Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.


A. Fail to keep her home locked up.

B. Rob people she knows.

C. Turn the car around and go home.

D. Become afraid of someone robbing her.


A. The police have already been called.

B. The speakers haven't entered the man's home.

C. The woman robbed the man's home.

D. The robber is still inside the house.


A. A tax agency.

B. A few tax figures.

C. A tax cheat.

D. A check of the woman's taxes.


A. The students' money.

B. The woman's son.

C. A call to Mrs. Watkins.

D. A lesson in stealing.


A. They don't have certain gifts or opportunities.

B. They don't know it's easier.

C. They take to the streets and sell drugs.

D. They have a dangerous lifestyle.


A. The woman is happy at last.

B. The young man hasn't stolen anything.

C. The young man was excused from emptying his pockets.

D. The woman didn't think the young man stole anything.


A. Brother and sister.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Mother and son.

D. Father and daughter.


A. A library.

B. A restaurant.

C. A home.

D. A hotel.

Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Their relationship.

B. Good times they've had.

C. The woman's work.

D. The man's emotions.


A. The man does not have feelings.

B. The man does not ever cry.

C. The man does not show emotions.

D. The man does not drink alcohol.


A. She is having a good time.

B. She is crying.

C. She has work to do.

D. She feels pain.


A. The woman will think about this.

B. The woman will return to the man.

C. The woman deeply hurt the man.

D. The woman remembers good times.


A. Employer and employee.

B. Girlfriend and boyfriend.

C. Mother and son.

D. Fat

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