
出现xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.一般是提示xxx用户没有执行sudo的权限。



添加用户:useradd xxx
设置用户密码:passwd xxx
删除用户:userdel xxx

xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.相关推荐

  1. xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法

    xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法 参考文章: (1)xxx is not in the sudoe ...

  2. Ubuntu报“xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported” 错误解决方法

    Ubuntu下普通用户用sudo执行命令时报"xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported"错误,解决 ...

  3. xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.解決方法

    我们通常都是以普通用户登录linux, 在执行sudo时候会遇到 xxx is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. 解决 ...

  4. 【sudo错误】xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported解决

    文章目录 1.问题 2.分析 3.解决方法 3.1 手动修改 3.2 命令方式修改--sudo visudo 4.扩展说明 1.问题 xxx is not in the sudoers file.Th ...

  5. xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported错误

    普通用户用sudo执行命令时报"xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported"错误,解决方法就是在/e ...

  6. xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported

    问题描述: 新建用户执行命令sudo chmod 700 ,提示输入root命令. 输入三次错误. 提示 yourid is not in the sudoers file. This inciden ...

  7. CentOS下添加Root权限用户‘超级用户’方法(xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法)

    文章目录 1.添加普通用户 2.添加sudo文件的写权限 3.编辑sudoers文件 4.撤销sudoers文件写权限 1.添加普通用户 [root@server ~]# useradd fxd // ...

  8. xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.

    1.切换到root用户,运行visudo命令 visudo 2.打开的配置文件,找到这行 root ALL=(ALL) ALL,在他下面添加xxx ALL=(ALL) ALL (这里的xxx是你的用户 ...

  9. 【转载】xxx is not in the sudoers file.This incident will be reported.的解决方法

    1.切换到root用户下,怎么切换就不用说了吧,不会的自己百度去. 2.添加sudo文件的写权限,命令是: chmod u+w /etc/sudoers 3.编辑sudoers文件 vi /etc/s ...


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