
In this tutorial, we’ll learn what is Django Templates. We’ll later implement them in a simple Python Web Application.

在本教程中,我们将学习什么是Django模板。 稍后,我们将在一个简单的Python Web应用程序中实现它们。

快速Django设定 (Quick Django Setup)

Let’s follow the steps from Django tutorial to set up our Virtual Environment, Django Project and Django App from the command line terminal quickly.

让我们按照Django教程中的步骤操作,以从命令行终端快速设置虚拟环境,Django Project和Django App。

Goto the directory where you want to create the new Project and run the following commands sequentially.


$mkdir DjangoWorld
$cd DjangoWorld
$virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 env
$source env/bin/activate
$pip3 install django
$django-admin startproject TemplateProject .
$django-admin startapp TemplateApp
$python3 migrate
$python3 runserver

Add TemplateApp to the file present in the TemplateProject. I am using Atom IDE for this tutorial.

添加TemplateApp到settings.py存在于文件TemplateProject 。 我在本教程中使用Atom IDE。

Create a new folder template inside the Django App directory – TemplateApp. Inside the template folder we’ll create our html files.

在Django App目录– TemplateApp创建一个新的文件夹template 。 在template文件夹内,我们将创建html文件。

Our final project structure of the web application looks like this:


We need to create a file in the TemplateApp too. There we’ll define the URL patterns for the app.

我们也需要在TemplateApp中创建一个urls.py文件。 在那里,我们将为应用程序定义URL模式。

We need to include that URL file in our TemplateProject file present in TemplateProject folder.

我们需要将该URL文件包含在TemplateProject文件夹中存在的TemplateProject urls.py文件中。

urlpatterns = [re_path('admin/',,re_path(r'^', include('TemplateApp.urls')) # tell django to read in TEMPLATESapp

Django模板 (Django Templates)

In our previous tutorial, we’d set the HTML code in our file of the Django App.


In the file, we can write the following design code for the Django website;


def current_datetime(request):today = = "<html><body>It is today %s.</body></html>" % todayreturn HttpResponse(html)

Hardcoding HTML code in the Python code isn’t the best way to build a website.


HTML codes can go to thousands of lines. We don’t wish to write those 1000 lines in our Python code since they aren’t related to Python in any way. It’ll become very hard to manage such projects.

HTML代码可以行数千行。 我们不希望在Python代码中写那1000行,因为它们与Python毫无关系。 管理此类项目将变得非常困难。

This is where Django Templates will come to our rescue.


Django Templates are basic HTML code which includes Django Template Language. This special syntax is used to pass values from the Django Views python classes to the HTML codes.

Django模板是基本HTML代码,其中包括Django模板语言 。 这种特殊的语法用于将值从Django Views python类传递到HTML代码。

How is the data from the passed to the Templates?


Using Render functions. Render functions are used in place of HttpResponse to display data in Django Templates.

使用渲染功能。 渲染函数用于代替HttpResponse在Django模板中显示数据。

A render function consists of three things:


  • Request instance请求实例
  • Path to html filehtml文件的路径
  • Context语境

The context in Django Templates is like a Dictionary. It consists of key-value pairs that are passed from the Django View to the Django Template.

Django模板中的上下文就像字典。 它由从Django视图传递到Django模板的键/值对组成。

Django模板语言 (Django Template Language)

Variables are defined as : {{ variable }}. The variable is passed in the Context key.

变量定义为: {{ variable }} 。 该变量在Context键中传递。

<html><body>Hello {{variable}}</p></body></html>

This template is called from the Django view:


def hello(request):variable = 'Anupam'return render(request, "hello.html", {'variable' : variable})

Django模板过滤器 (Django Template Filters)

We can modify the variable in the Django Templates using the filter. Filter is set after a | character.

我们可以使用过滤器在Django模板中修改变量。 在|后设置过滤器 字符。

{{variable|upper}} – Displays the value of the variable in uppercase.

{{variable|upper}} –以大写形式显示变量的值。

{{variable|slice:":-5"}} removes the last 5 characters from the variable.


Django模板标签 (Django Template Tags)

Tags in Django Templates are used for expressions. if elif, for loops are typically used.
A Tag is defined like:
{% tag %} – In place of tag you can set your expression.

Django模板中的标签用于表达式。 如果为elif,则通常使用for循环。
{% tag %} –可以代替标签来设置表达式。

It is required to start and close the tag as shown below:


{% for x in python_list %}<li>{{ }}</li>
{% endfor %}

if elif – else

如果是elif –否则

% if python_list|length > 10 %}<h2>Number of rows: {{ python_list|length }}</h2>{% elif story_list|length == 1 %}<h2>One row</h2>{% else %}<p>No rows<p>{% endif %}

创建Django Web应用程序 (Creating Django Web Application)

First, goto in the TemplateProject and add the path to the template directory in the TEMPLATE list on the DIR key.


django.contrib.admin templates are written in DTL. There is a popular alternative for DTL, namely django.contrib.admin模板是用DTL编写的。 DTL有一个流行的替代方法,即jinja2 but we’ll discuss that some other time.jinja2但我们将在以后再讨论。

We’ll be crHTMLng three html pages in our web application – home, about and more.html.

我们将在Web应用程序中crHTMLng三个html页面– home,about和more.html。

First set the url patterns in the file present in the TemplateApp folder as shown below:


from django.conf.urls import urlfrom . import viewsurlpatterns = [url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'),url(r'^about/$', views.about, name='about'),url(r'^more/$', views.MorePageView.as_view(), name='more'),

Here views refers to the file.


MorePageView is a Python class in which we define the Template as a View instead of rendering.


You can use either of Rendering function or TemplateViews.


The code for the file is given below.


from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponsefrom django.views.generic import TemplateView# # Create your views here.
def home(request):return render(request,'home.html',{})data = [
{'name': '','link': ''},
{'name': 'Android ListView','link': ''},
{'name': 'Android RecyclerView','link': ''},
{'name': 'Android P Features','link': ''},
{'name': 'More...','link': 'more.html'},
]def about(request):context = {'data_list' : data}return render(request,'about.html',context)class MorePageView(TemplateView):template_name = "more.html"

Make sure you stick to a consistent indentation since Python is indentation sensitive.


We’re passing no Context to the home.html Django Template.

我们没有将上下文传递给home.html Django模板。

The about function renders the about.html template. In it, we pass a Python Dictionary of urls of some Android Tutorial along with an internal link to the more.html project.

about函数呈现about.html模板。 在其中,我们传递了一些Android教程的URL的Python字典以及指向more.html项目的内部链接。

In the Python class above, we’re directly invoking the Django Template through it’s class name. We’re not passing any Context.

在上面的Python类中,我们通过其类名直接调用Django模板。 我们没有传递任何上下文。

If you want to pass Context using this method of TemplateView, do the following:


class MorePageView(TemplateView):def get(self, request, **kwargs):context = {'data_list' : data}return render(request, 'more.html', context)

The get method returns the list of all templates.


Let’s look at each of the Django Template Html files below:




<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Home</title>
<body><h1>Our First Template</h1><p>We'll be covering the following features:<ol><li>Rendering Templates from Views</li><li>Passing data to Templates from Views</li><li>Django Template Syntax</li></ol></p>
<a href="{% url 'about' %}">About</a></body>

At the bottom, we provide a link to the about.html page using Django Template tags. {% url 'name_defined_in_urls' %}.

在底部,我们使用Django模板标签提供了指向about.html页面的链接。 {% url 'name_defined_in_urls' %}

We’ve used Automatic URL reverse lookup since the names are already defined in the file.
This makes it short and concise.




<html lang="en">
<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>About Us</title>
<body><p>This webpage consists of some of the JournalDev tutorial external links:<ol><li>Checkout the logic to differentiate external and internal links.</li><li>Django Templates has for loops for you.</li></ol></p>{% for data in data_list %}{% if '.html' in %}<p><a href="{% url|slice:":-5" %}">{{|upper }} </a></p>{% else %}<p><a href="{{ }}" target="_self">{{ }} </a></p>{% endif %}{% endfor %}<a href="{% url 'home' %}">Go Home</a></body>

In the above code, we check if the URL is external or internal.


If it is an external url, we set target = _self in the a href.

如果是外部网址,则在a href设置target = _self

Otherwise using the slice operator we remove the extension from the Django Variable and do a url reverse lookup.


The code for the more.html file is given below:


<html lang="en">
<head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>More</title>
<body>That's all for now.See you later. <br><a href="{% url 'about' %}">About</a> <a href="{% url 'home' %}">Home</a>

On your terminal run the command python3 runserver:

在终端上运行命令python3 runserver

The output in your web browser should be like:


So in this tutorial, we made a Django Web Application in which we could pass a Python List of external and internal url links to the Django Templates and play around with them.

因此,在本教程中,我们制作了一个Django Web应用程序,可以在其中将外部和内部url链接的Python列表传递给Django模板,并对其进行处理。

You can download the source code from the link below. Just go inside the root directory and set the virtual environment and activate it. Your web application would be ready.

您可以从下面的链接下载源代码。 只需进入根目录并设置虚拟环境并激活它即可。 您的Web应用程序将准备就绪。

Django Templates Project.Django模板项目 。




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