim )
    m_pItemsClaimTouch->addObject( pItem );
    return true;
    bool wmTouchDelegate::hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( cocos2d::CCNode *pItem )
    //classes have non-trival ccTouchX() hander
    const void* pItemAddress = &typeid( *pItem );
    for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof( m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses ) / sizeof( void* ); ++i)
    if( m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[ i ] == pItemAddress )
    return true;
    return false;





  3. wmLayer, wmLayerAncestor, wmLayerDescendant, wmLayerModal都在一个头文件中完成,没有cpp。因为主要功能都有wmTouchDelegate完成了,这些类只是做了简单功能和约束的的添加。

    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. //
    2. //  Created by jason on 12-12-21.
    3. //
    4. //
    5. #ifndef __TableTest__WMLayer__
    6. #define __TableTest__WMLayer__
    7. #include <iostream>
    8. #include "cocos2d.h"
    9. #include "wmTouchDelegate.h"
    10. USING_NS_CC;
    11. #define WM_INIT_DEFAULT( parentClassName )              \
    12. virtual bool init()                                     \
    13. {                                                       \
    14. if( !parentClassName::init() )                      \
    15. {                                                   \
    16. return false;                                   \
    17. }                                                   \
    18. \
    19. return true;                                        \
    20. }
    21. #define WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( iPriority )          \
    22. virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher( void  )       \
    23. {                                                       \
    24. CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate( this, iPriority, true );\
    25. }
    26. //Users shouldn't derive from wmLayerAncestor, wmLayerDescendant, wmLayerModal instead wmLayer.
    27. //wmLayer can't be touched.
    28. //wmLayer pass message to it's all descendant.
    29. class wmLayer : public CCLayer, public wmTouchDelegate
    30. {
    31. protected:
    32. WM_INIT_DEFAULT( CCLayer );
    35. //static
    36. public:
    37. CREATE_FUNC( wmLayer );
    38. };
    39. //wmLayerAncestor can be touched.
    40. //all secene should have only one wmLayerAncestor for bottom layer.
    41. //all the other layer should be wmLayerDescendant.
    42. class wmLayerAncestor : public wmLayer
    43. {
    44. protected:
    45. bool virtual init()
    46. {
    47. if( !wmLayer::init() )
    48. {
    49. return false;
    50. }
    51. setTouchEnabled( true );
    52. return true;
    53. }
    55. //static
    56. public:
    57. CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerAncestor );
    58. //data
    59. };
    60. class wmLayerDescendant : public wmLayer
    61. {
    62. protected:
    63. WM_INIT_DEFAULT( wmLayer );
    64. virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher(){};
    65. //static
    66. public:
    67. CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerDescendant );
    68. //data
    69. };
    70. //wmLayerModal stopes touch messages from being passed to other layers which are not it's children.
    71. //And will pass touch messages to it's children normally.
    72. class wmLayerModal : public wmLayerAncestor
    73. {
    74. protected:
    75. WM_INIT_DEFAULT( wmLayerAncestor );
    76. WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( kCCMenuHandlerPriority );
    77. //static
    78. public:
    79. CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerModal );
    80. //data
    81. };
    82. #endif /* defined(__TableTest__WMLayer__) */
    //  Created by jason on 12-12-21.
    #ifndef __TableTest__WMLayer__
    #define __TableTest__WMLayer__
    #include <iostream>
    #include "cocos2d.h"
    #include "wmTouchDelegate.h"
    #define WM_INIT_DEFAULT( parentClassName )              \
    virtual bool init()                                     \
    {                                                       \
    if( !parentClassName::init() )                      \
    {                                                   \
    return false;                                   \
    }                                                   \
    return true;                                        \
    #define WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( iPriority )          \
    virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher( void  )       \
    {                                                       \
    CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate( this, iPriority, true );\
    //Users shouldn't derive from wmLayerAncestor, wmLayerDescendant, wmLayerModal instead wmLayer.
    //wmLayer can't be touched.
    //wmLayer pass message to it's all descendant.
    class wmLayer : public CCLayer, public wmTouchDelegate
    CREATE_FUNC( wmLayer );
    //wmLayerAncestor can be touched.
    //all secene should have only one wmLayerAncestor for bottom layer.
    //all the other layer should be wmLayerDescendant.
    class wmLayerAncestor : public wmLayer
    bool virtual init()
    if( !wmLayer::init() )
    return false;
    setTouchEnabled( true );
    return true;
    CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerAncestor );
    class wmLayerDescendant : public wmLayer
    WM_INIT_DEFAULT( wmLayer );
    virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher(){};
    CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerDescendant );
    //wmLayerModal stopes touch messages from being passed to other layers which are not it's children.
    //And will pass touch messages to it's children normally.
    class wmLayerModal : public wmLayerAncestor
    WM_INIT_DEFAULT( wmLayerAncestor );
    WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( kCCMenuHandlerPriority );
    CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerModal );
    #endif /* defined(__TableTest__WMLayer__) */


  • 如果你想让其他控件加入这个体制,简单的方法继承这些控件并屏蔽他们接受消息,我们的体制会确保消息能传递给他们身上的所有子控件。如wmMenu,wmTableView,wmControl,代码如下:

    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. class wmTableView : public CCTableView
    2. {
    3. public:
    4. static wmTableView* create(cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewDataSource *dataSource, cocos2d::CCSize size, CCNode *container = NULL )
    5. {
    6. wmTableView *table = new wmTableView();
    7. table->initWithViewSize(size, container);
    8. table->autorelease();
    9. table->setDataSource(dataSource);
    10. table->_updateContentSize();
    11. return table;
    12. }
    13. void registerWithTouchDispatcher(void){}
    14. };
    15. //this menu won't get any touch message becase it doesn't register target touches.
    16. class wmMenu : public CCMenu
    17. {
    18. public:
    19. virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher()
    20. {
    21. }
    22. static wmMenu * create(CCMenuItem* item, ...)
    23. {
    24. va_list args;
    25. va_start(args,item);
    26. wmMenu *pRet = new wmMenu();
    27. if (pRet && pRet->initWithItems(item, args))
    28. {
    29. pRet->autorelease();
    30. va_end(args);
    31. return pRet;
    32. }
    33. va_end(args);
    34. CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet);
    35. return NULL;
    36. }
    37. };
    38. class wmControlButton : public CCControlButton
    39. {
    40. public:
    42. static wmControlButton* create(CCNode* label, CCScale9Sprite* backgroundSprite)
    43. {
    44. wmControlButton *pRet = new wmControlButton();
    45. pRet->initWithLabelAndBackgroundSprite(label, backgroundSprite);
    46. pRet->autorelease();
    47. return pRet;
    48. }
    49. };
    class wmTableView : public CCTableView
    static wmTableView* create(cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewDataSource *dataSource, cocos2d::CCSize size, CCNode *container = NULL )
    wmTableView *table = new wmTableView();
    table->initWithViewSize(size, container);
    return table;
    void registerWithTouchDispatcher(void){}
    //this menu won't get any touch message becase it doesn't register target touches.
    class wmMenu : public CCMenu
    virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher()
    static wmMenu * create(CCMenuItem* item, ...)
    va_list args;
    wmMenu *pRet = new wmMenu();
    if (pRet && pRet->initWithItems(item, args))
    return pRet;
    return NULL;
    class wmControlButton : public CCControlButton
    static wmControlButton* create(CCNode* label, CCScale9Sprite* backgroundSprite)
    wmControlButton *pRet = new wmControlButton();
    pRet->initWithLabelAndBackgroundSprite(label, backgroundSprite);
    return pRet;

  • 但如果想更好的优化消息记录,应该避免一个wmLayer上面放N多层 非本体制控件(即没有继承wmTouchDelegate的控件)。可以在其中穿插一些本体制的控件,因为这些控件具有消息传递功能。如果创建本体制控件呢?

    1.第一种情况,类对象已经继承了CCLayer,且没有自己重要的消息处理函数。如CCLayerColor,我们想把它变成本体系控件,我们应该继承CCLayerColor,并继承wmTouchDelegate。然后转接消         息处理函数。如下代码:

    [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
    1. class wmLayerColor : public CCLayerColor, public wmTouchDelegate
    2. {
    3. protected:
    6. WM_INIT_DEFAULT( CCLayerColor );
    7. //static
    8. public:
    9. CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerColor );
    10. };
    class wmLayerColor : public CCLayerColor, public wmTouchDelegate
    WM_INIT_DEFAULT( CCLayerColor );
    CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerColor );


    2.第二种情况,我们自己创造新型控件,如我们要在商店放一些物品,每个物品都是有一套共同的UI(物品图片,物品名称,价钱,购买数量,购买按钮),我们可以写     一个控件,然后重用这个控件将会让商店编程更简单。此时我们就让这个新控件继承自wmLayerDescendant即可。其他就不用管了。

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    1. class wmUISellItem : public wmLayerDescendant
    2. {
    3. //macro
    4. public:
    5. enum
    6. {
    7. ITEM_NAME_LENGTH = 20,
    8. WIDTH = 219,
    9. HEIGHT = 141,
    10. };
    11. //method
    12. protected:
    13. bool init();
    14. //static
    15. public:
    16. static wmUISellItem* Create( const char* pszItemName, int iItemPriceNormal, int iItemPriceVIP, int iItemAmount );
    17. };
    class wmUISellItem : public wmLayerDescendant
    WIDTH = 219,
    HEIGHT = 141,
    bool init();
    static wmUISellItem* Create( const char* pszItemName, int iItemPriceNormal, int iItemPriceVIP, int iItemAmount );
  • 对多触摸点消息感兴趣的控件,需自行注册standardTouchDelegate。我们没分将多触摸点消息转化成单触摸点消息传播,因为多触摸点消息更适合一次性接受处理,而不是分批传递。

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